Oh dear.. suspended

jezsoup said:
Amen to that, dude I work at a steal fabircators doing 12 hour shifts the other day I did 16 hours finishing at 2 am I still rolled in for 6 the same morning. Works work, you do what you have to do when you ahve to do it, and if you cant make dont give your superiors grief!

Work yourself to a early grave? :rolleyes: :confused:
jezsoup said:
Amen to that, dude I work at a steal fabircators doing 12 hour shifts the other day I did 16 hours finishing at 2 am I still rolled in for 6 the same morning. Works work, you do what you have to do when you ahve to do it, and if you cant make dont give your superiors grief!
There are limits, though...we're all human :)
squiffy said:
Work yourself to a early grave? :rolleyes: :confused:

Its just for the sumemr and the moneies nice, usually I do 4 12 hour shifts a week, just of late things have got a bit crazy, dont mind the extra overtime pay and over overtime bonus.

That case of gettin of doin the 16 hours then early morning after, thats only happen 2-3 times since I started. But yeah I dont make a habit of it dont worry.
Beansprout said:
There are limits, though...we're all human :)

True there is but working till midnight then being asked to come in the next morning for 11 isnt exactly a tall order is it though!
jezsoup said:
True there is but working till midnight then being asked to come in the next morning for 11 isnt exactly a tall order is it though!

No actually working that shift isn't breaking the law, as driving home isn't a great distance. If it's a 3 hour drive you can't be expected to go back to work at 11am (should be at least 8 hours from the time you get home) I've done upto 11pm and starting work at 5 or 6am. Not fun, it's ok a couple of times a week. No way would I do it everyday, you'll be walking dead after a month. Although he did work extra unpaid, as a thank you should be allowed to go home early during the week if it's quiet.
jezsoup said:
True there is but working till midnight then being asked to come in the next morning for 11 isnt exactly a tall order is it though!
I agree....I think the problem here is more the OP's attitude (and his boss's) than any real misgivings...texting your boss with "I can't be bothered" isn't good, swearing is a definite no-no....but equally the boss seems a bit harsh/provoking in telling him he's being inflexible.

What we don't know (unless I missed something) is the time of the texts in the morning, and how much sleep the OP got....I find if you're tired in the morning it's better to stay awake, eat/drink something, and generally wake up..you'll be fine. Your body works much better after it's been awake for a while.

11pm does seem a good arrangement though...that's an extra two or three hours, which should make up for the extra time / lateness?

Lesson is plan ahead, text your boss the night before (or even tell him during the day thatyou'll be staying on in the evening if that's ok, and can I come in at 11 tomorrow please?), and do not lose your temper.
The best thing you can do now is make notes ahead of tomorrow's discplinary meeting/hearing. I've had one before and was going to be fired because a girl I worked with decided to be a complete bitch and twist something. As it turned out, because of the information I came out with, including various forms of backup to prove I wasn't lying, they legally couldn't do anything at all to me whilst losing her a ton of credibility for seeing what she was doing.

Bad days back then. The notes will help you to make your points succinctly whilst making sure you don't miss out any detail - once you're in there it is all about HOW you make the points rather than just the detail.

Aside from that, reflect on everything. You can't have been right in everything you did and admitting that tomorrow will help - show them you're aware you perhaps should have dealt with things differently and aren't up your own arse (which I don't believe you are but is one way for them to stitch you up if they so wish).

I don't trust employers...or employees....humans are bad.
I can see your point, but it isn't really that hard to get in for 11 after finishing at midnight, jesus i've managed to drag my arse into work for 7 am having finished at 2 am the same morning, and that was after a 19 hour shift, it's not the hardest thing in the world if i can manage it working for Pizza Hut on 5.40 ph then i'm sure it isn't that hard to get by on only 8/9 hours sleep for considerably more money.

Sounds as if you manager was bieng a complete mook though, but come on he was hardly expecting you to be in at 6 after finishing at midnight.
Bigstan said:
If I was your boss, I'd be seriously questioning your usefulness to the department.

Well as i said, theres 2 of us, we're understaffed and it certainly cant be run as a one man band

but aside from that tecnicallity i happen to know that we and other companies in the group have been recruiting for server techs without much luck finding anyone near the skill level required, before my last manager left we had already hired 2 folks that had been the best of the bunch and interviewed well and both were as useful as a chocolate fire grate

Beansprout: id txt him after finishing, so a) he knew it went ok and b) when id finished and in the morning i txt him at about 7:30 since i knew he would be in at 8am, although i waited from 6am having woken early, i think its rude to txt that early. even if he's up his other half might not be impressed by being woken up
I finished @ 10PM tonight (started @ 7AM) and have driven from Cromer in Norfolk, then, down to Harwich & finally, back to Stoke. - (9hrs 34Minutes driving time on a 15 hour duty day, 1hour 30 minutes break time - for the whole day!)

