** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

This is why WoW died for me, people say that everyone looks back at these times through rose tinted goggles, however as one of those <1% who completed pre-nerf Naxx way back when I can tell you it's the reality of the situation.

Good post.

Annoying voice but he speaks sense, pretty much sums up what I was missing.
yeh in the vid i know where he is coming from i just missed out on the BC as thts when i joined the WOW community. but i know about nax i only managed to get the first boss down on my dk and tht was hard to work to get to that point. at tht time i had more time on my hands than now (work :( has took over) but i still aim to do the raids now but as he said it is far to easy now. i serposed if ya wanted to ya could still do it the old way to get to the raids but i still enjoy it as it is now.
the vid sums up exactly what I felt for years. I really enjoyed it up until Ulduar but after that my interest waned, played some Icecrown then came back in Cata and survived a few weeks. It feels more like a job where you punch your card in and oout, collect loot and dread going back the next day.
This is why WoW died for me, people say that everyone looks back at these times through rose tinted goggles, however as one of those <1% who completed pre-nerf Naxx way back when I can tell you it's the reality of the situation.


Agree with that completely! Everything is designed to be cleared by everyone these days. Theres no pride anymore. Old raids gather dust as soon as a new tier is out :(
One thing that bugs me about the vid is that he bangs on about how long the main bosses of each raid instance took to kill, and then compares it with WotLK/Cata Raid bosses relative speed. He then goes on to use this as an illustration as to why the game has been "dumbed down" and made too easy.

What he fails to mention is that the main reason guilds couldnt kill the Vanilla/BC Raid bosses so fast is the resistance based c0ckblock fights that preceded them.

They involved farming resist gear for weeks just to have a chance at getting past these bosses. There wasnt any difficulty or strategy involved - just farming for the mats required to make the resist gear.

It was a mechanic no one (that I know) enjoyed, and I for one don't miss it at all.
So the release date has come out for the expansion (sep 25) and i have £30 in my paypal going spare so was considering doing the digital purchase and giving it a go on my paladin alt (currently level 83) but what im wondering is, if i do upgrade do you get a free months play like days gone by? i remember when i first got the game and i think the second expansion i got a free months play, is that the case at the moment or will i need to purchase expansion and then pay another £7 or whatever it is for a months play?
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This is why WoW died for me, people say that everyone looks back at these times through rose tinted goggles, however as one of those <1% who completed pre-nerf Naxx way back when I can tell you it's the reality of the situation.

I agree with almost all of what that guy is saying.

People do indeed say things like:

"Well, I pay the same as you, so I should see the same content."

That very attitude is what has negatively affected the game.

People with that - frankly ridiculous - attitude, are just depriving themselves of arguably the best gaming experience ever made.

As he said, you have to be competing for world firsts to get that kind of entertainment again, and that requires even more dedication, far more effort than 99.9% of people are prepared to put in.

Also, the PTR isn't helping either, people are killing the bosses on the PTR, so just steamroll through it when it's actually released. Just trust Blizzard to test it, and if there are bugs (like with Vashj), there are bugs. It's better than spoiling it.
yeh i know what ya mean thats y i dont do any betas...i like to see the game when it is done and by doing the beta when the game is released ya have already done it, ifya get me
Also, the PTR isn't helping either, people are killing the bosses on the PTR, so just steamroll through it when it's actually released. Just trust Blizzard to test it, and if there are bugs (like with Vashj), there are bugs. It's better than spoiling it.

Blizzard cannot be trusted to test raids on their own, not one single time have they done it without releasing a buggy mess. BWL had the majority of the raid disabled shortly after release due to bugs. C'thun was generally accepted as unkillable until fixed, even as late as Cata we had Sinestra being hotfixed while the top guilds were trying to kill her.
Blizzard cannot be trusted to test raids on their own, not one single time have they done it without releasing a buggy mess. BWL had the majority of the raid disabled shortly after release due to bugs. C'thun was generally accepted as unkillable until fixed, even as late as Cata we had Sinestra being hotfixed while the top guilds were trying to kill her.

