OLED .....not yet guys !


ok it doesn't look too bad and this bloke knows what he's saying

For your 24 frame content (when output at 24) :

Tru Motion USER
Judder 3
Blur 2

Any less and things will fall apart sporadically
Any more and you take a one way trip to Soap Opera Land.

Judder is inherent in 24 frame content. If you project a 35mm film on the screen and the cinematographer gets a little too adventuresome, you will see it. It is not exclusive to our home displays, although some displays amplify the problem while others have reasonable ways to address it.

When future displays can give us native 48, (and successful upcovert 24 frame content) judder will no longer exist for all intents and purposes.

Until that day in the future, Tru Motion can handle at least 97% of it. Even so, I still get a few non repeatedly motion errors from time to time. When I see them, I will go back and try to get them to repeat, but usually they run smooth as silk the 2nd time around. I believe the 9300's CPU reaches it's breaking point at times and glitches. The math doesn't add up and we see a stutter or something that resembles a missing frame. It happens VERY infrequently and I personally have never had ANY display that didn't glitch on motion every now and then including my 8th Gen Kuro. And always unrepeatable.

I have used Oppo BD players from the very start after my first Panasonic "door stop" which ran so hot you could fry eggs on it and took 20 minutes or so to try and load a non java title. HA HA!

One thing ALL of us need to always remember. The current state of the art with digital video (or digital ANYTHING) is really really great, but it is NOT perfect and there will always be artifacts of some sort that make it to our eyes. Most people never see them, people here do. People that expect perfect video have the wrong hobby.
Maybe in the future it will be that way, for now we have to settle for near perfection
you wont know till you see it and it can be semi-tuned out.........it's a risk you take

I rang up the Plasma guy but he was out of the shop, so i need to ring him again at 5pm........... i wouldn't care less if this was Oxford, but Norwich is miles away so i'm deffo not driving that far without knowing the TV is in perfect condition first, i'd rather buy the 55'' OLED from Italy ( no vat or import duty and it only takes 5 days to get here).

The one thing i've noticed recently is a lot of so called brand new TVs for sale on EBay, with ``no original box``............. do not go near a brand new tv without its box. :eek::eek:

your best tactic is to buy brand new only..........but send him an email first and try and get it 200 quid cheaper, most say yes :cool:

that's your OLED Calibration settings. :cool:

To eliminate almost ALL judder and keep everyone in the frame mostly in focus with 24 frame content output at 24 , I settled on Judder 3 and Blur 2. It was the only setting that worked well without introducing SOE. Anything less on either adjustment and it proved ineffective. Believe me, I sat there and played with that thing for days on end and about the only thing I wish for now is that LG gave us 1/2 increments in their adjustments on the Tru Motion itself. If I could get BLUR set to 1 1/2 instead of 2, I think overall the entire thing would be nailed.

Interlaced: Tru Motion OFF works best
Progressive: Tru Motion set to Judder 3 and Blur 2 works best

Again, I have spent many days and loads of varied content to come up with these findings and settings. Make of them what you will.
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Are you keeping it then?

from doing loads of research today the OLED is far superior to the VT 65'' , so i'll probably get the 55'' OLED and sell my ST 55 for about 500 quid....

but i'm also looking at the 55'' 4K... which is the latest 3rd generation and probably superior.
OLED superior to a VT plasma? I've not read the rest of the thread but in no world does that make sense.

In the future i'm sure it will, someday.

it's superior by quite a long way, you need to do your research..... even the Samsung SUHD ue65js9000 is better than the Panny VT

everyone on AV Forms who has switched to the LG OLED sais it's far superior and they're experts, the other reviews aren't wrong either...............i was shocked too !!............the 4K version is easily the best tv in the world
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The LG 55EC930V has a better contrast ratio due to it being an OLED but the VT60 has far superior picture processing.

The VT60 is EOL so would be hard to find a new one.

no, i saw the OLED yesterday and it was way better than my Panny plasma, it just blows it to pieces in every way....the reviews say the same.

it's all over the web as the best tv in the world and they cant be wrong, just look at the Youtube vids, the only plasma worth having is a brand new GT 65'' from Japan, but not that one on ebay right now for 2000 quid, it's a refurbished tv, i wouldn't touch it with a 10ft bargepole..........esp when in january he had another one that was broken and the buyer refused to take it... it's the same damned tv and when i asked him about it he told me to clear off !!!

there's lots of snobbery around with regards to the Panny plasma/Kuro....... but its era is over
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Let me guess, the set you saw in curry's is better than your St?

