***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Thanks a ton Azagoth :)

I just tried my paladin and oh my lawdy it is a completely redesigned class. About a quarter of the abilities have been removed and streamlined, and combat is much more frenetic. You don't get the feeling of 'waiting' in combat for your paladin to hit things anymore. It actually feels a hell of a lot like an Arms warrior now. So much better it's unreal. I love my paladin now.

edit: I'm killing things in mere seconds! 2-3 shots instead of laboured bleatings and fights that last up to a minute. Wheeeee.
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Seems to be working fine now on my server, Kul Tiras, just a little jittery every now and then but I'd expect that after such a large patch rollout.

By the way, does anybody else leave the new login screen until the Dragon lands and roars before logging in, or is that just me? :D
Well, I've looked and looked but I can't see anywhere in the patch notes that says 'Shadowmeld' now has a 2 minute cooldown rather than a 10 second one. Yet it does, and it's completely ruined it!
Had to rebuild my addons from scratch, so many of them were not working, and forcing them to work disabled all my chat and buff functionality. In some ways, that's ok as I can play around with new mods. Curse is getting hammered, but seems to be holding up better than usual.

What is annoying is the constant outages, my main is stuck somewhere between Orgrimaar and Thunder Bluff as the world server is down for the continent :(
Thread needs to be renamed to "Official Wrath of the Lag King Thread".

Yeah, hopefully it'll level off overnight so we can play normally tomorrow. I've given with Thunderhorn lagging out constantly.
Just finished downloading the new patch but now waiting for it to install....it's taking an age!!!:(

Good news about the pallys, maybe i'll enjoy playing mine again. I got so fed up of taking so long to finish a fight. Definately going for retridin now :D And i can't wait to get my hunters talents back up, will be interesting how he plays.
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