Then Blizzard need to do a better job of testing it by expanding their internal testing team, instead of effectively ruining new content.
Blizz should just pay Paragon to test for them, although that removes a lot of incentive for them if it isn't enough. Or well if they are still on top, they were when I quit.

Agree with Robbo, hate the PTR ruining the experience also the whole 10/25man equal was a pile of ****, completely ruined my incentive to competitively raid since was battling for SF very close with another guild, now 10mans are in last time i checked wowprogress they were well of the pace. (That and they lost a **** load of good players, but 10mans=25man is a farce.)
One thing that bugs me about the vid is that he bangs on about how long the main bosses of each raid instance took to kill, and then compares it with WotLK/Cata Raid bosses relative speed. He then goes on to use this as an illustration as to why the game has been "dumbed down" and made too easy.

What he fails to mention is that the main reason guilds couldnt kill the Vanilla/BC Raid bosses so fast is the resistance based c0ckblock fights that preceded them.

They involved farming resist gear for weeks just to have a chance at getting past these bosses. There wasnt any difficulty or strategy involved - just farming for the mats required to make the resist gear.

It was a mechanic no one (that I know) enjoyed, and I for one don't miss it at all.

Most of the video is about how god damn well paced The Burning Crusade was. They completely removed all resistance based fights for TBC only tanks needed a few bits for a few fights.
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problem is all people want is gear ilvl is not all that matter to many want to be capped in a week theres so much more to do like achevment pts mount collecting pet collecting that take you out of the normal ratrace and find you other stuff to find people forget those aspects of the game .

personally im a collector of the weird and wonderfull in wow

feats of strength mounts tabards exaulted reps titles and all that stuff theres more to iss than most people bother with

oh and anyone has a blue murlos egg from blizzcon 2005 its the only one i need
problem is all people want is gear ilvl is not all that matter to many want to be capped in a week theres so much more to do like achevment pts mount collecting pet collecting that take you out of the normal ratrace and find you other stuff to find people forget those aspects of the game .

personally im a collector of the weird and wonderfull in wow

feats of strength mounts tabards exaulted reps titles and all that stuff theres more to iss than most people bother with

oh and anyone has a blue murlos egg from blizzcon 2005 its the only one i need

yeh i know what ya mean i find i do that on my hunter for sumit different rather than grinding points....i think i might dip into PVP on MOP but i just done all the rare challange pets too was fun :)
I was the same used to grind rep for achievments but that even got boring for me in cata as it was to easy ???????

only rep hard to get was the FL rep cause you needed boss kills but you got some sort of achievement for it.

Said it before and ill say it again going to give it till Christmas and it will decide my WOW fate
I've been on a break for about 3 weeks now, I'm gonna start up again soon and either level a couple of alts or hardcore achievement farming on my Priest. Got kicked out of my guild on my DK that has 7/8 HC in DS which is pretty sad but oh well. Might transfer my DK from Horde to Ally with the 25% off through this weekend as Horde is completely dead on my server (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/5542548/#blog)
Need to start raking in some cash with cata items aswell on my priest with JC and Enchanting before the 40k I spent getting them goes to waste.
I been reading this and my found the answers to want i was wondering and that was if wow has got easyer to play and by what i have read yes it has but still love the game been playing it ever since it came out
I quit WoW in october, and I never really killed a major raid boss at it's release or anywhere near after, but I have been playing since Vanilla.
What bothers me, is that whilst WoW IS improving it's questing and levelling experince, the end game is suffering. In Wrath of the Lich King, I could complete ANY heroic, and I was in bad gear most of the time for that, and I never put in a 100% effort in anything, yet I remember watching people raid in TBC, the effort that was put in, the fantastic bosses.. I can see why the raids were the best ever. But I don't think the only problem is Blizzard pandering to casual/making easier raids but the community that played in Vanilla and TBC which is huge have become so skilled that what would be a challenging boss in TBC or vanilla has become easy. It's not just the instanes getting easier but the player bases common skill increasing and people don't recognize this, that's my view anyway.
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