I'm out.

no i saw two OLEDs in different shops, they were way better than mine and they weren't even set up correctly, but i did notice Juddering which can be corrected to an extent, but my Panny has quite a few faults too
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I had the VT60 for about two weeks and it was stunning with buttery smooth motion. I gave up on the 55EC930V after a couple of days as the motion for me was horrid. The contrast and wow factor on the OLED are like nothing else but it to me feels like LG made too many cut backs on the processing to bring the price down.

This is why I'm waiting now as an OLED with the processing of the VT60 would be the perfect TV in my opinion.

yea i cant say i'm totally happy with the OLED, in many ways i prefer the samsung ue65js9000... it wont look quite as stunning but it still gets great reviews...... this is probably the only LED worth having.

i'm suspicious of a few things with the LG OLED :-

1...........LG has always been nowhere near as good as Panasonic
2...........this motion judder.
3...........it's too small
4...........LG isn't as good as Samsung
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OLED demos are nice, but the reality is very different and requires a lot of fiddling, even then it can be quite hit and miss - judder anyone?

The VT and ZT are both superior in many ways, the ST is the budget option and doesn't cut it, nor was it intended to. Still a fine set.

You have been all over the place on this thread and other ones for that matter, don't take someone elses forum post and make it your own or as fact.

I know nothing about watercooling, if i read some threads on it, I will have a basic understanding, but ultimately I will still know nothing - I wouldn't start telling people what's the best and so on - i'm sure you can see the point here.

no you're in a minority, nearly everyone rates the OLED higher, i've even read reviews comparing the two and OLED still wins.... even more so with this new 4K model out soon.

if one was to be totally neutral you'd say both are about the same but only if you had the ZT60, but this is in comparison to the 1080p OLED, because the brand new 4K OLED is a fair bit better..........but i must admit that fast motion does seem a problem, but i expect you can semi resolve it and get used to it.............. but then again, it's not mentioned as a huge problem on AV Forums because i've been trying to research it all afternoon

a brand new GT 65'' costs £3000 to import from Global Rakutan......but it's only the 50 series

but thanks to Ebay all of this is a confusing mess, so i'll probably get the 55'' OLED from Currys and keep the ST just in case .... it doesn't matter where you get the OLED from because at least Currys is safe !!!!!!!!!!!
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yes but it's a very close call, because colour inaccuracy......uniformity is something you'll adapt to, unlike some of the faults with my Plasma :mad:............i.e just for starters, it would take 2 weeks of no gaming at all to clean up my screen

the worrying thing is of course judderly motion and the Soap opera effect alternative to cure it.

the other worrying thing is the Blacks... it is too black, you never see black in daytime it's always dark grey......or blue purple, pure black makes the colours stand out and is a perfect contrast to them but it's wrong in nature.........black is caused by the non existence of light.............. it's fine in on screen graphics menus etc but looks wrong in a nature Documentary..

this last bit is just a small complaint, but the Panny plasma definitely has these blacks far better....... the OLED needs its blacks backed off slightly.

i dont think any of this is a deal breaker at all......... only if the juddering is bad
every single query that you ask them about their tvs on Ebay comes back either wrong or a dodged reply........... it's so bloody bad.

we complain about Currys........ you've got to be joking, they're brilliant compared to these clowns............ the best reply so far is an Indian``Cash and Carry`` guy in Manchester........thank God i'm working all weekend
``Compared to the best plasmas, namely the Pioneer Elite Kuro and the Panasonic VT/ZT60, the EA9800 is significantly superior in most areas, especially smoothness and clarity. Contrast is superior also, with the EA9800 maintaining that contrast even in dark movie scenes. It's greater light output capability means that, provided reflections are minimized, the EA9800 will look punchier and more exciting in rooms with moderately bright ambient light. Color accuracy is very good, though this is one area where the EA9800's measured performance could not quite match that of the reference plasmas. Thankfully, any measured color accuracy deficiencies were so minor that they were not visible with normal programming, which always had beautiful color in ISF Night mode. In comparison with arguably the best LED LCD, the Sharp Elite, the EA9800 displays visibly better color, no blooming around white objects, and better purity in moving white objects such as hockey rinks. In short, the EA9800 is the best of the best, handily surpassing previous reference displays.``

these posts are all over the internet.... the OLED might have faults but the ones you've mentioned wont be noticed by most people and PLASMAS have quite a few faults too.....many more than the few you've mentioned here with the OLED.

because if the image had these faults (that were noticeable), it would be mentioned often..........but it isn't at all, so this sais everything, its only fault is the juddering, but this can be reduced quite lot, it is also fair to comment that there's quite a few owners that havent mention the juddering.

