Oh dear.. suspended

Yep, that's Senior Civil Service - different entity to the 'normal' civil service. Only applies to to teeny-tiny number of people (such as the Permanent Secretary of each government department). They also get their pay awards negotiated separately (together with Judges etc).
Does prove that market premia does exist in the civil service / central government which you disputed - although I do accept that its more of a technicality than anything else.

I have worked in places where they have sworn that salaries will never be negotiated but not once has that held true when I have threatened to leave after making myself irreplacable.
I still do dispute it - as SCS pay/grades/conditions don't apply to Civil Servants.

Do you work in an agency or NDPB? I know some of those have flexibility when it comes to pay and don't adhere to the rigid grade/pay structure that we have.

One of us threatening to leave unless we receive a rise would be rather like a Corporal in the army demanding a rise, it just doesn't work that way. :)

But still, at least we have some performance-related pay now, rather than the old length of service system we had when I joined.
sorry, i havent read all the replies but why didnt you just phone in sick the morning after? He could have dont nothing and you would get a whole days sleep :)

on a side note we are allowed 22 days holiday, should we be able to get 4 weeks 28 days or does it go by working days, so at least 20?
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geeza said:
on a side note we are allowed 22 days holiday, should we be able to get 4 weeks 28 days or does it go by working days, so at least 20?

Working days :) The statutory minimum is 20 days, which can include bank holidays if your employer is a tight... person.
gary996 said:
If you dont like the manager and he's being a total ass, the best thing to do is beat the crap out of him one dark night. Make sure he doesn't know its you though or get some friends to do it. Then you can ask him why he didn't make it in the last few days or weeks.

theres always one! :rolleyes: we should have a keyboard warrior of the week award or somethin

right well i still have a job, final written warning is what i got. i havent appologised and believe me i wont be, i've been there long enough to know the culture of the business is one where they take the urine and i've put up with that but this guy has been taking it too far

he's more than happy to dump on those below him to score a few brownie points, very poor as a manager and not just from my pov. at the end of the day he is the boss but he's not been for long and he's doing a very good job of burning bridges with the people that he needs to do the job, from what i hear yesterday he was extremely worried that i was quitting because my team mate isnt overly happy and would be fairly likely to walk out himself, without a team of staff below him and not a chance in hell of recruiting one in a hurry the dept would be outsourced to another group company and he would no longer have a department to manage
n3vrmind said:
theres always one! :rolleyes: we should have a keyboard warrior of the week award or somethin

right well i still have a job, final written warning is what i got. i havent appologised and believe me i wont be, i've been there long enough to know the culture of the business is one where they take the urine and i've put up with that but this guy has been taking it too far

he's more than happy to dump on those below him to score a few brownie points, very poor as a manager and not just from my pov. at the end of the day he is the boss but he's not been for long and he's doing a very good job of burning bridges with the people that he needs to do the job, from what i hear yesterday he was extremely worried that i was quitting because my team mate isnt overly happy and would be fairly likely to walk out himself, without a team of staff below him and not a chance in hell of recruiting one in a hurry the dept would be outsourced to another group company and he would no longer have a department to manage

you know what to do,
don't do ANYTHING for him now, just do your stated hours and screw him if he wants help.
VeNT said:
you know what to do,
don't do ANYTHING for him now, just do your stated hours and screw him if he wants help.

well he hasnt bought any favours but im not going to be that unflexible, for one it would mean that it all gets dumped on my collegue and i dont see that it would be fair to make him carry the can when my issue is with the manager
Bigstan said:
That's not my experience of retail.

Maybe some of us are better at negotiating salaries than others ;)

Not quite im sorry to say

I work in retail and youve got more chance of winning the lottery than breaking my companies tier based PERFORMANCE pay. If you want more wages in retail you have to sell more stuff and con more people, not sit down with your manager and talk things over.
Don't know how long it takes you to get to work, but 11am doesn't sound too unreasonable to me if you were in bed by 2am.

