On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Onwards and upwards I guess - wish me luck! :)

Hi Quink!

Don't feel ashamed! You simply forgot how bad life was being dependent on alcohol, and feeling great in your sobriety you slipped. Its all part of the drugs trap and its awesome that you climbed back out quickly enough! :D

I have to admit that I too had a slip after three weeks of sobriety. For some reason I don't remember I ended up buying some beers to 'chill out' after a tough Wednesday at work. Thursday and Friday, more of the same and Saturday I woke up hung over, miserable as sin and just didn't enjoy my day. I threw the rest of my booze away and felt a massive relief that on Sunday I would at least start to feel better. I think I slipped because I forgot just how manky it was. I'm relistening to the allen carr audio book now (on the way into work each day - I plan to play through a few times over the next month or so to hammer home the message). I'm feeling better than ever again!!!

Burtie, glad to have you back with us! Try the audiobook mate, you get it free with a trial membership at audible on amazon!
I'm now more than 3 months sober. I've lost a stone and a half in weight, begun to pay off my debts, and got serious about my fitness.

I really don't see myself ever drinking again. I've no intention of giving up what I've gained!

To those struggling, keep on going, it does get easier!
6 weeks with no beer now, I've lost 2st in 7 weeks which is double the target I set to lose before Christmas!

I'm out on the beer again on the 14th though, it's the lads night out before Christmas (were all in our 40's now so have to plan these things!). I'll be drinking over Christmas as well, but then off it again as I try to get healthy and fit. My blood pressure has dropped loads which is great :)
I'm now more than 3 months sober. I've lost a stone and a half in weight, begun to pay off my debts, and got serious about my fitness.

I really don't see myself ever drinking again. I've no intention of giving up what I've gained!

To those struggling, keep on going, it does get easier!

Well done and well said :)
6 weeks with no beer now, I've lost 2st in 7 weeks which is double the target I set to lose before Christmas!

I'm out on the beer again on the 14th though, it's the lads night out before Christmas (were all in our 40's now so have to plan these things!). I'll be drinking over Christmas as well, but then off it again as I try to get healthy and fit. My blood pressure has dropped loads which is great :)
Well done mate :)

Well done phonemonkey & Rojin

7 weeks for me today.
Well done Mike :)
Still not touched a drop, been tempted by some whisky for my sore throat though, for medicinal purposes only. ;)
So how is everyone feeling about the Christmas party season? Im a bit stressed about nye which will be round my bosses place this year. He is a sound bloke and a mate too. we've been out on the beers many times in the past but I just worry that he will see me as a bit if a samp squib for not partaking. Will be going with the wife and our little lad so im sure all will be fine, I just dont want to have to get into too much discussion with people about the whole non drinking thing tbh :rolleyes:
So how is everyone feeling about the Christmas party season? Im a bit stressed about nye which will be round my bosses place this year. He is a sound bloke and a mate too. we've been out on the beers many times in the past but I just worry that he will see me as a bit if a damp squib for not partaking. Will be going with the wife and our little lad so im sure all will be fine, I just dont want to have to get into too much discussion with people about the whole non drinking thing tbh :rolleyes:
Personally I know I won't have a problem not drinking this Christmas. So far I've given away 4 cases of beer and soon to be 7 bottles of vodka. This will also be the first champagne breakfast free one too... Bring it on! :)
So far I've given away 4 cases of beer and soon to be 7 bottles of vodka.

I could carry on with the no drinking over Christmas, but I don't want to :D I'll be starting (stopping!?) again on the 2nd Jan though. Although there will be the odd weekend session I'm going to stop drinking mid week.
So how is everyone feeling about the Christmas party season? Im a bit stressed about nye which will be round my bosses place this year. He is a sound bloke and a mate too. we've been out on the beers many times in the past but I just worry that he will see me as a bit if a damp squib for not partaking. Will be going with the wife and our little lad so im sure all will be fine, I just dont want to have to get into too much discussion with people about the whole non drinking thing tbh :rolleyes:

Just tell them you're the designated driver? As long as you do drive of course!
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