Guys I'm thinking of making a comeback, but I don't know which class I should go with.
Not that I will be playing hardcore this time around, I stopped doing hardcore PVE with my Death Knight in the first few months of Cataclysm.
Definitely ruling my Death Knight out, I had enough fun with him in WoTLK.
I don't care how OP a class currently is, it's all about having fun with the class I eventually play with. I don't want to play a Death Knight, Paladin or Shaman, open-minded about the rest.
Question :
My guild has changed realms, do i have to pay for every toon i transfer or can i just change them all in one hit and just pay 15 or whatever it is?
Is it just my pc or does this expansion not like the HD7950? My fps is all over the place... playing with the graphics settings I narrowed it down to shadows. Everything set to high/ultra apart from shadows and I get 60fps, as soon as I put shadows to ultra it jumps all over the place.
Have they added new raids to LFR yet?
No its not just you, ive had this issue since 5.0.4 was released, ppl on the forums are having this same issue, Blizzard have yet to respond to any of the threads
Me personally, ive reinstalled the game, deleted add ons, messed about with video settings
I could be walking around on my own sometimes and the FPS jump down to low 30ish, that back to 60 a few seconds later.
I also cant believe they haven't fixed the bugged tooltip on some armour and weapons showing the competly wrong stat, ie i get like +3403743 on intellect / strength etc, this has been a problem for me since 5.0.4
Cheers for the heads up. Is it Blizzard or is it AMD though? I noticed AMD have 12.9 beta drivers available now, so might give them a try.
the normal version of the raid has been cleared already, that took what.....3/4 hours ? O.o
Oh lawd.
Im using 12.9 with the 12.9 cap1, still have the issue, Nvdia users also have the problem
Ah ok, didn't know nvidia had the problem too. I guess Blizzard will have to sort it then.
What are the best ways to get the heirlooms? I am wanting level a warrior Panda but dont any heirlooms.
I have a level 25guild so have the xp boos on that but want to know is it just the JP's I can get them? or can you buy them with gold?