** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Why is it so hard to decide a class :/ Bored of my druid, bored of my hunter, hate my warrior/rogue, tempted to level a mage, kinda want to play priest because I've not healed in a while, lock seems fun too, DK I want to play kinda because I want to solo some old stuff and monk seems fun too, then theres paladin that are quite fun, kinda enjoy ret at times, shamans are a bit meh, don't like them much. Really can't decide what to play :/. Too many classes!
Why is it so hard to decide a class :/ Bored of my druid, bored of my hunter, hate my warrior/rogue, tempted to level a mage, kinda want to play priest because I've not healed in a while, lock seems fun too, DK I want to play kinda because I want to solo some old stuff and monk seems fun too, then theres paladin that are quite fun, kinda enjoy ret at times, shamans are a bit meh, don't like them much. Really can't decide what to play :/. Too many classes!

play something with 2 clear specs....

my main is sham with heal and dps.... also enjoying lvling a priest atm. shadow and holy. it means i get straight into any dungeons / raids as a healer and gives me varying play styles.
Yeah I guess, I may level my priest, its like 83 atm, and my DK. I really enjoy blood. Then may level a mage later at some point and see what I enjoy for the next expansion.
play something with 2 clear specs....

my main is sham with heal and dps.... also enjoying lvling a priest atm. shadow and holy. it means i get straight into any dungeons / raids as a healer and gives me varying play styles.

This is a great tip for sure.

Also, thanks for the SoR
sorry for the person who was asking about oQueue it removes the problem of being in an underpopulated realm.

The pugs you see listed in the addons will be for loads of different realms, when you add your name to a waitlist for a group the leader automatically gets added to your battlenet list, he then invites you to join his real id group and next thing your on his realm in a full group ready for some flex etc

theres a nice guide for the addon here http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/09/22/oqueue-how-to-for-flex-raiding-on-demand/

Basically the most annoying part is the chat spam which its best to disable from the start
Anyone bought anything from the us blizzard store before? Bought the blizzcon virtual pass this time around, apparently can buy some of the blizzcon merchandise as well. My brother has his eye on a hearthstone tshirt, just wondering about how much extra cost is likely to be involved in terms of shipping and import fees for example.
sorry for the person who was asking about oQueue it removes the problem of being in an underpopulated realm.

The pugs you see listed in the addons will be for loads of different realms, when you add your name to a waitlist for a group the leader automatically gets added to your battlenet list, he then invites you to join his real id group and next thing your on his realm in a full group ready for some flex etc

theres a nice guide for the addon here http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/09/22/oqueue-how-to-for-flex-raiding-on-demand/

Basically the most annoying part is the chat spam which its best to disable from the start

sounds like its a good addon then! will give it a go....
Anyone bought anything from the us blizzard store before? Bought the blizzcon virtual pass this time around, apparently can buy some of the blizzcon merchandise as well. My brother has his eye on a hearthstone tshirt, just wondering about how much extra cost is likely to be involved in terms of shipping and import fees for example.

Won't it be shipped from their European side? When I ordered my authenticator it come from mainland Europe.
Won't it be shipped from their European side? When I ordered my authenticator it come from mainland Europe.

The blizzcon stuff only comes from the US sadly, but with the virtual ticket europeans can apparently still buy the stuff from the us site, just with warnings about potential extra costs which is what I was wondering about.
ah, so its swag specifically related to blizzcon then? Would have thought t-shirts etc would be on the blizzstore regardless? Thinking of getting a virtual pass myself, last time I bothered was back in 08 (I think).
Just wondering what will be talked about though, new WoW expac has to be a headline event surely. Don't want it to be a ton of rubbish about the upcoming movie, D3 expac and Hearthstone only.
Probably not the right thread.. But the Amory app (remote AH in particular) rarely works. It's pants!
What server are the main bulk of OCUK members on? I found my old account which has a 85 locko n Defias Brotherhood but I see the guild moved to Draenor and seems to have vanished. Or is nobody really playing anymore?
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What server are the main bulk of OCUK members on? I found my old account which has a 85 locko n Defias Brotherhood but I see the guild moved to Draenor and seems to have vanished. Or is nobody really playing anymore?

Loads of people playing. I'm on Hellscream - an EU server and it's rare that I can't get a raid together in under 5 mins
I cannot even remember how to play, all the new talents and what not are new to me, it's like I have to learn it all over again :) I'll have a play on trial before I commit, think I'm just nostalgic
New talents are a lot better, down to personal preference now rather than using what are the best. Some are outright better than others ofc but mostly you can just pick what you prefer. And I'm on Outland, its the highest pop server so sometimes queues around 6pm but only 10mins at the max
Can anyone with a 7950 please tell me which drivers you think are best for WoW. I normally just download the latest driver and use that, but they seem to be getting worse not better for WoW.
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