Ok so I have designed something - now for the big time

I love the idea of the arcade cabinet, but being an android user, I have to ask, any plans to add android support?

Also, what games does it play, does it work with all games or only ones specific to the device/setup?

I would love to add android support, but the market at general consumer level is iPhone/iPod :-(

I myself don't own an iPhone, I have a Galaxy S - because it lets me do what I want.

The Arcade units don't use any fancy stuff like Bluetooth, or WiFi. They are specifically tailored to the iphone form factor due to this.

That is why they are also a steal at £15 vs £50 needing batteries to play!

Here is a vid of the cnet coverage on the TARDIS smartsafe I made. It will work with iOS and Android :-) It has been very well received and I think will do well. This is the one that won an award for innovation.

Cheers mate, good to meet a fellow forum member :-)

Yup I am tired - been there 4 days as I had to setup.

Early mornings really are not my thing. I am normally up talking to China at 3am after a full day doing stuff. 8am is another World to me!

Not over yet - I have stuff to get ready for Nuremberg and then Spring fair.

Hopefully Pocket-Lint are doing a bit on the mini arcade unit, and it should also appear on c-net.

Will post about stuff as it becomes public, there are a few more to go!


Haha yeah can agree with the early mornings being harsh, I live fairly local to Olympia but had to get up at 6.30am for all 4 days too.

I bet at Nuremberg there will be a whole load of international buyers eager to part with big money for your inventions.

I'm doing Spring Fair too - that one is brutal, but toys have their own dedicated hall this year so should be a lot better than previous years - though they can be a bit lax with the term 'toy' - last year there were sex toy stands
among the kid's toys stands - not exactly what most buyers are looking for.

Anyway, best of luck with it all, though I'll doubt you'll need much to convince buyers of what a great prospect your inventions are.


This is very cool, a small iPhone/iPod arcade unit that lets you play arcade games with a 4 way joystick and dual buttons. It is not designed as a true arcade unit. It is very playable and nice and small. Perfect for some quick desktop gaming.

No Batteries,
No Config.
Cheap @ about £15 (yet to be confirmed).

There is also an iPad version, but not 100% that we are doing it this year, even tho' it is very popular.

Looks similar to iCade, even the name.
Wow that bigtrack looks really cool. I'd probably upgrade the weaponry to gas powered bb :D

Are these things you designed yourself or does the company give you an idea and you design it from there?

Did you get to see what Jamie is working on?
Wow that bigtrack looks really cool. I'd probably upgrade the weaponry to gas powered bb :D

Are these things you designed yourself or does the company give you an idea and you design it from there?

Did you get to see what Jamie is working on?

I designed the new Bigtrak, after they said they wanted a new one. So the one you saw running about is my hand built prototype. I do all the styling, electronics, graphics, software etc..

Stuff like the iphone safes, and the arcade units are my ideas - plus I make the prototypes :-)

Yes I know what Jaimie is working on, but as a fellow inventor - I ain't saying what!
"Ok so I have invented something"...

No you restyled something, took an old idea and refreshed it.

Good for you though.

This is a new idea...


I guess a modern version of the BigTrack in many ways.
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"Ok so I have invented something"...

No you restyled something, took an old idea and refreshed it.

I guess a modern version of the BigTrack in many ways.

Yes and no. I have also invented new things.

XTR is a update. Things like the Smartsafe are totally new - so technically "inventions", as they use new ways of interfacing product to smartphones.

As I say, there are lots more things I can't talk about yet, which are new.

The sphere thing is as far from Bigtrak as you can get. Price point, playability, age range etc. A rolling ball is not that much fun to me, as cool as it is.
And mine is cooler because:

1). No batteries.
2). No config
3). looks better
4). Proper 4:3 screen size
5). Cheap as chips

Than again I am biased!

Be interesting to see if it is a real aid for better gaming on ios devices, as the iCade is, going by the ammount of people using it on Toucharcade; rather than just a gimmick.
I can not help but be cynical about this thread, wonderful marketing and still no "invention" to speak off.
Be interesting to see if it is a real aid for better gaming on ios devices, as the iCade is, going by the ammount of people using it on Toucharcade; rather than just a gimmick.
I can not help but be cynical about this thread, wonderful marketing and still no "invention" to speak off.

lol, how many iphone operated safes that use light to transmit a code have you seen?

iAppCADE at £15 is not a proper gaming device, it is a fun gadget. As you say a "Gimmick"

Yes and no. I have also invented new things.

XTR is a update. Things like the Smartsafe are totally new - so technically "inventions", as they use new ways of interfacing product to smartphones.

As I say, there are lots more things I can't talk about yet, which are new.

The sphere thing is as far from Bigtrak as you can get. Price point, playability, age range etc. A rolling ball is not that much fun to me, as cool as it is.

Yeah understand. If you need any electronics design / manufacture or programming then PM me - my company may be able to help.
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