OLED is for right now, not in the future.

be careful of these Calibrators, because most of these faults you cant detect..... but the juddering yes and unfortunately the only way to find out is to buy the tv.

let me clarify that......... the only way to find out what the OLED is like is to buy it next week from Currys, because it can always be sent back
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i'm also very impressed with the Samsung SUHD..........but i need to see this tv on BBC1 HD News, especially the faces/ clothing.............. because my 55'' ST has this looking perfect.

my max budget has to be around 4 thousand, so this rules out the 65'' OLED :eek:............... for value for money with regards to a 65'' tv, the Sammy 65UEJ9000 is a far better option for me..........or of course the 55'' OLED
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Just been to take a look at the LG in Currys.

At first I was blown away by it. Sat next to an LCD the increase in blacks was like night and day (literally!). They had a trailer Fast & Furious playing and I did notice the judder a couple of times, but as it was a fast cut trailer it was difficult to say if it would be enough to put me off completely.

After watching a while the blacks did look crushed, but as this is a Currys setup its hard to know if that's a feature or just the setup.

The only sets that got close on picture quality were an LG 65" at £3700 and the Panasonic 902.

Overall, if there was a sensibly priced 65" OLED I'd go for it, but as it stands I *think* I'm still set on a 65" LCD, probably the Panasonic TX65AX902B as to me size beats outright image quality for cinematic experience.

the OLED will probably have it's contrast and brightness up way too high for the demo.....i need to go back and have another look on monday...........esp the Sammy SHUD
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Personally I'm looking forward to the (flat!) LG EF9500 + EF9800 series coming out later in the year. Only 65" panels will be of interest to me.

Cannot stand curved TV's though. They truly are the cancer of the TV world.

Even if they was free I would not want one!

Still very happy with my Plasma though which (hopefully) will keep me going till OLED get's down to a sensible price point.

i'm not too bothered either way, but the flat screen definitely looks better... but the big problem is the 65'' OLED ( which ever version you buy) costs a bomb..........even if you put down a deposit of 2000 quid, the repayments over 2 years are massive, even on a low 7% interest rate....

it looks like i've brought a tv:-

PANASONIC TX-P60ZT60...........250 hours of use from new, a year left on its guarantee and £2700 :cool: does this sound ok guys

i went to purwell and he said get the ZT 60, ``the only tv in this shop that's almost as good as the ZT, is the panny 4K LED`` and it did look brilliant...........the Samsung SUHD looked bad on 1080p the faces were awfall on BBC1 HD News.

the OLED really did have motion issues, they also said that the new 4k model has the same fault...all the LEDs on display had far better motion than the OLED..

``we're waiting to see the 4K Panny LED, it should look far better than the LG``..

the panny :- Product Code: TX-65AX802B, did have very good detail and amazing colouring in the faces, the flesh tone was quite pale, this tv looked very much like my ST 55, which isn't bad for a 65'' LED screen.......... but its audio is pretty bad
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Thought the LG's were a lot better...?

Anyway, good choice, it's an excellent screen

the OLEDs poor motion was even mentioned in Currys, i'm sorry i missed this .....when the image panned to the left or right, it sort of blurred and then came back into sharpness as the motion stopped, i actually found the screen hard to look at for long.... it's hard to describe its motion, because you turn away from it instinctively and look at an LED instead, it bothers you that much.

it really is either the ZT 60 or only the very best LED...........that Panny LED will be fine, but i feel that the ZT 60 is far too good to ignore.....not sure
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Well, if you do get the ZT, just hope and pray you don't get glass separation or hairline fractures. Or as well as the plagued IR problems it suffers heavily as it ages.

AVF and AVS has had these discussions for years, even to the present day. As well as fan buzz.

That and the fact there is no replacement parts available from Panasonic. As people ran into these issues and were refunded the full amount. Or were given an LCD replacement directly from Panasonic of the AX802.

it's so damned tricky, i almost brought the 65'' led 5 mins ago....because there's a few around that are fairly cheap.

what bothers me about my 55'' ST, is it has dreadful blotches in the whites that you notice in programmes like ``homes under the hammer``, there's also loads of feint IR icons on the screen.........these will always be there because i game.

i've ruled out OLED and the Sammy SUHD, the ZT 60 makes me feel guilty, something tells me it's wrong...........


feedback needed here guys, i need your help thanks
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