Ran through Tempest keep last night.
The whole thing was an absolute breeze in disc spec.
Disc seems to be the way to go for soloing old raids.
Didn't get the tier piece off of Kael'thas though (dropped multiples for other classes).
I want to try Ulduar next for the staff that XT-002 drops. Not sure if I'll need to do this in shadow spec for the adds though.
The LFR gods have been kind to me, now how 2 pieces of Tier whatever it is from ToT plus 3 items of 522 gear yet still cant get a raid spot in guild![]()
He was a pain when I solo'd him a few months ago. Ret Pally and I think I was in 476 gear. Obviously P1 is cake, but P2 things get fun. I kept moving constantly and used his tantrums to heal up. I had a HOT heal which I can't remember the name of which I spammed constantly. Took forever to kill but I got him in the end. Second try iirc.
Try Brutallus in the Sunwell. That was a pain on my Ret Pally too but I got him down after 3-4 tries.
Haven't played Shadow since LK but you shouldn't have any issues downing XT. Not sure about Brutallus, he hits pretty hard and that debuff is nasty.
Anybody know anywhere which is selling this cheaper than the Blizzard store? (but which is available in digital)
Friend got me back into it and I've hit the 86 cap, but now I'm enjoying it so much I don't want to wait the 5 days for a deliveryBut still, MUST LOOK FOR THE DEALS.
I don't think you can get it anywhere digitally except directly from Blizzard.
Just a quick question regarding the dailies. I havent done much of them when I stopped playing so I am only honoured with the Golden Lotus. Do you think they will release the tabards to wear to gain rep while in dungeons? I am in the LFR for the first full raid but dont I need to get the dailies up for the gear.
Yet another attempt at returning. Any server/faction best for a new character?
Despite starting this 2000 post thread I still haven't had the motivation to even unwrap MoP lol