** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

Is there any point in gearing characters up at this stage? I still needed to do my hunter and druid, but I'm feeling it's a bit too late.
Is there any point in gearing characters up at this stage? I still needed to do my hunter and druid, but I'm feeling it's a bit too late.

Not really, you should get to ~378ish gear and just stick there and stack all jp/valor/honor you can as they'll be transferred to gold upon MoP release
Is there any point in gearing characters up at this stage? I still needed to do my hunter and druid, but I'm feeling it's a bit too late.

No point. You'll get better gear within the first few quests I should imagine. I stopped gearing up my chars about 1 month ago now. Just levelling up a hunter ready for MOP to pass the time.
I'll leave them for now then :) I'm not sure I'll play MoP as it'll be out around about the time I go back to University so I won't have time to play. But I'll leave them for now, for just incase I do get it in the holidays or something.
Is there any point in gearing characters up at this stage? I still needed to do my hunter and druid, but I'm feeling it's a bit too late.

No point, the very first zone has a vendor that sells ilevel 372 greens, plus quest rewards are higher than that.

I'd concentrate on making sure all your professions are maxed etc.
Buying a second account now, £8 for RaF up to 80, going to make around 5 characters with a friend and instant grant a monk to 80 when it's released :)
Ugh, I'm going to hate levelling a Monk on my own. It shouldn't be allowed to grant levels, it's basically cheating :(

I'm in two minds about it, I do have RAF but you'll lose the excitement of gaining the new skill and how to use it best.

I know people say WoW is too faceroll but I remember when I quit playing my DK for about 6 months and when I went back to it I just deleted it as it didn't feel right following a mindless rotation (quit soon as I hit Boring Tundra).

I just made another one and it felt much more fun than playing from some guide.

I'm tempted to be fair to add levels everyone other one or something to speed it but not by 100%
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