OLED .....not yet guys !

25 Jun 2009
i quote from Panasonic 2015:-

``One of the reasons given is how quickly the panels lose their quality, with Cunningham noting: "I've seen OLED from other companies and six months after they have been bought the deterioration in the quality of the panel was phenomenal.

"If we brought that to the market and the consumer is paying the amount of money that OLED costs we just wouldn't be comfortable."

so there you go dont buy an OLED yet, he's refering to the LG OLED.

he then went on to say that Panasonic already have their own OLEDs, but aren't keen to market them yet until they're working properly at 4K...

so yea 2 years time, because my guess is next year will be too soon.
my Panny has pretty bad screen retention/ burn, but it's much worst if you turn the brightness and contrast right up..... this takes about 2 weeks to disappear.

so if i'm going to sell my plasma, i'd need to quit gaming for 2 weeks :D

the OLED suffers from deterioration of its colour blocks, its colours dim over a 6 month period........ this is flipping miles worst than screen retention.

my old Sony rear projector had this fault too.....the famous ``green blob`` issue....the screen turns tinted green :eek:............. but not over 6 months, this took 3 years to appear....a new block for that tv costs a £1000

so if OLED still has this issue in 2 years time (it's 6 months ago that i first read this) then it is dead technology, this is what Panny are refering too.

this thread is quite important, it tells you to keep hold of your Plasma because LED will never be as good, all the best 4K LEDs that i saw last week were quite a lot worst than my Panasonic Plasma, they only had far brighter colours that's all......

Plasmas never looked that good in a bright showroom (washed out) ............but LEDs do and it's this that's fooling people, because they're not noticing the massive lack of contrast and textures in the faces, the hair and the clothing etc
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Is that why Panasonic are releasing an OLED in sep/oct this year with an LG panel:rolleyes: , the deterioration you are on about the Samsung RGB OLED tech ,not the LG WRBG OLED tech which has a current lifespan of about 20-30,000hrs or 6.5-10 years at 8hrs a day usage :p

does it and you believe them............. you believe LG :eek:

how do you know the current panel will last 6 to 10 years, because so far it's only lasted about 3 months ( this years OLEDs) therefore what you say makes no sense, because the tech is brand new and might only last another 6 to 12 months, before you start noticing serious faults.

it's like saying ``john is very healthy, there's no way he'll develop Cancer in the next 6 to 10 years`` :eek:
If OLED fails we're totally screwed.

We'll be stuck with LCD's and all their limitations such as grey-blacks, pitiful 1000:1 contrast but often less, dead pixels, white glow, matte coating dullness for decades until that laser technology is figured out. Depressing times.

there's still plenty of plasmas still around, so you're not screwed.

i've found two new 65'' today and one is only 600 quid, same model as mine
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i've just been reading about the new LG 4K OLEDs, they're supposed to be brilliant, the best TVs ever, almost perfect picture quality....... take a look at AV Forum :cool:

so LG have suddenly managed to get the technology working right... or pretty close to right, but it remains to be seen if this OLED will last 5 years.

this has got me thinking now, one problem, the 65'' version is very expensive, right it looks like i'm off to Currys tomorrow
it's definitely an easy buy, because all the reviews say it's brilliant and AV Forum say it's the best they've ever seen, but it's only 55''

i deffo dont want the same size screen as now, the 65'' is too expensive right now but will be ok for late next year

the best bargain is that Panny VT 65 way over there in Norwich............flipping miles away :mad::mad::mad:
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ok just went to Currys and Purwell's to take a look at the OLED LG 55'' .......THE £1900 version

it looked stunning, no motion blur, no artifacts, but it was a proper Demo tape, great contrast/colour and 3D depth of field............easily the best tv in both shops, miles better than the best LEDs

any negatives:-

yes, i'd say the blacks are too solid and strong, esp in hair and clothing, there's not enough grey shades and contrast..........the OLED reminds me of a ``souped`` up LED, but this was in Purwells with a normal BBC 1 HD channel.

he said to me ``if the Panny VT65 is in perfect condition get that instead, this OLED is probably too small for you and needs to be the next generation at 4K``

the OLED is superior to my Panny with regards to motion and screen consistancy, the screen has much more WOW factor as well..............BUT the panasonic has far more realistic faces/ hair and clothing, it looks more lifelike and by quite a large margin

finally, this tv had bog standard settings, so i expect these faults can be corrected, so it's hard to tell.....because a bog standard Panny looks bad too

conclusion:- forget LED, get this instead DEFINITELY :eek: but if you have a Panny already wait till late next year.........(2 more generations from now)

you should have seen the Demo tape of New York City........:eek::eek::eek: it blew the latest Sammy 65'' SUHD LED out the water and it only costs £1900......................so it's flipping sodding miles better :D:D

that Sammy is 4K.........the OLED is only 1080P, yet has a far sharper more detailed image........odd isn't it
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I had the OLED LG 55" 1080p for a few days before I returned it. The picture was stunning but I noticed slight motion judder on panning shots which bugged the hell out of me. No amount of settings tweaks could stop it. I did also notice very minor screen retention after watching a movie with black bars. When we went back to normal tv there was noticeable dark areas at the top and bottom where the bars on the movie had been which took about 30 mins to go away.

