***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Hi, thought I'd add something to this thread seeing as I'm a fairly regular WoW player.

Outland, the server I play on had lots of queues traditionally, then this patch came out and they came back.... with a vengeance. Had to wait 40mins to log in :o

As for the new talents, I'm really missing feral charge at 10points for the traditional PvP resto spec. However I tried a new one (avoiding tree form lol) 14/0/47 which i've been really enjoying in battlegrounds and 5v5 arena.

I think that there is a bit more balance in some areas of PvP, but some classes have become quite insane:

Moonkin- I found this spec truly dull when I played it pre TBC but during the last few seasons of arena there seem to have been some seriously good moonkin players. But now they are just sick in battlegrounds their damage is ruinous.

Retradin: They were always a pain in the backside and now they have become crazy good burst nuke. If you were to ask me, they have become the most op of all the PvP classes at the moment. This was reinforced when our 5v5 lot to a 5 retradin team :(
If you have a high level Paladin I'd advise you to get the welfare epix and start rinsing the PvP while it lasts (spec Retribution for the love of God)

Mutilate Rogue: Not the most popular spec before as Shadowstep and cheat death were sublime. The damage I've been taking of some poorly geared rogues beggars belief. I'd give it a go if you have a rogue with some daggers.

Arcane Mage: The least poplar of the specs for PvP. Well, not any more folks. Watch out for an Arcane Mage nuke as it's horrific. Whilst I still prefer a more traditional PvP Frost Spec, powered up arcane blast and super fast arcane missiles make this a really fun class in PvP.

I think that out of all of these the biggest improvement is with the Arcane Mages as they are awesome now: huge damage. Moonkin and Retradin closely follow with some sick dps and incredibly fast killing (like the Arcane too!).

The Wotlk losers:

MM Hunters: Previously an excellent class to play, full of cc and it took a lot of coordination to properly pull of in PvP. The previous downside was that you didn't have to pay much attention to your pet (apart from in arena of course). Their damage has been truly gimped from what I've seen and played.

I really think that this is the only real class/spec that isn't that good any more, it just doesn't do the same kind of damage as before and you lose Scatter Shot too (unless you lose out on the final talents etc in the MM tree) which I used to really love with my MM hunter.

Well, I for one am really enjoying the refreshed PvP as are all of you Mages and Paladins :)

Hope this is of some kind of use for you all, and I'd like to hear what the Hunters/ Shaman think of their new specs as I think MM is not good now and know squat about Shammies.


I kept my hunter MM spec after the patch and theres so much difference to how it was before. My damage has gone down so much, i used to do up to 3500 crits but now i barely get 2000 :( I'll be respeccing in BM next time i log in.

My pally is another story.....OMG is all i can say :D I've had so much fun playing him the past week! hehe
It's only MM spec thats been nerfed, BM spec is insane now. I was helping a couple of lvl66's and they were doing more damage than me! I'm a lvl70.

I think ret pally has been hit by the nerf bat already, 12hrs after the patch went live i think. I'm not complaining! My pally does more damage and can take a hell of a lot more than before the new patch :D
My main is a hunter. ATM Ive got him spec'ed MM and Im keeping the Warglave rogue within arms reach on the DPS meters. The playstyle change from BM (used to do about 2k DPS) to MM (last night of Brut I kicked out about 2.1-2.3K DPS) is quite big. No longer are you spamming Steadyshot, but your using a combination of Chimera Shot with Serpent Sting, Aimed Shot, Arcane shot and when none of those are up Steady Shot. DPS from the pet has decreased, but most mobs die before they get close to you.
Oh and they have buffed Volley. It now ticks for 500-600 and each tick can crit (1.2k). Its quite fun rounding up mobs into a frost trap, popping deterance and volleying them all down.

Not sure how the hunters do PvP-wise. But with instant Chimeara shot and aimed shot, you are a lot more mobile than before.
Gah, I only have a 70 Huntard, looks like I won't be coming back to WoW any time soon then if they have nerfed the class to hell.

I'm pretty sure I read a blue post somewhere recently suggesting that Hunter dps is in fact a little higher than they want - I reckon good ones can still top the meters like they could before (I've seen a WWS of one doing 3k+ dps on Brutallus BEFORE this new patch). They recently increased all boss armour by 10% to compensate for the gap between physical damage dealers and casters.
Hunters aren't nerf'd tbh.

They still do the dmg. you just need to know how to do it. We still have our hunter in the top 3 on dps. Still up there with the rogues and retri palla.

Mutilate Rogue: Not the most popular spec before as Shadowstep and cheat death were sublime. The damage I've been taking of some poorly geared rogues beggars belief. I'd give it a go if you have a rogue with some daggers.

agreed. Its an amazing spec, i'm currently grinding some better daggers on my rogue to beable to run this spec. In BT our 2/8 rogue was pulling 1500dps and was distroying the rest of the raid on dps.

