** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

still need some more people for our Alliance guild on Moonglade.

Recently lost both our tanks so really feelin the love for some new tanking blood in the guild :)

As always if your just casual or wanna do a bit of raiding anyone is welcome no matter what the level :)
was to be expected tbh, monks in general (as with DK's when released) were just too much represented in parses.

Top tanking/dps and healing choices for progression just wasnt going to last too long.

As with blizzard past history tho the initial nerf goes too far in the opposite direction, so i expect they will get a slight buff again in 5.2

Disc priest seems to be the flavour of the moment now in PVe with holy pallys still being strong.

PVP is shammy all the way for me tho :0
well im stuck i managed to get my priets to 90 and got the flying and started on the dailies. then it died for me doing the same thing over and over again day in day out, so i have left it for a few month and im itching to get bk into it. here is the thing i am unsure on what i need to do about gettin the gear for HC's and tht.

i need some advice what to do in what order and i might think about gettin into it and level my shammy. i need sumit to persuade me to get bk into it as there are a number of games out there tht i still need to play more of but i am stuck on what to play and i think thts why im itching to get bk into it lol.

thanks :)
im one of those people who enjoys the daily grind.

Ive been playing the game less once i got exalted with all the factions, altho the commendations are making it a lot nicer to play through on alts.

The gear level requirement for heroics has been lowered considerably since the last few patches. If you level up questing in Townlong and Dreadwastes you shouldnt be far off heroic ilvl. Once you ding 90 gst into the scenarios, since 5.1 they have a much higher chance to drop heroic level gear. Do the arena one first for the nice blue weapon quest reward.

After that its pretty much the same for everyone get to the vale and start on golden lotus rep, the only way your gonna unlock gear is by getting into faction rep. Klaxxi and goldenlotus are the real pains the first time.

Tillers, cloud serpents and lorewalkers are relatively easy, and the new shieldwall dailies are great fun with some nice rewards at the start, trinkets etc
Looking to start a few new toons on a higher pop server, which also means i have to start with 0 gold :eek:

Im looking at starting on Silvermoon, is this one of the more populated servers?

I would also start as Alliance, as i believe Horde only have around 7% population on the realm?

I want to get the server correct this time, so its important what server i choose
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Used to play on silvermoon. Its a good server if you want no pvp at all. It's a PvE server and you can go a month without seeing one horde player.

In my opinion you're missing out on a large part of the game unless you just want PvE then it's great.
Used to play on silvermoon. Its a good server if you want no pvp at all. It's a PvE server and you can go a month without seeing one horde player.

In my opinion you're missing out on a large part of the game unless you just want PvE then it's great.

Hi and thanks for the reply, never really rolled on a PVP server, dont really want the hassle of getting ganked by higher players.

Silvermoon seems a good choice population wise, ill see how i get on :)

I can PVP whenever i want from level 10 mind.
Anyone approximately know how long it'll take to do Loremaster? Thinking of doing it in the upcoming holidays, mainly because I want to get 10000 achievement points, and don't have any gold to spend on stuff like profession achievements, and I absolutely detest having to grind reps, especially if it's only for an achievement!
Have you done the glory of the panda hero meta?

Most of those achievements are easy enough and that will net you a few hundred points.
I can't motivate myself to login since I got the wii U and a bunch of ps3 games. So much stuff sat in steam unplayed too. Might be time for another 6 month wow hiatus for me I think. My guild is only on boss 4 anyway and I've seen all the content via easy mode.
Anyone approximately know how long it'll take to do Loremaster? Thinking of doing it in the upcoming holidays, mainly because I want to get 10000 achievement points, and don't have any gold to spend on stuff like profession achievements, and I absolutely detest having to grind reps, especially if it's only for an achievement!

I did it towards the end of cataclysm. The fact that Blizzard has split each area into achievements makes it a little easier to track.

My strategy was to finish off anything that was high level and work my way down (Cataclysm->Northrend->Outland->Kalimdor->Eastern Kingdoms).

I enjoyed it, and made a fair bit of gold from looting cloth etc and selling on AH. It's not something I would like to do again though. Outland is a pain because some zones give you more quests when you are working through other zones (Nagrand being the main one).

There are some addons to help you find every quest in a zone. I didn't use them as it's pretty easy to follow the questlines from area to area.

You could also do the exploration achievements while you are at it if you haven't done them already.

Good luck with it if you take it on.
well im stuck i managed to get my priets to 90 and got the flying and started on the dailies. then it died for me doing the same thing over and over again day in day out, so i have left it for a few month and im itching to get bk into it. here is the thing i am unsure on what i need to do about gettin the gear for HC's and tht.

Several weeks of dailies. :D

Talk to a crafter and get the 450 PVP set made up. It'll cost money, but not much.
I did it towards the end of cataclysm. The fact that Blizzard has split each area into achievements makes it a little easier to track.

My strategy was to finish off anything that was high level and work my way down (Cataclysm->Northrend->Outland->Kalimdor->Eastern Kingdoms).

I enjoyed it, and made a fair bit of gold from looting cloth etc and selling on AH. It's not something I would like to do again though. Outland is a pain because some zones give you more quests when you are working through other zones (Nagrand being the main one).

There are some addons to help you find every quest in a zone. I didn't use them as it's pretty easy to follow the questlines from area to area.

You could also do the exploration achievements while you are at it if you haven't done them already.

Good luck with it if you take it on.

Thanks for the help.
Yeah I still need to get Kalimdor exploration achievements done, and the metric tonne of Pandaria ones for finding all the artefacts and stuff
Started playing MOP last weekend and hit 90 yesterday. Is it just me or did they make levelling much faster? I swear 89-90 went by in a few hours.

Anyway, I'm quite enjoying this expansion so far. What I'm NOT pleased with is the bloody dailies for rep grinding. I really liked the faction tabard which could give rep in dungeons. Blizzard could've at least given us a choice between dailies or getting rep in Heroics. I doubt I'll get in exalted factions in this expansion. Was going to have to grind the Klaxxi as I wanted the gun (I'm a hunter this time round) but luckily got the bow Tempesterous Longbow from a heroic yesterday which have roughly the same stats.

Dungeons is quite enjoyable so far. It's done its job getting me some odds and sods and off course XP. I doubt I'll be going much after I cleared every heroic. I would've had the tabard/rep system still been in place. But hey ho.

Achievements, PVE raiding, pets or profession (apart from primary profs) I have zero interest in. It's going to be purely PVP for me.

All and all. A good expansion in my eyes.
I agree with you. This has been a good expansion imo.

I have done all the rep and I just need to finished revered > exalted with Dominance Offensive to have all factions at exalted so far. Been doing some LFR and have pretty good tank and dps gear for my dk now.

The only problem I see is that there isn't much time to level alts by the time you have finished doing stuff on your main char. My hunter is nearly 90 (about 40% to go) and I haven't logged any of my other chars (apart from mage to level inscription, but it is still 85). I enjoy playing an alt character every now and again for a change of scenery.
Anybody using WeakAuras to track buffs/cooldowns etc?
If you are, I've created a set of auras to track certain buffs/debuffs for bosses in Mogu'shan Vaults. I should be creating others from stuff such as HoF and ToES this week. Here's the link to the MMOChampion thread I made about it;
No idea why the title of the thread isn't in caps, sigh.
This is merely a test in progress, and I should have a full release once all the boss mechanics are done, just seeing if the import string etc works and if the auras themselves actually work for others.
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