old counter strike players?

I think I started playing back in 99, oh the horror....

My fav version of the first cs was before it went retail. I actually switched over to source very early after, I missed 1.6 if that was any good.

Not sure I went on this server then, guess not

I was reading something on FB about Counter Strike yesterday , something to do with banning 11000 players/names for cheating ?

Theres a massive hacking economy in csgo now. Ranking really brings out the trolls. Ironically the change to netcode to take less bias away from lowest ping advantage is allowing a lot of Russian players to deliberately play on the wrong servers. The older CS I remember was quite local due to the ping being important and each server had admin on it to keep out the worst elements, there is very little oversight now
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Beta 0.52 ftw...

Jase died about 8 years ago in a bike accident, there was a thread on here about it...

GSV started when a load of the reg's on the OcUK CS servers got together, fun times...

I was about to post some sort of CS reunion server message after all the LAN pics that've started appearing on FB in the last few days, seem's someone's necro'd this thread instead...
[GSV]Dataless checking in :cool:

And an OLD video I found in my FTP after seeing Trig's post and got inspired to look at mine... wayn0r I think going under the name of surg :D :D

Obvious H4x going on there ^^^ ;)
Hi-Lan circa 2003 I think?

Yes that's a 14 or possibly 15" CRT, the struggle was real my friends :D



Also got the whole i18 album for some reason even though I don't think I was actually there, some classic WillGill :D http://imgur.com/a/w5UPZ

And the only video I have :(

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I think I ate my own body weight in sweet & sour pot noodles that weekend.

And lol at choosing to be skinhead back then. I don't get the choice now :/ Still got that jumper though :E

Was that the weekend that guy from six kittens was there and absolutely raped all of us? His final score in each CS match was something daft like 50-0 every god damn time.
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