Oil on the way up again. Pump prices to go up.

[TW]Fox said:
No, this is not the reason why it costs more. It costs more for one reason and one reason alone - becuase the UK government changed the tax levels for diesel fuel. This is why it's cheaper in the EU, it's purely a tax thing.

Don't for one minute think current fuel prices are outside the governements control. Even if oil was $100 a barrel fuel would still cost under 35p a litre if we were not being taxed on it.

But its not the tax thats going up, its the cost that is driving the cost up. Also if the government said lets take 10p of per litre, where the hell is it gonna make that loss up?
teaboy5 said:
But its not the tax thats going up, its the cost that is driving the cost up. Also if the government said lets take 10p of per litre, where the hell is it gonna make that loss up?

I could be here all day telling you where it could make that loss up but it's totally off topic for Motors.

Hint: Every day, we pay people billions to sit at home, watch a bit of Sky TV, and go down the bookies..
Fox dont get into that. Tax wont be going down at time soon. The point i am trying to get across is that fuel is on the way up, o and dont forget the tax will be going up in about 4 months time so that should be fun. Fox can you not understand what will happen will oil sits at $100 a barrel, a lot of people will be losing their jobs as the price of energy will be going through the roof.
.SJ said:
I'm just going to sell my car. I'm not willing to keep up with the cost of ownership. It's only ever going to get worse.

Luckily my trip to and from work is only 4 miles a day, but its getting to the point where i'll only be using it for work too :(
How come we had them mad protests when it was about 84p or something.. where now its touching £1 a litre and no one is saying "boo to a goose"

we need some die hard protests again... or we will just go "AWW MAN!! THE PRICE IS HIDEOUS.... oh well here is my money"

typical customer
and the happy alternative is to pay extreme prices for fuel.

if we had the balls we could basically freeze the a good percentage of the country by staying in bed til they brought prices down.. and they would.

but there will always be people that bottle out.

or for every one person that doesnt pay the price... 10idiots will
teaboy5 said:
The reason it costs more, because it costs more to make. And since more people are using it, more has to be made.

how did you work that one out? the cost of refining oil will always remain the same, unless a different refining process is discovered!
You know, whats funny is.... (to the guy saying the government havent increased the cost) They are making more money, because the tax on a higher starting priced product is more.

This really is getting stupid now.
I never thought about it this way, but, if fuel goes up and companies have to put consumer prices of their products up, do the state also in effect make more money from that?

increased cost of item = increase amount of money in tax deducted = increase profit for government?

edit - I maybe saying exactly what the guy above me is, but I was reading this for so long your post wasn't there! :)
The government have it pretty cushty if you ask me. The diesel being taxed more than petrol is laughable isn't it really. What do all the transport lorries etc of the uk run on... diesel. :mad:
all it really means is rich people get richer.. poorer people get poorer...

althought they will swamp it with over enthusiast language and explanation... but it all equals to the same outcome.
When did the tax difference in unleaded/diesel come in anyway? How many years ago was it? I always remember diesel being so cheap and was always wondering why there weren't more cars using it at the time.
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