oh, and did you know that 9/11 WAS A HOAX?

Protoman said:
it wasnt really a hoax
the government just want you to think its a hoax, so you think they staged it all and are in complete control.

this is for your own peace of mind beacuse in reality terrorists attacked the twin towers proving that the government isnt in as much control as youd like to think

sure....huh...like just anyone can fly a plane into America's military command centre :rolleyes:

The problem with your average consiracy nut is that they completely refuse to acknowledge the evidence to the contrary of their theories.

"Spreading like wildfire" - with every sort of event like this, you get consiracy theories. People love them for some reason. Why are events such as this so difficult for some people to take as they are?

JKR was shot in the head by Lee Harvey Oswald. Diana's driver lost control of the car and crashed it. The WTC was brought down by two planes hijacked by Islamic terrorists.
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Duke said:
Yes. The same thing on here every few months :)

How people could think the US would kill 3,000 of their own working civilians on purpose, is almost sickening.

It all to do with the bigger picture. Whats 3,000 people compared to the amount of people that will die in the coming years, because they can not afford to fuel their homes, cars and even buy food.

Its all to do with OIL and making sure we can get a supply when things get bad. If i where in charge i would have no problem killing 3,000 people to make sure a lot more live.
Raz said:
sure....huh...like just anyone can fly a plane into America's military command centre :rolleyes:


Yeah and like its not defended at all so they are all just sat in their offices minding their own business and blam!! a plane hits the most protected building in the US.

Yeah and didnt it happen last so they must have been on alert but still didnt evacuate - the plane must have been tracked after all. :eek:
Werewolf said:

That's just not large enough and there's no blood..
Slam62 said:
Yeah and like its not defended at all so they are all just sat in their offices minding their own business and blam!! a plane hits the most protected building in the US.

Yeah and didnt it happen last so they must have been on alert but still didnt evacuate - the plane must have been tracked after all. :eek:

you got it!

2nd plane hit South Tower at 9:02am, Pentagon was hit at 9:37am. 35 minutes?
MasterMike said:
The problem with your average consiracy nut is that they completely refuse to acknowledge the evidence to the contrary of their theories.

Actually theres one poster on here who I have respect for. He came out with a load of 9/11 twaddle and Al Vallario put him right . The thing is he listened and is now on the side of 'terrorists did it but theres still some questions to be answered'

teaboy5 said:
It all to do with the bigger picture. Whats 3,000 people compared to the amount of people that will die in the coming years, because they can not afford to fuel their homes, cars and even buy food.

Its all to do with OIL and making sure we can get a supply when things get bad. If i where in charge i would have no problem killing 3,000 people to make sure a lot more live.

Please go back to making tea.
Slam62 said:
Exactly the hole in the pantagon would have been a lot bigger :confused:

No read the proper evidence and it's exactly the right size for the aircraft that hit. I'll stop there before I go on one, I'm sure there's hundreds of my posts if you search for 9/11

Beansprout said:
I just saw this thread title and my head hurt. i think all conspiracy nuts hsould read the last 500 threads. I dont fancy doing this again
My dad saw a video on Google the other week raising similar questions and now is convinced it was a conspiracy :rolleyes: . I was hoping all this FUD was declining but it seems to have popped back up once again :(

-gem- said:
i am currently searching for the internet sites with this information on it, its spreading all over the net like wildfire- these documents supposedly show george buch sacrificing thousands so he can go to war, and regain some power. to be honest, if i were in america... id be terrified.

anyone else heard anything?

These links cover the plane that hit the pentagon and address all the issues you raised regarding the pentagon plane crash.



There will be more that address the other topics, just try googling for them, and try and base your opinions on articles which show you their sources for their conclusions :)
I have an idea guys.

Can we put a filter on the forum that, if the following keywords — 9/11 hoax, loose change, america attacked itself, moon landings fake— are detected in a newly created thread, it automatically deletes itself and bans the OP? :)
I fully believe the dummy theory.

Just before the planes hit, Kris Kristoffersen froze time, went onto the planes and replaced everyone with dead versions of themselves and took all the live people to the year 3000 to propagate the species.

Is it just me that remembers that film?

And hoax isn't the right word, for it to be a hoax it would have to have been staged with smoke, mirrors and David Copperfield.
iCraig said:
I have an idea guys.

Can we put a filter on the forum that, if the following keywords — 9/11 hoax, loose change, america attacked itself, moon landings fake— are detected in a newly created thread, it automatically deletes itself and bans the OP? :)
I bet you work for the US govt and are just trying to cover it up :mad:
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