Lol, they clearly took the graphics from tbc dungeons... and that is meant to be a new cata dungeon, Abyssal Maw...
i like <anal> boned
Great game killed slowly by it's own community.
Has the expansion dates been announced yet?
After not playing WoW for a while I'm slowly getting back into it...however what are the best mods out?
My primary char is a 73 warlock.
Bare in mind that I don't want to use carbonite or questhelper as I hate their interfaces.
Your Sepethrea comment made me smile and think back at how much of a pain she was. We'd al have great gear (hard earned, not given it) and she'd still make a mockery of us. Can still see our guild leader say 'FFS guy's, SHE'S NOT WORTH IT!!!!' when we inevitably wipe on her. When we did kill her 3/10 we actually cheered, and this was a normal heroicI miss the days of 5 man heroics that actually lived up to their name.
These days you just charge in and AoE everything. In my ICC geared prot warrior I can pull half the instance and just spam cleave/TC. It starts off pretty fun (wow! I'm tanking 30 mobs!) but quickly gets boring because there's no challenge.
Hell, even HoR heroic which is the most difficult 5 man in the game right now can quite easily be faceroll tanked.
I remember wiping in shattered halls because some lock dotted the sheep, or endless attempts on pre-nerf Nethermancer Sepethrea because of those flipping elementals.
Hopefully Cataclysm heroics will actually be heroic.
Yes many hc's we're tough at the start of wotlk. I think I didn't kill Loken in HoL until about the 10th time I ran it. I also remember the crabs in heroic Slave Pens back at the start of tbc killing our tank in 3 seconds.
I'm looking forward to them in cata and I hope they up their difficulty in general because they're so boring right now and it'd be nice to have some challenge outside of icc.
Well to be fair, the ICC now has the damage buff up so you all deal more damage and not many guilds have killed the Lich King yet. So it cant be all that easy...
Yes many hc's we're tough at the start of wotlk. I think I didn't kill Loken in HoL until about the 10th time I ran it. I also remember the crabs in heroic Slave Pens back at the start of tbc killing our tank in 3 seconds.
I'm looking forward to them in cata and I hope they up their difficulty in general based on gear or whatever, because they're so boring right now and it'd be nice to have some challenge outside of icc.
Hmmm? WOTLK heroics was and still are pathetically easy people was clearing every dungeon on heroic in less then 3 hours with level 70 gear at the start of WOTLK
Hmmm? WOTLK heroics was and still are pathetically easy people was clearing every dungeon on heroic in less then 3 hours with level 70 gear at the start of WOTLK
Well to be fair, the ICC now has the damage buff up so you all deal more damage and not many guilds have killed the Lich King yet. So it cant be all that easy...