****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

lol Skeeter i notice you haven't posted about team killing that poor guy in the little tank destroyer :D (it was his own fault to be honest though :))
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lol Skeeter i notice you haven't posted about team killing that poor guy in the little tank destroyer :D (it was his own fault to be honest though :))

Lol. Stupid fault of theirs for 2 tanks crashing into each other and stopping suddenly while i was right behind them. Damaged me and goes to accuse me of killing him.
Ive just started playing this and its great, have been lurking the forums for a while but thought i would get registered and join the clan.

FV215b - British Tier 10 Heavy. 180mm gun. :D
I got suspended the other day for a teamkill lol.

Was a bit harsh, id taken up a camping spot in my Jagd Pz 4 behind a bush and some VK3601 drives infront of me just as im shooting so i hit him. I ask him to move as hes directly blocking my line of sight and he doesnt, so i shoot him once in the tracks (no damage) so he turns around and starts shooting me. I fired back and won but yeh got a 24hr ban.

On the subject of xp, heres a battle i managed in my KV with the 152mm back in beta (was NOT when 5x xp was on though)


On another note, I now have 11 days holiday, so WOT spam incoming!
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