** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

How would I go about killing any rogues as a Hunter? I'd say about 90% of the time they're stealthed and just stun me near constantly, i'm lucky to be able to move at all.

I play a Rogue, a good hunter can be a challenging opponent.

Assuming a Hunter hasn't found me with Flare/track hidden, once my stuns have worn off the Hunter will Scattershot and gain distance, laying down that aoe slow trap (ice or frozen or something) to snare me. Then hit me with a dot at the end of the disorient and the pet move that throws a net on you, or intimidation for a 3s stun.

During this time I am taking a fair bit of damage.

There is also a pet move which is a slowing poision as well.

At this point I can vanish (I play a dwarf so can remove dots), shadowstep, or smoke bomb.

The Hunter still has Disengage to gain more distance, deflection to use when I close, and readiness (if he feels like it) to do it all over again.

All the above crowd controls are systematically rotated on me until Im dead.

If I can repoen with his CDs down and get a window for damage, he will be dead.

Overall I find its a pretty good fight and can go either way.
Hey guys

I played back when WotLK was released for about a month get to around level 70 on a Hunter and then lost interest due to college taking up to much time.

I'm currently thinking about re-subbing but would like to know if it would be worth it... I'm seriously interested in raiding and a little bit of pvp, would it be difficult for a semi-new player to get into hardcore raiding?
Hey guys

I played back when WotLK was released for about a month get to around level 70 on a Hunter and then lost interest due to college taking up to much time.

I'm currently thinking about re-subbing but would like to know if it would be worth it... I'm seriously interested in raiding and a little bit of pvp, would it be difficult for a semi-new player to get into hardcore raiding?

Not a great deal of point till MoP launches, hardcore raiding is virtually over now with the nerfs and lateness in the expansion etc.

Level up though and get easy gear ready for MoP launch, if you're still enjoying the game in a few months you can level fast and hit the raid content early on when it's still awesome. Guilds will be begging for new members for raids early on ;)
Hi Guys, I am having some trouble getting the right sort of gear for my druid tank. I have an ILevel of 378ish i think.

My character is on Bloodhoof - Shiftclart

Can any1 advise me on my gear not sure what I am doing wrong.

Also I am looking into doing the Raid finder or 10mans. Would I be able to do this now?

Kind Regards
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if your ilvl is already 378 then you can just grind out the 1000 point valour cap every week to get some 397 gear, apart from that its just running LFR and maybe buying some crafted gear if you're that keen to gear up, but this close to an expansion I wouldnt bother spending gold on anything. most of the greens at the start of the next expansion are higher than LFR gear anyway from what I remember.

you can probably tank most of 10man with 378 gear with the raid aura nerfing damage taken, its just finding a group that will take you :P
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Thanks for that, well I have just recently just got back into it really so the grind I am not bothered about. I dont think I will be buying gear for it mind. When people are saying that its so close to the expansion, is there any idea of when this will be released?

To carry on a profession onto MoP do I need to max the gathering and also the Herbs or can I get away with a few levels before it?

Yeah I dont think that I will find a group that will be taking me as a tank like. Might get away with off tank but still dont feel confident about the tats and gear wise.
If you plan on using the raid finder, don't go as a tank unless you 100% know what you're doing it. It's really not worth the whining you'll get from the other people.

As for valor points, no real reason to save them as at some point around MoP launch they'll be converted to justice points (which caps at 4k). Wouldn't bother with crafted gear unless it's insanely cheap, better to save the gold for MoP.

Profession wise, you might be able to start the pandaria level stuff with 500 skill but i'm not sure.

Release date wise: No offical idea but Dragon Soul is coming up on a year old and Blizzard really won't want to drag out the content much longer so my guess is late September roughly.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 5.0.X patch is out around the end of August to try and steal a little thunder from GW2, standard Blizzard tactics.
If you plan on using the raid finder, don't go as a tank unless you 100% know what you're doing it. It's really not worth the whining you'll get from the other people.

Well I have a rough Idea of the Temple one, but researching it more tonight and give that a go.
There only is 1 raid finder raid at the minute, and its so easy to tank. Most fights you just have to stand and hit the boss, and some fights can be done with 1 tank.

Videos on youtube can help if you are unsure, but those vids are aimed at normal/heroics and some mechanics are not in the LFR version.

The dungeon journal also shows the abilities that each boss has and what to do depending on role (tank/dps/healer).

I just upgraded my account to the digital deluxe edition. £39.99, will be loads cheaper than the physical collectors edition and not too fussed about a sound track CD and a behind the scenes Blu Ray.
Weird people saying, finally won't be buying this one, MoP looks a **** load better than Cata, minus the pokemon ****. And the whole 'LOLOMG PANDAS HURDUR' comments are awful, you already play as cows and don't bitch.

Probably get it and get bored though, hopefully not as quick as Cata, because **** it sucked
I always said that I wouldnt be going back to WoW and also deffiently MoP but after seeing some of the changes that they are bringing in (minus Poke a mon) but will give it ago for giggles.

I have been enjoying it with friends again, but Will see how it plays out when released.
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