ok it doesn't look too bad and this bloke knows what he's saying
For your 24 frame content (when output at 24) :
Tru Motion USER
Judder 3
Blur 2
Any less and things will fall apart sporadically
Any more and you take a one way trip to Soap Opera Land.
Judder is inherent in 24 frame content. If you project a 35mm film on the screen and the cinematographer gets a little too adventuresome, you will see it. It is not exclusive to our home displays, although some displays amplify the problem while others have reasonable ways to address it.
When future displays can give us native 48, (and successful upcovert 24 frame content) judder will no longer exist for all intents and purposes.
Until that day in the future, Tru Motion can handle at least 97% of it. Even so, I still get a few non repeatedly motion errors from time to time. When I see them, I will go back and try to get them to repeat, but usually they run smooth as silk the 2nd time around. I believe the 9300's CPU reaches it's breaking point at times and glitches. The math doesn't add up and we see a stutter or something that resembles a missing frame. It happens VERY infrequently and I personally have never had ANY display that didn't glitch on motion every now and then including my 8th Gen Kuro. And always unrepeatable.
I have used Oppo BD players from the very start after my first Panasonic "door stop" which ran so hot you could fry eggs on it and took 20 minutes or so to try and load a non java title. HA HA!
One thing ALL of us need to always remember. The current state of the art with digital video (or digital ANYTHING) is really really great, but it is NOT perfect and there will always be artifacts of some sort that make it to our eyes. Most people never see them, people here do. People that expect perfect video have the wrong hobby.
Maybe in the future it will be that way, for now we have to settle for near perfection
ok it doesn't look too bad and this bloke knows what he's saying
For your 24 frame content (when output at 24) :
Tru Motion USER
Judder 3
Blur 2
Any less and things will fall apart sporadically
Any more and you take a one way trip to Soap Opera Land.
Judder is inherent in 24 frame content. If you project a 35mm film on the screen and the cinematographer gets a little too adventuresome, you will see it. It is not exclusive to our home displays, although some displays amplify the problem while others have reasonable ways to address it.
When future displays can give us native 48, (and successful upcovert 24 frame content) judder will no longer exist for all intents and purposes.
Until that day in the future, Tru Motion can handle at least 97% of it. Even so, I still get a few non repeatedly motion errors from time to time. When I see them, I will go back and try to get them to repeat, but usually they run smooth as silk the 2nd time around. I believe the 9300's CPU reaches it's breaking point at times and glitches. The math doesn't add up and we see a stutter or something that resembles a missing frame. It happens VERY infrequently and I personally have never had ANY display that didn't glitch on motion every now and then including my 8th Gen Kuro. And always unrepeatable.
I have used Oppo BD players from the very start after my first Panasonic "door stop" which ran so hot you could fry eggs on it and took 20 minutes or so to try and load a non java title. HA HA!
One thing ALL of us need to always remember. The current state of the art with digital video (or digital ANYTHING) is really really great, but it is NOT perfect and there will always be artifacts of some sort that make it to our eyes. Most people never see them, people here do. People that expect perfect video have the wrong hobby.
Maybe in the future it will be that way, for now we have to settle for near perfection