oh, and did you know that 9/11 WAS A HOAX?

AcidHell2 said:
There's plenty of alternatives.

You have to separate it into 2 different groups. National grid and transport.
notional grid is easy, renewable energy can make a lot, coal, nuclear ect ect.

you have
hydrogen, natural gas, metal (yes metal can be used in a Petrol engine with little modification. Again theres about another 15 I can't be bothered to list

Now the only thing I will agree on is planes
Planes = petrol, at the moment no alternative.

Yeah i really dont think planes will be around in the years to come. Also do you not agree that we need to cut down on the amount of food we import from other county's. For example why do we need some fruit from the other side of the world.
Azza said:
Didnt they really go to war in Iraq / Middle East becasue they were going to start trading oil in Euros and not USD or something and then the USD would become and more worthless or something.

Not sure if that is the correct but that is what my physics teacher told me, please dont hurt me.

There has been talk that this was one of the reasons the Bush Administration wanted to invade Iraq.
There is lots and lots of oil around, and will be for quite some time. The only issue is, it will get more and more expensive to extract it as time goes on... we're running out of "cheap" oil, I suppose. At some point, it will reach a critical level where other alternative technologies become increasingly more feasible (financially, politically) and at that point we'll start switching on a more massive scale.
Zefan said:
I would've thought we would all have learned by now.
Obviously not.
I might break out the super-massive rolleyes later for giggles.

Allow me.

daz said:
There is lots and lots of oil around, and will be for quite some time. The only issue is, it will get more and more expensive to extract it as time goes on... we're running out of "cheap" oil, I suppose. At some point, it will reach a critical level where other alternative technologies become increasingly more feasible (financially, politically) and at that point we'll start switching on a more massive scale.

Yes of course its the end of cheap oil. But no one will be buying oil at £150-£200 a barrel.
I don't think the pentagon was hit by a missile but I saw a video of the Janitor, William Rodriguez, on Google Video talking about an explosion in the basement of the North Tower before the aeroplane hit and other stuff about the "public" enquiry. I find him to be very believable.


I think it's rational to question the official story but there are elements of the conspiracy that jump too far. I don't even think it's worth considering the bigger picture until you prove the little inconsistencies are valid. Some of those inconsistencies like the pentagon's lawn being unscathed turn out to be just improbable events but not impossibilities. Okay, then move on, how do you account for William Rodreguez's account? Well it's simple, either he's lying, confused or telling the truth.

However, it doesn't stop there as many of these threads have gone onto discuss i.e., WTC7's collapse, the way the North and South towers collapse, the sluggish military response, the lack of an immediate forensic investigation, the fact that the owner took out a rather terrorist specific insurance policy shortly before the attack, that fact that FEMA had oversight of the eventual investigation. I'm not saying all of these issues are conclusive proof of a conspiracy but they are certainly worth investigation, like the Pentagon issue was.

We know from the latest Top Gear, among other sources, that America doesn't always respond well to disasters i.e., Katrina. We know also that our current political leaders don't mind lying to the public or indeed their political colleagues to justify war. It's unfair to say these conspiracy theories are generated by the usual crowd that congers up these things after every major event. There is a political and social climate, specific to this time which is feeding this fire.

It's also unfair to attach stigma to the label conspiracy theorist. It is just a word which identifies a person who disputes the official explanation, rightly or wrongly. If you had said before it was revealed Tony Blair's case for weapons of mass destruction was decades old and out of context and at worst fabricated before that fact was known, you would have been accurately labelled a conspiracy theorist - but you would have been right.
semi-pro waster said:
I normally stay well out of these things but just out of interest if you think it to be a hoax then how do you propose that so many millions of people have managed to keep a secret when it would have to be just about the biggest consipiracy ever?

