How typical for Werg to contribute to the team so late.
How typical for Werg to contribute to the team so late.
What a lanky piz he truly is.
Haha. you know it.How typical for Werg to contribute to the team so late.
Late reply is late... we just went off and started to play different games I think. The servers were all hosted in one of the guys office, here is the rackI remember playing on the meatyballs server from time to time, what happened to them? they just all of a sudden disappeared. They had an awesome community and servers.
Played from almost the first Beta, Docks was one of the best maps and also Iraq. Moved onto BF2 and then didn't play it after that
Played it since its inception basically. Went under many names, but i guess the most used to a decent competition level would have been "xgfunk" or "-X-" i played mainly for [tbZ] teamBanzai back in the wireplay leagues. I think one of my team mates FTM is on these forums. i have played up until CS:GO although CS:GO doesn't grab me as much, and with a family i don't get the time nowa days to play to a decent level.
A few maps come to mind that i really used to love. Cant remember the names. But one was like a huge square building almost like a jail with a massive open courtyard in the middle, and a small sewer system. The other was on a dock (might have been called docks) where the CT's would come from a speed boat type thing.