Well I have a few issues with the new patch:
A) I cannot run shadows on max - unless I run in window mode.
B) I get hard locks. It can happen at any time. WoW will just stop responding then my system will eventually lock (from reading around it's happening to quite a few people).
ok they should really sort their patch stuff out. Every time they do a big patch like this it goes pear shaped for at least a week after. wtb server migration from stormscale and the cyclone battlegroup .... what a pos, down all day saturday (well at least in the afternoon).
Just queued for a bg, just sat there at the bloody loading bar, had to alt-f4. Position in queue 943, eta 45 mins... nice
It might be the biggest mmo out there, but seriously, why the hell I am paying for this ****ing pile of ****.
I'm not really sure what to roll, every time I look into a class they are talking about how its been nerfed to hell and is either boring as hell or just completely useless. So if i hit 70 with something and can never find a raid spot because its useless. .
Rather than nerf classes, just make the lesser classes better. For instance now everyones talking about retri paladins being insanely powerful,
SCREENS PLEASE!!! (showing a decent example of the new shadows)
sorry just couldn't hold it in..
just for you, just took this whillst riding about trying to get exploration, moon shadows in silverpine, everything is maxed out except multisampling is set to 4.
Linked rather than posted as it' full size, 1680.
That is a vast improvement, how are the frame rates?