** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I played for a few hours to get me up to 86, did a bunch of quests and the first two instances.

Seems pretty nice, polished and relatively bug free. Which is good.

Unfortunately, I've found it a bit boring. Normally I'd rip through the expansion content up to max level. In MoP I've had a hard time staying motivated to get even to 86. The eastern styled zones just don't float my boat, and without some proper villians I have trouble staying interested in the story. The alliance/horde thing doesn't fill the gap for me.

Maybe I'm just tired of the same quests, I don't know. I hope I find my WoW mojo again soon though!
I've enjoyed my first day yesterday and got to nearly 87 in the 2nd zone and did both instances so far. The instances seemed a bit easy but we'll see with heroic modes. Was funny when a monk was level 90 after just 14 hours.
1 mile of exp ? wow thats a lot, i will have to get myself to av.

Yeah bit then you'll outlevel the content. Kinda best to do it as it comes for me. I did jump off the overlook hill in zone 1 though lol so gotta level up to 90 then fly back up there to do the quest :P I'm such a noob. Pet battles are like crack by the way if anyone doesn't know what that's all about - it's pokemon catching all over the world.
What is this optimization for install, never had this before. Is this somthing I can skip.

Its been a while since I have been played this.
With the launch of Pandaria I'm looking for a fresh start.

Back in December 2011 when SWToR launched the guild I had been a member of since vanilla decided to disband and move to SWToR. Since then I've stopped playing as it seemed pointless to find a new guild to settle into during the end of expansion lull.

Currently my two lvl85 characters are on Grim Batol (EU) as Alliance.
A few of the old guild members have returned to WoW and reformed the guild as Horde on Draenor. While I'm not really interested in rejoining the old guild (the old vibe has gone after disbanding) I am currently considering trying Horde, starting again with the possibility of grouping up over Battle.net at times.

Trying to find the right server is a minefield though.

I'm looking for an all round server with good population but low queues (once the expansion madness has calmed down).

I'm not interested in Super Hardcore PvE as my free time means I can't dedicate the time for that kind of raiding schedule. Casual is my thing these days. Challenge Modes is what I'm most interested in.
Being able to pickup a decent pug raid in trade would be nice too.

Not too bothered about PvP. It's fun, but again, I'm not really interested in hardcore PvP. It's just a fun distraction to do now and then. When I'm out in the world I like to at least see the opposing faction now and then.

Really not interested in RP at all either.

So the big question....which server would be a good choice to try out Horde?

Everywhere I've looked says Draenor is one of the best, but I think it looks really odd if I decide not to rejoin the old guild but move my characters to their server!

I've had Kazzak and Outland suggested but they're too busy.
Stormreaver also has high Horde numbers, but from the forums it appears to be known as the Unofficial Finnish Server.

I'm rubbish at making decisions!!
It condenses the game down basically so you only have installed what you need. Example, if you install using all the discs and then update, you actually have around 8gb more than you need..whereas the download version doesn't.
again, just because YOU have not seen one, doesn't mean nobody does it.

You will find it very difficult to rp anywhere in this game now...and had you ever played on an RP server you would know that. Only Argent Dawn and Defias Brotherhood have any RP communities on now. The others have no rp anywhere, and i know exactly where the RP areas are.
I would still prefer to avoid RP servers, just out of courtesy to those who do wish to RP.

Choosing a new server isn't easy. High population isn't an indicator of a good server.
The more I look around the more Draenor looks like the best PvE Horde realms.

I just can't get past how odd it looks/feels to turn down rejoining a guild and then suddenly turn up on their server.
have to say I didn't run into any RP events at all in the 3 odd months I was on Moonglade. Volt is right, compared to Defias or Argent dawn its a dead RP server. Do you play on Moonglade Tune?
How's everyone levelling Monks then?

Between my main and three slightly played alts I've done the 10-20 zones. Can't say I particularly enjoy doing the same one a second, or even third time. Ah well, only really need to make it to level 15 then I can tank through dungeons as a Brewmaster.
have to say I didn't run into any RP events at all in the 3 odd months I was on Moonglade. Volt is right, compared to Defias or Argent dawn its a dead RP server. Do you play on Moonglade Tune?

nope, and I wouldn't be interested in playing it if I wasn't RP'ing. It may not be as populated with RP'ers as other servers, but volt is trying to say that not a single person RP's, which is wrong.
OK what am I doing wrong?

Level 12 Drenei mage, chose Arcane spec. But why are about 20-25% of my spells just not hitting?
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