Absolutely, and good for you. You can even turn the Pcores off if that makes your day. But let's stop pretending that it performs better, cause it doesn't.
Ichirous power consumption was in CINEBENCH. In cinebench turning off ecores is stupid regardless, since its both slower and less efficient, lol. Good job, you turned ferrari into a lada
Lower power consumption and do not have to account for e-cores in stability testing for manual overclock settings. That is more than enough reason to turn them off.
There is no reaosn to turn off P cores because you can buy chips with less of them. There exists no chips without those e-cores and some of us want only P cores
I never turned a Ferrari into a lada. I got the chip for those 8 awesome P cores alone. More like turning a Cadillac Escalade into a Chevy Corvette.
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