Ok so I have designed something - now for the big time


This is very cool, a small iPhone/iPod arcade unit that lets you play arcade games with a 4 way joystick and dual buttons. It is not designed as a true arcade unit. It is very playable and nice and small. Perfect for some quick desktop gaming.

No Batteries,
No Config.
Cheap @ about £15 (yet to be confirmed).

There is also an iPad version, but not 100% that we are doing it this year, even tho' it is very popular.
Well it was prototyped on the laser, but it all works as if it would in production.

If it is licensed then when I will let you guys know what it is. As it is currently with the leading manufacturer, it will be released globally. So yup some of you may be interested to know how it came to be.

it has a mass market appeal, is unique and very cool indeed. I would think that if it did get released allot of you on here would buy it for yourself or someone you knew.

As for the money involved. Say it does $100 million in a year globally, normally the inventor gets 4-6% gross. It is a bit like getting a recording deal, you simply gets cheques each quarter. Our agent made stacks on the toys he has invented - one alone made him a multi millionaire.

So no apply for no protection? Nothing?
Huge, huge well done and congratulations mate.

Your previous build threads utterly wowed me and I'm very chuffed for you. I find it incredible people can naysay when you're attempting, and succeeding at something so awesome. I guess it's just jealousy.

Good luck with the additional gadgets, the big trak looks AWESOME.
The things you have posted up wil make a lot of jealous toy manufacturers :D.
The phone safe is a brilliant idea, and I am very surprised it has not been thought of! Doing a more expensive bluetooth version as well ;)?
Hey ho.

Made it onto Cnet today http://crave.cnet.co.uk/gadgets/tardis-safe-is-unlocked-with-your-smart-phone-50006756/

Also they came back to shoot the little iPhone arcade unit, so hopefully that will go online soon. Cnet Appy days I think.

Best part of the day was meeting Jaimie (of Youtube Giant Robot fame). He is a top guy and we had a good chat about cool stuff :-)

Exepct me to be in one of his videos, he was filming me playing with Bigtrak.
Hey ho.

Made it onto Cnet today http://crave.cnet.co.uk/gadgets/tardis-safe-is-unlocked-with-your-smart-phone-50006756/

Also they came back to shoot the little iPhone arcade unit, so hopefully that will go online soon. Cnet Appy days I think.

Best part of the day was meeting Jaimie (of Youtube Giant Robot fame). He is a top guy and we had a good chat about cool stuff :-)

Exepct me to be in one of his videos, he was filming me playing with Bigtrak.

Jaimie is a legend. Tell him to make more videos if you speak to him again and stop messing about! When does he go back to America?
Eurgh, insanely jealous.

I used to be an "inventor"....kid with a doodling pad.
I remember doodling a hard-top coupe convertible, 3 fold method. A year later they were all the rage from top car manafacturers bringing out new models.

In p4 "garbage" was one of the projects. As part of this was to design a future garbage collector vehicle. While most kids went with "this is a hover craft so can go anywhere and suck up anything, it even has a teleport machine so it can be teleported straight to the garbage sight" I went with a much more basic. This one is where the guy can push it along the street or pavement. This is like the big ones but a lot smaller with only one guy in it, again used for street or pavement*. Of course made out of the usual Blue Peter style stuff and lego.
A couple of years later these started appearing regularily on the street.

*I was then told I was unimaginative so then altered the idea that it could dock inside the bigger ones to provide more sucking power -_-
FYI, UK patents don't apply in the US.

My great aunt created a device which exerts pressure & heat onto a region of the stomach for people with a certain painful medical condition (can't recall which as it was a long time ago) - she created it for her husband who suffered for many years as a drug free alternative.

After his death she went to the states to try & sell her design, but sadly she wasn't clued up on the US patent laws - they stole the idea & it's still named after my great uncle, she got nothing & died without a penny to her name (I was kid when it happened).
I love the idea of the arcade cabinet, but being an android user, I have to ask, any plans to add android support?

Also, what games does it play, does it work with all games or only ones specific to the device/setup?
Just read up on how that safe actually works. Genius idea. No need for expensive electronics with Bluetooth or Wifi or limiting it to Apple only using a dock. Excellent idea, well done!
Hi mate, yup B75 is where I am living until Thursday. I will be there from tomorrow and at the press briefing as one of my gadgets won "Best new toys 2012" in the app category :-)

I will be the tall guy and probably the only one not wearing a suit in the stand :-)

Good to see you there yesterday mate, don't know about you but am pretty damn tired - those fairs don't seem like much effort at the time but are surprisingly hard work.

Thanks for the demonstrations even though you'd already packed Bigtrak away. I have to say having witnessed your inventions first hand and having had 5 years experience in the toy industry, I'm very, very impressed with your work.

I think the way you've created affordable, yet advanced products via integration with mass market gadgets is a stroke of real ingenuity - that mini iphone arcade machine was especially sweet at just £15, and what's more, you're working with iconic AAA licences too - Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc.

So for what it's worth I can vouch that Pinter is the real deal - a genuine inventor making highly innovative products, who can go as far as he wants to in the industry.

Keep us updated about any new products on the horizon, I'm sure more than a few of us here are interested to see more.

Good to see you there yesterday mate, don't know about you but am pretty damn tired - those fairs don't seem like much effort at the time but are surprisingly hard work.

Thanks for the demonstrations even though you'd already packed Bigtrak away. I have to say having witnessed your inventions first hand and having had 5 years experience in the toy industry, I'm very, very impressed with your work.

I think the way you've created affordable, yet advanced products via integration with mass market gadgets is a stroke of real ingenuity - that mini iphone arcade machine was especially sweet at just £15, and what's more, you're working with iconic AAA licences too - Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc.

So for what it's worth I can vouch that Pinter is the real deal - a genuine inventor making highly innovative products, who can go as far as he wants to in the industry.

Keep us updated about any new products on the horizon, I'm sure more than a few of us here are interested to see more.


Cheers mate, good to meet a fellow forum member :-)

Yup I am tired - been there 4 days as I had to setup.

Early mornings really are not my thing. I am normally up talking to China at 3am after a full day doing stuff. 8am is another World to me!

Not over yet - I have stuff to get ready for Nuremberg and then Spring fair.

Hopefully Pocket-Lint are doing a bit on the mini arcade unit, and it should also appear on c-net.

Will post about stuff as it becomes public, there are a few more to go!

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