** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I think I'll just stay out of this thread now, it's just attracted the usual retards. Have fun with the trolls.
I don't know how you decided I was angry based on a post about how satisfied I am with my life, but ok - not really important. Your WoW-related posts always seem to be bilious, and it still boggles the mind why you continue to make them. I'd have thought you'd be happier staying away, like I do with the Modern Warfare or Battlefield threads, but each to their own I guess. It's easy to progress from there that you've got some need to be unpleasant.

Says you.

You're either a moron, which is easily believable given even your recent posting history, or a troll, the lowest form of nerd-life on the internet. Given the latter, it's laughable that someone like you would act so condescending on a topic in which you're clearly as ignorant as can be. Slow clap.

As for you being insulting:

'easily impressed by a cartoonish game made for 5 year olds.'

That's pretty insulting for anyone with half a mind, but if you can't see the subtext there it's your lacking, not mine.

No thats not insulting at all, its an absolute irrefutible truth that WoW is a game with cartoonish graphics made for 5 year olds.

If you find that insulting then maybe get your head checked.

Trailer looked awful.
Pet battle system just looks like Polymock from Guild Wars.

I am disappoint.

That is EXACTLY what I thought, but no one in this thread that loves WoW will have ever heard of Polymock, or played GW up to that point in the game, so most of them will remain delusional and think that it is something brand new and revolutionary that Blizzard have invented.

The single problem with polymock in GW is that there isnt a PVP version. That kind of made the entire thing completely pointless, with absolutely no need whatsoever to bother with trying to find the rarer pieces.
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No thats not insulting at all, its an absolute irrefutible truth that WoW is a game with cartoonish graphics made for 5 year olds. .

I like you mate, you helped me with GW, but stop talking intentional guff to wind up/annoy people. Your complete obsession with all things GW and your desire to troll other game threads to promote this obsession comes across as sad bud.
You must be really poor if you think £9 a month is expensive.

It is expensive when other games are free after the purchase cost.

Why pay £9 a month when games are meant to be be free to play after paying once? Or why accept paying for full price expansions when you are already paying a sub? There is absolutely no need whatsoever for both a subscription and full price retail purchases for expansions.

I dont pay £108 per year to play a single game, people who think that is good value have something seriously wrong with their heads.

I like you mate, you helped me with GW, but stop talking intentional guff to wind up/annoy people. Your complete obsession with all things GW and your desire to troll other game threads to promote this obsession comes across as sad bud.

This has nothing to do with GW, just about every other MMO / game that doesnt cost a recurring fee to play is simply better than WoW because I am getting far more value for my money.
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Oh good, you're back.

It doesn't matter whether you think it's crap value for money or not, people are happy to pay it. I spend more than that on a pizza and spend much less time eating it than I do playing WoW each month - hell, I play for longer than the pizza has me feeling full. A tenner a month isn't going to break my bank any time soon.

Be that as it may, I can understand that you think it's poor value. We all understand that now. You've been bitching about it for god knows how long. Every time a WoW thread pops up, or any other paid sub game thread, you're right on the case trotting out the same tired old clichés. You're like the elderly relative who won't stop telling wartime stories, or the mentally handicapped kid complaining on a bus because he didn't get to sit next to a window, or a religious zealot bashing evolution by saying "It's only a theory". You're entitled to your opinions, but for the love of Christ, you're not obligated to hammer on about them time and time and time again.

Get over it.
It doesn't matter whether you think it's crap value for money or not, people are happy to pay it. I spend more than that on a pizza and spend much less time eating it than I do playing WoW each month - hell, I play for longer than the pizza has me feeling full. A tenner a month isn't going to break my bank any time soon.

What a lovely apples to oranges comparison.

Unfortunately WoW is not food, it is a video game. I get to play any video game I own any time I want without having to pay a subscription fee to login and play. WoW will never be able to beat that.

Most people who still play WoW carry on paying to play because they simply do not want to abandon their achievements in that game to move onto another.
I don't call WoW a game, I find it's more of a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there, sailing, flying, photography etc in any case I for one cannot wait for the new expansion, panda guild anyone?
When I was playing WoW I didn't really want to to buy any other games, apart from the odd blockbuster.

So that £9 a month actually works out better than buying 1-2 new games every month at £30-£40 each.
When I was playing WoW I didn't really want to to buy any other games, apart from the odd blockbuster.

So that £9 a month actually works out better than buying 1-2 new games every month at £30-£40 each.

Who ever said that not playing WoW means buying a new game for £30-£40 each month?

And games dont even cost that much in the UK, the normal price is £24.99 for a new game.

Steam has a lot of great deals these days, with so many great games available to buy at very low prices.

I really dont get where all the same and overused assumptions for the defense of WoW's cost keep on coming from, they have been completely ridiculous ever since they were first invented over 7+ years ago.

I'd rather prefer to be able to play different games and genres by buying the game once, that I enjoy rather than being purely obsessed with a single game far 7 years, as it seems that WoW fans are.

£9 a month for one game never works out better than simply buying one game for around £15 or less and being able to play it forever.

I don't call WoW a game, I find it's more of a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there, sailing, flying, photography etc in any case I for one cannot wait for the new expansion, panda guild anyone?


What a lovely apples to oranges comparison.

Isnt playing any video game a hobby that is comparable to, hhhmmmmm, lets see ... maybe playing another video game? You know, computer software that I pay for once and own and can play forever? :)
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What a lovely apples to oranges comparison.

Unfortunately WoW is not food, it is a video game. I get to play any video game I own any time I want without having to pay a subscription fee to login and play. WoW will never be able to beat that.

Most people who still play WoW carry on paying to play because they simply do not want to abandon their achievements in that game to move onto another.
Nothing to do with it being the best MMORPG on the market, then...
Nothing to do with it being the best MMORPG on the market, then...

Nope. You are paying for it so you are clearly delusional and it in no way whatsoever has to do with game quality. :rolleyes:

To be fair I think a mod should shut this thread down and start up a new one as this thread is pointlessly derailed by trolls.
Isnt playing any video game a hobby that is comparable to, hhhmmmmm, lets see ... maybe playing another video game? You know, computer software that I pay for once and own and can play forever? :)

But if you spend time, effort, read up on the back history of any hobby you gain an understanding, just playing "video games" isn't a hobby where you buy it once play it and ditch it and pick it up months later years even, you my fellow member have no idea nor you will with a mindset you have
Well it isnt, so I doubt that :D

The utter trash you have spouted through this thread is cringeworthy to say the least. Do yourself a favour and dont come back to this thread after you have read this post you will only embarass yourself further.
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