** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Having a great time now. loving this game even more. I have made a guild for re-rolling and we are still at level 60 after nearly 7 weeks. Social levelling and raiding guild. Currently on the 'Twins' in AQ40. We are slowly progressing but none of us mind whatsoever.The fun is trying to finish off the old vanilla raids with a lot less people. Tonight we had our 3rd go on the twins and we got to 69% there was 15 of us at max then dwindled down to 12 as the night went on. People had work in morning and children to take care of etc.

We have got the tactics sorted and everyone aware of them. Just might need a few warlocks to kill them before heading to the last few bosses then we can lift the level cap and progress to outland.

I have really enjoyed the game 100 % more since starting my guild up. We have a great bunch of guys. an after tonight we have also eliminated 4 members in our 25 man teams for TBC raids. The classic raids are a testing point for all members. people who sign up and not attend lose points, people who go afk for too long lose point. unles they have good reason. That sort of thing.

All in all this is the best time I have had in this game. I love it.
Sounds awesome. I just found a raiding guild thats progressing through MoP stuff (yay me been waiting ages) So wiped about 6-10 times on a boss tonight. First time ever in a progress run and it makes me happy that I wiped ahah.
I got fed up of being the only one online in my guild and left. Though now I need a new one. Not such a smart move on my side. Unlike a level 1 or 2 character you don't seem to get hammered with random guild invites.

I am sitting in the situation that I really don't feel like questing or dungeons or anything along those lines and all I want to do is battle grounds. The bad thing is I am down to 10g as I need to buy enchants/gems and so forth for gear. So I need to do quests/dailies for gold. Oh and of course I need to still buy flying for pandaland -_- need to stop doing bgs and grind out a couple days of questing, the gold will rack up fast enough but hell its boring.

What would be great is to find a steady team to run these things, though I am unable to follow a set schedule at the moment due to work. How I miss student days, flat broke but a lot of time on my hands :P

So any pointers? Man up and just do the quests? Or is there something else that can be done for gold income? I'm in the process of leveling mining and engineering, not sure if engi makes much and there is a lot of ore available on Draenor at the moment.

What I was doing was running random Battlegrounds (for fun, its the part of thegame I enjoy most), and then trading 2000 honor lots for stacks of hypnotic dust from the trade vendor in Stormwind.

The stacks sell for 250g-350g on my server. So I make maybe 500g-700g for 4k honor. It isnt a massive amount in terms of farming gold, but it does add up quickly when you are actually having fun and not doing something dull.
Can any1 help me with a 2v2 setup for the following

Destro Warlock - Horde
Retri Pally - Ally

I am new to arena's and would like any tips or help basically I am looking to cap the points as soon as I can
What I was doing was running random Battlegrounds (for fun, its the part of thegame I enjoy most), and then trading 2000 honor lots for stacks of hypnotic dust from the trade vendor in Stormwind.

The stacks sell for 250g-350g on my server. So I make maybe 500g-700g for 4k honor. It isnt a massive amount in terms of farming gold, but it does add up quickly when you are actually having fun and not doing something dull.

Thank you Crimefighter! I did not think of that, I don't think the conversion rate of honor to gold is great, but some research may prove otherwise. But some gold is more then no gold and while doing something fun.

Now as soon as I am fully honor geared, getting close, but the past weekend was not great on that front, I honestly don't know what they do in AV apart from charge to Van and all just sit about wondering why there is no tank or something equally daft. I bet Alliance complain about exactly the same thing anyway (I hope).

When I manage to log on later I may have a look see at the AH prices of certain goods :D
Thank you Crimefighter! I did not think of that, I don't think the conversion rate of honor to gold is great, but some research may prove otherwise. But some gold is more then no gold and while doing something fun.

Now as soon as I am fully honor geared, getting close, but the past weekend was not great on that front, I honestly don't know what they do in AV apart from charge to Van and all just sit about wondering why there is no tank or something equally daft. I bet Alliance complain about exactly the same thing anyway (I hope).

When I manage to log on later I may have a look see at the AH prices of certain goods :D

You are welcome :)

Hypnotic Dust is the best one for me, but there are a variety of goods available to trade so you may find something else more profitable on your server.

AV is good honor gain but not a fun BG imo, I have it blacklisted along with Isle of Conquest.
Can any1 help me with a 2v2 setup for the following

Destro Warlock - Horde
Retri Pally - Ally

I am new to arena's and would like any tips or help basically I am looking to cap the points as soon as I can

If you are looking to cap points, either will work...just make sure you partner with another DPS class/spec for fast games win or lose.

That said, Mages and Priests and Rogues synergise well with Locks. DK might be good too.

I don't know about Retri Pallies tho.
Its ok just for CAP......
Retri Pallies they got some ****ing burst i tell ya. And they are TO good offhealers in 2s.

And like Crimefighter said. Dont play dps+healer in 2s. Thats hmmm arenas when you draw cause you cant kill healer or dps.
My resto shamy alt is GOD more like atm in 2s
Its ok just for CAP......
Retri Pallies they got some ****ing burst i tell ya. And they are TO good offhealers in 2s.

And like Crimefighter said. Dont play dps+healer in 2s. Thats hmmm arenas when you draw cause you cant kill healer or dps.
My resto shamy alt is GOD more like atm in 2s

Rets do awful damage outside of CDs though, unless they are playing with a mage or shadowpriest, something has to die in the first load of CDs or any competent team will beat them.
Having a great time now. loving this game even more. I have made a guild for re-rolling and we are still at level 60 after nearly 7 weeks. Social levelling and raiding guild. Currently on the 'Twins' in AQ40. We are slowly progressing but none of us mind whatsoever.The fun is trying to finish off the old vanilla raids with a lot less people. Tonight we had our 3rd go on the twins and we got to 69% there was 15 of us at max then dwindled down to 12 as the night went on. People had work in morning and children to take care of etc.

We have got the tactics sorted and everyone aware of them. Just might need a few warlocks to kill them before heading to the last few bosses then we can lift the level cap and progress to outland.

Now like 5% before it went wrong... so close! Still a lot of fun though!

Really making me enjoy the game again :)

Now like 5% before it went wrong... so close! Still a lot of fun though!

Really making me enjoy the game again :)


Was recently part of a re-roll guild that went to through the 1-80 content (broke apart in ICC though), and twins was the hardest fight with sub par numbers, think we did the clear with 18.

Good thing is that you can clear through the 25 man BC stuff with 13ish people (total faceroll in the main), you will hit a problem in SWP and Felmyst in particular (thanks to the nerfs to dispell mechanics/mass dispell not being available @ 70), KJ will be a nice challenge too with less than 20.

I very nearly rolled a toon on AD to join, but I really can't face the levelling again without looms - I am levelling a monk with a RL mate on Shadowsong horde side (fully loomed) & might transfer him once you guys are at 70.
Just solo ran TK like I do weekly.... and boom low and behold The Ashes of Alar dropped :D that makes 2 rare mounts within 2 weeks I think xD I guess my lucks not all that bad :p
Now like 5% before it went wrong... so close! Still a lot of fun though!

Really making me enjoy the game again :)


I nearly cried when we was getting them below 20%.. i got over excited :D and when I heard roccar say 'Oh No' Over TS my heart stopped and i did everything i could to get aggro.. alas, not to be that time. Last nights encounter was the best thing I have done on wow since I have started playing it. The feeling that you get when everything was working like clockwork and everyone was doing their bit to help out. Incredible.

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