I'm expected back in @ 7AM - 9 Hours off. (The legal minimum requirement)

Tomorrow, my first drop is Maidenhead, and I'm out until Friday.

Sorry pal, no sympathy. ;)
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n3vrmind said:
Beansprout: id txt him after finishing, so a) he knew it went ok and b) when id finished and in the morning i txt him at about 7:30 since i knew he would be in at 8am, although i waited from 6am having woken early, i think its rude to txt that early. even if he's up his other half might not be impressed by being woken up
Ah right, looks like you didn't sleep terribly well then. I know the feeling of going to bed late and waking up early for no apparent reason. Make sure you tell them that, it may help.

If I was your manager I'd reckon 11 is fine...if I have to do some work late I'll let my collegue know beforehand and ask him to cover my e-mails/calls in the morning, and he'll be fine with it unless he's busy etc, in which case we work out what's best to do.

The key is always in planning in advance, because you can never tell what'll happen and you do have a time to be in so if you can't make it, giving the most notice possible is best.

Tbh your boss probably got peeved by your "I dont really care" text....if I got that text from someone I employed, no matter what the circumstances, I wouldn't be best pleased....and likewise if I sent it to my collegue (we're of equal authority) I'd expect to be yelled at :)

Either way...good luck, apologise, and don't be rude/'bovered' (again) :D
Beansprout said:
and likewise if I sent it to my collegue (we're of equal authority) I'd expect to be yelled at
But you get yelled at by your colleague anyway, especially when you spend the company's money. :D

Then of course you have me to give you grief via MSN (even at silly hours like this). :eek:
Berserker said:
But you get yelled at by your colleague anyway, especially when you spend the company's money. :D

Then of course you have me to give you grief via MSN (even at silly hours like this). :eek:
He yelled at me the other day too, but it was all Sic's fault :D
Best way to get a good time at work is kiss the bosses **** that way he will look bad if he doesnt help you out later on.

I took tons of overtime.....and then my mum told me i had to go do something. I said to him,he needed somebody in the next night so we agreed if i did the shift the next day i could have the one i needed off.....off. If that makes sense. My supervisor did tell my manager to **** off and stop being an ****hole before though. That was cause he kept trying to manage too much and didnt let my supervisor do what he had to do.
Hmmmm Is it not illegal for them to ask you to be in before you have had 11 hours between shifts or overtime, thats the law in the uk as far as our employers know. Working time directive !

Infact quick edit. You go in there and tell your HR department he WAS breaking the law by asking you to come in Before you have had your 11 hours and watch as they crumble and give u a verbal if that.

It will work and anyone who says otherwise doesnt know how HR work.
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In my opinion, the working time directive is the worst thing to happen in this country for a long time.

People should be free to work whatever hours they feel comfortable with, without interference from the PC do-gooders.

I understand that there needs to be some sort of law to prevent abuse of the system but the law needs to be aware of the fact that some jobs require the occasional long shift.

In my opinion, if you can't work an occasional 18 hour shift without being too tired to be at your work 6 hours later then you need to see your doctor.

When I'm offshore, I work 12 hour shifts for up to a month at a time and because I'm a lead engineer, I have a couple of hours extra for reports etc. and am "on call" if there are any problems on the nightshift.

I still say, get a grip on yourself and do the work that is required and stop using the working time directive to justify being lazy.
If you dont like the manager and he's being a total ass, the best thing to do is beat the crap out of him one dark night. Make sure he doesn't know its you though or get some friends to do it. Then you can ask him why he didn't make it in the last few days or weeks.
Bes said:
Midnight's not that unreasonable... You should have been in as normal the next day IMO. I do things like this for my company with no extra pay(hell I was working until 6:30 this morning from last night and still was back up by about 11 and I'm doing the same thing again tonight). It's all part of the job and the kind of thing that reflects well on you come review time. And as for telling your boss to **** off in response, then I think you deserve everything you get.

And bigstan, the younger generation aren't all workshy- I'm 23 :)

Dont be daft man, most companies expect the work to be done, if it is then everything goes on as normal. Its not until there is a problem that anyone takes the slightest bit of notice, they dont realise what it takes to get the job done. If your manager actually takes notice of your work instead of trying to 'big' himself up then your very lucky, im yet to find one that cares about his staff!

As for Bigstan, you may work long shifts and all the rest of it but i bet your standard of work is a lot worse at the end of several 18 hour shifts than if you rested properly in between. I know from experience, you can go to work and do the hours but your concentration levels drop, it effects your work.

As for the OP, daft thing to do really sending a txt in, i would have just called up and said you where having trouble with your car and would be late in, time unknown! Even dafter swearing at your complete idiot of a boss who is obviously trying to show how powerful he is. Its simple, do your job in your contracted hours and then leave. Dont do the extra hours and they cant complain about it.
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