my healing sucks at Disc i healed a lot more when i was holy is there anything i am doing wrong lol.
i use small heals to save mana, u use my CD's when i can to try and save more mana. i only heal when people need healing.
i just got aload of new high end gear and need to gem them but not really sure how to do it any advice. should i go bk to holy or stick with disc (btw i dont pvp heal at all on my priest )
How much spirit do you have at the moment? I struggled when I first started gearing up with lack of throughput and mana.
It starts to get easier when you get to about 7.5 spirit.
When you say you are using "small heals" what do you mean?
The healing spells I use are:
Penance (on cooldown, attacking the mob unless someone is really low on health).
Prayer of mending (on cool down).
Greater Heal (rarely but if penance is on cooldown and someone needs a large top up I will go with this).
PW: Shield only on the main tank (or anyone taking lots of damage) only if rapture is up. (PW: Shield doesn't really absorb that much anymore, it's more for rapture and mana regen, with that being said, it can save you if a player is going to die and you need that extra second to heal them up).
Cascade (mostly in raids, it's not very effective in 5 mans).
Binding heal (in 5 mans if I need healing).
Mostly though it's attonement, so attack mobs with Penance, Holy Fire/Solace and smite. It may not be every healers favourite play style but unfortunately attonement is the most efficient way to heal as Disc.
Power infusion and SS is great for when you know your group is about to take damage. On some bosses in 5 mans you can just pop this and relax through the fight.
I use Solace for mana regen and pop Shadowfiend at about 50%.