** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

deviant fish go for like 100g a stack on my server, takes 5min to get a stack in barrens, can make some good gold with fishing.
I cannot believe how much gold can be pulled from the back of a new expansion.

I've made roughly 45-50K in the past 5 days, got myself reins of the crimson deathcharger as a present :D

Its not lasting though, prices are completley smashed on my realm now.
they changed it quite recently so that you can fish wherever you wanted, certain places only give skillpoints before, but its best to do it in a place where you achieve something, wailing caverns for the deviant fish for gold, or do what I'm doing in dalaran leveling it for the coins achievement. It takes a while btw ;P
How are Pally and DK at the moment?

Not had a proper play on my DK but pulled my OLD (day 1 vanilla) paladin out of retirement and having a blast with it. Just the right number of buttons for the main skills, plenty of extra tools in the bag.
How are you playing your paladin - I am thinking about doing mine as an alt, He was the first character I played getting WoW when Wotlk came out.

I think that is why I have stuck to it longer and still enjoy the game because I didnt do vanilla or TBC

DK's I cant seem to get on with - Tried all races and end up deleting them at level 60/61

That is why I am doing a Monk but not doing it as a panda - Dunno about healing because I have 1 spell and I am level 22 :|
I have always fished, found cata fishing boring though as the main feast was not caught by fishing schools but pot luck in lava for the lavascale fish

Still want my Salty title but struggled to get "the one that didnt get away"
Does any1 have a monk healer at a higher level that can asure me that its a good choice.

I do have a druid healer and pally healer but looking at summit different
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DKs are in a very good position imo from a tanking perspective, I don't really play DPS on my Main but I'm guessing the burst damage as Frost would be insane. Vengeance stacking with pulling lots of mobs works beautifully with DS and with high damage being taken D&D, Blood Boil and Diseases will pull 150k+ DPS on their own (Crimson Scourge proc is awesome is these situations as well). DS obviously helps the healer out as well on those large packs, the other day I was pulling 40k hps...
Time for me to crack open the Void Storage. Back is overflowing with potential mogging gear.

Did the Lorewalker rep this morning, went fine apart from the odd snag or two (such as waypoints being a bit off, or the lore being in a cave a fair bit away from the waypoint). Loving the mount, will be doing the Cloud Serpent next.

Did a Heroic earlier, was the big tree invasion one. Way too easy, no-one died. No-one even nearly died! Really loving the burst of activity, before the expansion hit I'd log in and do a daily or two (grab a new oracle egg if it was the right day) then log off and play LoL or D3. Haven't touched either of those again yet :D

e: 225 gold to transfer 9 items? No chance!
Anyone got any idea of when Blizz will let me trial MoP? There is an option on Battle Net but it is grayed out.

I got board of WoW when Cata came out, but i'm interested in MoP however I would rather not pay £25 for the expansion and then find out that it still contains most of the things that annoyed me about Cata.
I found the general feeling of the game a bit lacking, it felt like Blizz had dumbed it down ( for want of a better phrase) too much. I also found the dungeons annoying, there was only so much of queuing 30+ mins waiting for a Dungeon and then failing at the first boss 60% of the time that I could take because some one did not know what they were doing / did not know how to play their class I could take.

I also felt that there was a lack of higher level content, although given the aim of the expansion that was understandable. The guild that I was in also fell apart so that didn't help matters.
Mists is more of the same basically, if you fancy WoW but with new content that will last a month then go for it, if not wait 9 months and then sub for a month blitz everything with LFR and unsub again.
I found the general feeling of the game a bit lacking, it felt like Blizz had dumbed it down ( for want of a better phrase) too much. I also found the dungeons annoying, there was only so much of queuing 30+ mins waiting for a Dungeon and then failing at the first boss 60% of the time that I could take because some one did not know what they were doing / did not know how to play their class I could take.

I also felt that there was a lack of higher level content, although given the aim of the expansion that was understandable. The guild that I was in also fell apart so that didn't help matters.

It's dumbed down more at it's core, but it's also tailored for the more hardcore with the challenge modes and whatnot. Cata was too hard for most people.
Guys I'm thinking of making a comeback, but I don't know which class I should go with.

Not that I will be playing hardcore this time around, I stopped doing hardcore PVE with my Death Knight in the first few months of Cataclysm.

Definitely ruling my Death Knight out, I had enough fun with him in WoTLK.
I don't care how OP a class currently is, it's all about having fun with the class I eventually play with. I don't want to play a Death Knight, Paladin or Shaman, open-minded about the rest.
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