Oh dear... might have overdone it abit!

Just did that test, I think it took around 2:30mins. Ill do it with timer on my phone later! :)

octo 2.8

Somethings not right tbh.. im at 5 mins and its still not done (albeit 2 steps to go)

:/ its using hardly any memory, not maxing the CPUs and its doing a lot of swapping.

Maybe this system is more buggered than I thought!

Edit: 5:33 seconds :confused:
could I ask what you are going to use the mac pro for?

the reason i ask is i'm a graphic/web designer and i can be running photoshop, illustrator, indesign, bridge, pages, numbers and god knows what else at once and my old white macbook (albeit with 4GB of ram) does not skip a bit, the only thing i've ever managed to make it jutter on is the new 3d stuff in photoshop cs4...

i'm going to be getting a new iMac which will be a lot more powerful, but i can't imagine what could stress an iMac to prompt getting a pro unless it was professional level 3D work or video editing?

am i missing something?

iMac hasn't got anywhere NEAR the expandability that I want. Nor does it accept incoming HDMI/optical in for a PS3.

I'd rather get a 2.93Ghz 15" MBP than an iMac if I was going that route!

And no im not a "pro" user, but I HATE lag, and lightroom on my MBP does it too much.

1TB Photo library with a 300Gb Veloci is the win :D
Ofcourse you dont need a mac pro for photo editing. Whoever says that is a tool, end of.

What you do need a mac pro for is a stable, upgradable machine running a great OS without having the hassles of Windows

I notice a big difference in reaction times compared to my MBP in lightroom.

Therefore it is worth it to someone who hates lag ;)
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Yeaaaaaa, two baby :p

(I wish - one has been sent back)

This new one runs 10C cooler, has a perfect case BUT has issues with the second drive door :rolleyes: and STILL has the mouse issue.

FirebarUK, where have you found references to this on other forums?

Would help me and Apple to work out WTF is going on!!
I recon 10.5.7 will fix this, but for some reason (I would be impressed and depressed at the same time if it was this issue that was causing it) its still not released.

Must be this week at some point :/
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