I just can't get off my warrior atm though. Its absolutely amazing! Been specing massive sheild block gear atm. Been getting 400dmg per tick off of dmg sheild. Really really is helping with my AOE tanking. Yesterday in MH the palla was moaning at me coz he couldn't get *** agro off me. Also was great, throw Vigance on the palla. and i always always have instant taunt. If the dps pull a mob i can just taunt it back in. Also the 3% bonus is always good :)

Shammys are really lacking atm, ele is really under powered now imho. Resto is still imba, and enhancement is a raid buffer still. Blizzard boost enh shammys again! No raid should not have 2/3 shammys now. So the raid can have all the totems. Windfury.... 20% melee and spell haste! makes a massive differance.
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No raid should not have 2/3 shammys now

As far as I'm aware Blizzard are aiming to have 2 of every class in a raid and that this representation will bring all the major buffs. You won't need 3 of any class to provide all the buffs, as so many classes have overlapping buffs now. They've openly admitted that they cocked up in TBC (at least for min/max Sunwell guilds) where you could comfortably run with 5 Shammies and 4 or 5 Warlocks.

EDIT - I hear what you say about the warrior as well. I rolled one purely to tank, and it was really demoralising to see how hard a job they had even in places like Magister's Terrace (the packs of phase worms), and seeing "LF Pally Tank quick heroic" in the LFG channels. Now I am loving tanking. The devs wanted to make it more exciting and I'm having so much fun now - you feel really empowered as a Warrior tank, with so many abilities and ways of managing mobs.
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As far as I'm aware Blizzard are aiming to have 2 of every class in a raid and that this representation will bring all the major buffs. You won't need 3 of any class to provide all the buffs, as so many classes have overlapping buffs now. They've openly admitted that they cocked up in TBC (at least for min/max Sunwell guilds) where you could comfortably run with 5 Shammies and 4 or 5 Warlocks.

EDIT - I hear what you say about the warrior as well. I rolled one purely to tank, and it was really demoralising to see how hard a job they had even in places like Magister's Terrace (the packs of phase worms), and seeing "LF Pally Tank quick heroic" in the LFG channels. Now I am loving tanking. The devs wanted to make it more exciting and I'm having so much fun now - you feel really empowered as a Warrior tank, with so many abilities and ways of managing mobs.

Personally Never ever had a problem finding HC's ect. I'll log in and get spammed to run heroics for people. I don't do them anymore they bore me. I'll do a few with some guildies if need some badges for gems or something. thats about it. But generally i can get enough badges in a KZ/ZA/Maggy/Gruul/Mh/BT clear to tide me over every week.

I did a hc spam the otherday to get 110 badges for my fire res gear incase i needed it for Illidan.

HCs have never been a problem for me finding a group, it was hard when first starting but this was prob down to the lack of gear i had. But i was always getting invited. Even when i'm arms/fury, i get constant spams asking me to tank. This is even on Sylvanas which is prob one if not the post populated servers.

a lot of tanks i know have gone fury since the patch to try the new TG talent. So tanks are always wanted. I can go from pug to pug raiding all night at the moment. Tanks atm are wanted in force on my server.

finding a spot in a raiding guild is another factor. Once your MT for a guild don't leave :) Also getting into raids with a guild as a tank is hard. Most guilds already will have there tanks, and your be a back up. this si the perfect time to join a guild and get yourself a heads up before WOTLK raiding starts.
My guild went to BT last night for the first time since the patch. We cleared it in under 4 hours and we weren't trying to go super fast. Had a bit of waiting around too for subs etc and had to explain tacs briefly to guys who hadn't been before.

All bosses were trivial, Naj'entus did one shield before he hit the floor, Gorefiend died just as the first constructs spawned. However the biggest shock was Illidan himself, the guy is the biggest cake walk going now. He was only alive long enough to go into demon form once!!! It seriously felt like a Kara run, i think we could go with 6 maybe 5 healers for a full run as they all admitted after that they were semi afk as no one was taking much damage lol!

All these guys saying that mutilate is tops for a rogue should really try combat swords still, especially as the damage on trash is awesome with blade flurry & killing spree going. I managed 2.8k dps on gorefiend and most other bosses where 2k+ and i wasn't buffed to the max either:)
From a non shammy! i love it :) The proc from WF was a good bonus for melee. but now that it affects casters too. Its win for the whole raid.

Yeah but what about the days of WF warrior? That proc used to eat me alive in arena and had it not changed WF retri would have been sick now....
Doesn't it make the shaman/warrior in arena a lot worse? I'd have thought so...

Any other PvP resto dru's here? What's your spec?

What are all of your new PvP specs?
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