How would I go about killing any rogues as a Hunter? I'd say about 90% of the time they're stealthed and just stun me near constantly, i'm lucky to be able to move at all.
I play a Rogue, a good hunter can be a challenging opponent.
Assuming a Hunter hasn't found me with Flare/track hidden, once my stuns have worn off the Hunter will Scattershot and gain distance, laying down that aoe slow trap (ice or frozen or something) to snare me. Then hit me with a dot at the end of the disorient and the pet move that throws a net on you, or intimidation for a 3s stun.
During this time I am taking a fair bit of damage.
There is also a pet move which is a slowing poision as well.
At this point I can vanish (I play a dwarf so can remove dots), shadowstep, or smoke bomb.
The Hunter still has Disengage to gain more distance, deflection to use when I close, and readiness (if he feels like it) to do it all over again.
All the above crowd controls are systematically rotated on me until Im dead.
If I can repoen with his CDs down and get a window for damage, he will be dead.
Overall I find its a pretty good fight and can go either way.