** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Thatll be one free boost per account, if you transfer multiple characters to the main account then youll pay those fee's.
Its £20 for a mount so its going to be a lot more for a boost and also being somewhat geared too.

It could be as little as £40 but that seems quite low in the grand scheme of things.

its already on the PTR


Is this 90 boost coming pre-next expansion?

Also any idea when the next PvP season is going to start?? this will help me decide how I play the game over the coming weeks, I either keep gearing my 90's or lvl my other characters ready for the next season.

The boost is coming at the same time as they release the WOD pre-orders, its already on the PTR so best guess is same content patch as the new PVP season will be the preorders for WOD
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recently had a few hours to burn on this and enjoyed it to be honest.

however, hitting level 90 and gearing was weird. Went to timeless isle and now decked in epics that seem to be better than what I've picked up from Looking For Raid :/ strange!

Either way, anybody have any tips for a new level 90? I seem a bit overwhelmed by all the different things. Looking For Raid, scenarios, flexi raids... meh! It appears gone are the days of actually looking for a group of people on your server...
Depends what you want to do? LFR is a good way to see the lore/boss fights and gear up semi reasonably, most flex raids that kick off on servers require acheivements/gear higher than what drops in the raid..

Then you have your rep grinds, I'd recomend dropping Lorewalkers one evening as you get the cloud mount - doable in an hour, then you have the flying serpent rep dudes that get you the serpent dragon mount. Legendary cloak quest line.

I recently did the operation sheildwall rep grind, and that was quite good fun (Dominance offensive is the horde version).

All in all, pick one rep grind and go for that and throw in some lfr/flexi and your good :)

WoD spoiler:

Valen dies
Timeless is lower than LFR in terms of Ilvl at the highest raid level so Siege of Orgrimmar.

Your best bet is to go and do your dailies and do LFR all the way to the end of LFR, Once you are decked in mostly 528 gear from LFR you can start looking for Flexi's which are essentially the next step in raiding.

Newbie007 said:
WoD spoiler:

Valen dies

Thanks for the replies guys.

I'd quite like to get back into raiding again, and maybe focus on some PvP as well. (currently making the BoE PvP gear)

The initial raids (Mogu, or something) are lower ilevel than Timeless, I guess I just need to work my way through them to unlock each sector!.

Another quick question, is there a LFR option for the Celestial bosses on Timeless? If so/not how can I get round to doing them? I believe they drop tier gloves/legs!

Luxotica - Darksorrow server is my char if anybody is knocking around and wants to do something later!

EDIT: got the legendary quest too, have to rep grind and collect some sigils of some sort atm!

EDIT2: it feels really strange playing the game and not knowing anything about it, i've played since vanilla but stopped after Firelands! So am used to knowing it all inside and out!
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Basically Timeless Isle gear is so you can skip the first 2 raids and jump into Throne of Thunder, gear to 502, then start doing SoO... It's kinda annoying though, I've managed to get pretty much an entire set of gear for all my other toons (2.5x full plate sets, 3 full mail, 1 full leather...) but yet, my lock is still running around with a 476 BoE helm. :/
makes sense now! cheers!... managed to get my crafted PvP gear from the Motes Of Harmony i'd saved up.

Just gotta rep grind and finish the other raids now.
I believe it was yes. The Timeless Isle gear is actually higher and on par with the lower level raids which would have made them pointless otherwise

Although to avoid the need for this they have said in WoD that Instances will get you raid ready and heroics will be slightly better gear again.
Yeah - gearing was really annoying in MoP, rep grind via dailies pretty much killed it for me until TI came out, as I am a lazy altaholic, *really* don't have time to do dailies on multiple toons.
I quite like the idea of doing dailies and rep grinds etc... but then I was a big fan of Attunements back in the day. Any time I tend to mention them though, people get uppity!

Unsure on what to play in WoD though, Enjoying my hunter atm and the changes are looking quite cool :)... but then I miss playing my mage!
I quite like the idea of doing dailies and rep grinds etc... but then I was a big fan of Attunements back in the day. Any time I tend to mention them though, people get uppity!

Unsure on what to play in WoD though, Enjoying my hunter atm and the changes are looking quite cool :)... but then I miss playing my mage!

Same, I'm levelling all my toons to 90, so I can pick a FOTM to be my first 100... Hunter/Priest currently at 81.

After that, just druid\shaman and boost the monk. -_-
Not sure I liked mop or cataclysm expansions. I quit at the start of cats after levelling as I hated the changes to my characters. I played as a mt (warrior) in a respectable guild throughout wotlk and enjoyed some dpd by the end of that expansion, but the changes to armour penetration for pve (due to pvp people crying about it) sucked the fun out of it and made leveling annoying. I like the simplicity of the mop talent trees but the sheer amount of adults is just awful. Why couldn't they carry the tabard idea for rep grinding forwards?! Mop is also the most alt unfriendly expansion to date, regardless of even doing attunement runs on multiple characters in tbc! Looking for raid is also probably the most cancerous thing they could put into the game, as it's a good idea on paper for casual players, but it generates a conduit for seeing all content within a few days with no effort required. I also don't see the point in raiding with a guild due to lfr existing, as why get better gear for wod which is round the corner lol
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