It was real, the hoax was it was just some unaided arabs and that no demolition charges were present. Sorry guys, Thermate (the even nastier version of Thermite) was found in the rubble. Even rescue welders/cutters din't use that. Party's over , lights Out.
ritcH said:
the fact that the owner took out a rather terrorist specific insurance policy shortly before the attack, the fact that FEMA had oversight of the eventual investigation.

See, I don't actually know 100% that these things are facts, but it just goes to show how little phrases like "the fact" get popped into discussions polarising and unbalancing the discussion. I make these little errors, but some people make bigger errors. Some people claim "they know" that the official story is true and some people claim it's "a fact" that the pentagon got hit by a missile. There's a point in there somewhere.

It's just a shame when that in the current climate we don't trust our leaders to do the right thing; that's the real tragedy.
Linz said:
It was real, the hoax was it was just some unaided arabs and that no demolition charges were present. Sorry guys, Thermate (the even nastier version of Thermite) was found in the rubble. Even rescue welders/cutters din't use that. Party's over , lights Out.

Someone playing a part would've leaked.
Duke said:
How people could think the US would kill 3,000 of their own working civilians on purpose, is almost sickening.

They did before. Suppressing the coming attack on Pearl Harbour to bring US more fully into the war.

Gulf of Tonkin incident,


Operation Northwoods -google it.

The US wouldn't kill its own, but the vermin that are in power there would, they consider themselves an Elite, everyone else is raw materials.
geez, some people need to lighten up a bit :rolleyes:

There is a problem with oil, because like has been said before we are rapidly running out of the cheap oil. Yes, there are billions of barrels left in the earth, but there is not much of that left that is easily accessible at the current market price.

America is a huge oil user, look at the struggle it has put up to avoid the whole 'becoming more green' ideology. Tbh, whatever everyone in the UK does, it doesn't matter whilst the US go on their crusade at securing the oil fields to make sure of future oil production for themself.

The oils futures were going to be traded into Euros, i was aware of that, and that did give the US motivation to act. That and the fact that their economy is not supportable and would sink rapidly into depression if they were not involved in a war. They need the wars to sustain themself, they were entering into a recession until September 11th happened (conveniently, co-incedentally, co-planned or executed, whatever).

Does it really matter now? Even if there is watertight proof that the US government organised and executed the whole thing, who'd do something about it and what would be the outcome. The US has gradually fought, manipulated and whatever else it has done so that it sits pretty at the top of the world. In contrast, the UK has gone from being one of the most powerful countries in the world to its lapdog.

An interesting film about US power and Oil is Syriana, which I'd recommend. Personally, as someone within the UK, i think us British should be focused more on our own country and the state that it is currently in, than whether something that happened over 5 years ago was done by the US government. I'm talking bad train service, underfunded NHS, tax upon tax upon tax, the state school system, and society in general.

I really used to enjoy reading these forums, but never posted that much, hence me reaching 100 posts after a couple of years!! But recently, it seems to have turned into a 'lets make a statement and have a dig at someone else' or 'here's a news story, make a comment on it'. I used to enjoy reading people's responses, and there are still that make me chuckle to myself, but there are far too many pap responses that waste everyone's time. my 2 cents :o

Linz said:
It was real, the hoax was it was just some unaided arabs and that no demolition charges were present. Sorry guys, Thermate (the even nastier version of Thermite) was found in the rubble. Even rescue welders/cutters din't use that. Party's over , lights Out.
Reliable source (i.e. not some conspiracy theory website) which confirms, without a shadow of a doubt, that thermate was recovered from the Pile?
Zefan said:
Someone playing a part would've leaked.

And be assassinated? they are all terrified of each other and stfu, they know what they are capable of to each other.

The Manhattan project -stayed secret for many years, involved thousands.

project Aurora -still secret after 30 years.

Only need a few hundred operatives for 9-11. A few billion dollars. Small change to the bankers who would make trillions out of the affair. TBH this was a showcase for command decisions, not raw numbers of staff, see how Cheney stood down the air defenses, absolutely ****ing unexplainable.
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