That said, I know in my employee handbook it states that you must have a minimum of 11 hours in between shifts. My department does quite a lot of hours and there is an unofficial policy that if you work later than 2am, you don't have to come in the next day (unless necessary).

I've been awake since about 06:30 and am going back in at midnight to a release - hopefully should finish shortly after 4am, unless we have to back it out, which could mean more like 7am :) Just as well I've got a Red Bull stashed in the fridge.
not all salaries are negotiable, at the place ive just started the hourly rate starts at £6.35 and rises to £7.35 after training.

Thats 4 on 4 off perm nights, exactly the same hourly rate that days get. Theres no shift allowance and even if you have the energy to come in and do overtime you still only get £7.35 and hour, no overtime rate!

If you dont like it im sure they can get a polish lad to come in and do your job instead!
were i work during term time , i did like 50 weeks on top of uni beucse people were sick or on holiday , leaving me to do doing todepartments to myself which normaly have 2 to 4 people each , i did this cos i knew if i did'nt the store would be legaly have to shut up shop , i was the only one having to do extra hours , i did'nt even get a thanks , least when 1 of my mangers got back from being sick i go a deal on a laptop but my boss could'd care less , i do jsut my contracted hours now. point off the story is , u allways get done over by your boss. ps this boss gave me more responsablitys to do witht he promis of a pay rise , this was 4 months ago and no pay rise yet
I agree with BigStan.

ALL salaries or pay terms are negotiable.

Remember, it's a negotiation so you must be able to clearly say why you think you warrant being paid more.
Have to agree with Bigstan and Stoofa, if you have the skills and experience then pretty much all salaries are negotiable.

Obviously if you're just getting on the career ladder then you take what is offered initially, but you go out to prove your worth. You certainly dont swear at your manager and throw a hissy fit for all to see because you've worked until midnight. If you arent appreciated for your extra efforts then you move on to another employer who hopefully will appreciate you.

I was lucky that 12 years ago I started at the bottom in what turned out to be a fantastic company (nothing to do with IT thank god!) earning just £5000 a year. I set out to prove my worth, long hours extra effort etc. Fortunately I was rewarded because of this, I now earn close to 10 times my starting salary, I am now R&D Manager, have plenty of bitches at my beck and call and also own part of the company :D. If I'd chucked a fit or just done the 9 to 5 thing then I'd probably be still on the shop floor.

When i used to work for Sainsburys, the pay scales were all listed for all to see. Pretty much everyone who worked on the shop floor knew what everyone was earning. There were set pay scales for each grade. Each pay scale was non negotiable. If you wanted more money there is no way they would alter your hourly rate. The only way you could earn more money would be to change to a job within the store that paid more. That wouldve been the extent of the negotiation. And if you didnt like the money then they would happily let you go and hire someone else.

Now, i work for London Underground, which in effect, is a public sector job. Once again, the pay grades/scales are fixed. Once again, everyone can see what every else earns. These salaries have been negotiated and fixed by management, together with the unions. There is NO room for negotiation. If my own salary changed, then every single employee in my role's salary would also have to change. It simply would not be permitted for my pay scale to be different to that of other people who are employed to do the same job that i do, within the company.

I've worked for 2 companies and in both cases, pay was not negotiable.
I am the worlds leading expert at spotting faults/inconsistencies on about 100 domestic appliances. These appliances are only made at one factory in the world and I'm the Quality Audit Technician. I also act as a goalkeeper for the whole of the factory and hopefully stop major faults going to the public.
HOWEVER, I know for a fact that if I tried to negotiate for an extra 50p a week they would show me the door and train somebody else even though i've been there 25 years and the most experienced bloke there.
My skills aren't exactly tailored for anywhere else because I'm a product of that factory.
No offence but if you work on a supermarket shop floor you will not be required to use many skills, therefore, no real grounds to negotiate more money.
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