I'm going to wait a while and see what comes along.

i never noticed motion judder, but the SR is present in the panny too.
dont bitch on my thread please :cool:

i've just read about the OLED VS THE PANNY Plasma and the OLED wins relatively easily, so this tells me the OLEDs i saw were poorly set up ... which is pretty normal for Currys :).

i have to make my mind up quick because there's quite a few for sale on Ebay

i've read quite a lot about this tv and i think it's a really brilliant buy, its blacks are tremendous............ i think i'll buy it and i've found a brand new one going cheap, with the original box and unopened.........what a bunch of crooks most of these guys are on Ebay, but this bloke seems ok.

what about 4k?........... it aint a big deal if 1080p looks this good and it deffo isn't a problem with my ST Panny either ( the LG OLED is superior to my tv by quite a long way)

there's a 65'' version at 1080p :eek::eek::eek:

but i bet i cant get it.

no i cant, it's been instantly replaced by the latest 4K version and i aint spending 6000 quid right now..

incidently, the 55'' 4K version ( just over 3000 quid) will be a waste of time, that resolution is better for a much larger screen

i was totally wrong about these OLEDs :eek: they really do look brilliant, you should've seen ``the Hobbit`` i swear my jaw dropped to the ground !!!:D

finally, for 4K i'd need another Titan X
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i've just brought it

i have till tomorrow night to confirm the sale via Email, it's a long drive collection next tuesday..... i got it for 1600 quid, it's brand new and the box is unopened.
So right now, this is THE television to have?

LG 55EC930V Smart 3D 55" Curved OLED TV

I posted the other thread re 2015 Sony Bravia range and everyone is telling me to forget 4K and go with 1080p OLED. So this is the reccomended set from all available makes and models right now?

Current TV is Panasonic 50" G20 plasma.

when you see them side by side the OLED is way better than all of them, even my Panny ST 55.

the Sammy 4K SUHD comes close, but does not have the same JAW- DROPPING image, the OLED is the best tv in the world...finally, the Sammy is much more expensive

If you don't get the judder and be careful with retention the LG OLED is by far the best image quality I have seen. I had a Sony 4k as well and even at 4k it did not look as nice as the 1080p OLED. Pixels are not everything... :)


dont forget the Panny has loads of faults too, i can see the menus of about 3 different games on mine, it would take about 2 weeks for the image retention to disappear .............if you game every night you'll get image retention...

i can also see the Win 8 Desktop Taskbar as well :) when i sold the 50'' i had to quit gaming for 2 weeks before hand

by the end of next year OLED will take the world by storm, LED will die off completely...... they'll all have to make OLED to compete, it's starting already.
Thanks Nexus. I very nearly splurged £6K on a new Sony 65" but am considering more like £2-3K with a view to upgrade again in 2-3 years.

It would be mainly used for gaming and watching 1080p MKV movies via DLNA.

go into a showroom and see an OLED.

this tv has a big fault..........Motion Judder, the image judders as the camera pans horizontally, because i thought i saw this in BBC1 HD..but i did not see it at all in the LG demo..... it does not do it if the motion is slow or if it's panning at 45 degrees to vertical, it's horizontal only...

you can only reduce this, but doing so will introduce the ``soap opera effect``, so you'll have to compromise here, this problem is exactly the same as in their LCDs/ LEDs............because the OLED uses the same engine, but i dont think it does it in gaming, because it's 60fps.......... not sure

i told him ``if you dont get a formal email from me confirming my purchase then i'm not buying it`` :cool:............. yea i'm not so sure now, maybe the VT65 will be better for now and the OLED late next year.

i'm now confused because maybe i'll get used to mild ``soap opera effect``....................damn it, i hate it when it gets messy like this........... why cant they produce a tv that works perfectly.........somebody shoot me !!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the plan this weekend pal. Was considering taking a USB stick with a test file on so I have some consistent material. Any suggestions for good source material?

F1 racing...................check out the Judder and soap opera effect.

you dont need to check the image quality..... only the motion, the VT65 bid ends tomorrow so i've got to act quickly
yes but with the panny we're used to its faults, but we need to know if it's any worst.......... because it's mentioned quite a lot and i deffo noticed something in Purwells, but i put it down to a poor feed........as it moved it was like you were blinking your eyes, it looked strange, the panny doesn't do this, it semi- blurs which looks far better.......... i went ``what was that :eek::eek:``

WOPPY101 is the best person to answer this

no good just buying this tv, we need to investigate everything
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