On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Cheap wine generally has added sugar to overcome the nasty taste where as decent wine doesn't. Certified organic wines have half the sulphates and of course are grown without chemical herbicides and pesticides.

I do think think anyone could deny there's a signification difference between a 3.99 bottle of mass produced bottle of white and a good bottle of organic red which was my question :p
9.99 red for me. Nothing too fancy, I find there's some okay wines in the price range. Obviously I'm not very posh but I don't mind haha.

edit: they add sugar to cheap wine? Wut? Seriously?
Where Does Sugar in Wine Come From?

The sugar in wine is called residual sugar or RS. RS doesn’t come from corn syrup or granulated sugar like you might think, it primarily comes from the fruit sugars in wine grapes (fructose and glucose). Of course, there are a few instances where cheap wine producers will use sugar or grape concentrate to sweeten a wine–all the more reason to seek out quality!


I've been trying to find the programme where they show mass wine production which comes from Australia, South Africa and California in massive bladders in shipping containers then bottled here. Quite eye opening how the mass produced wine is made. If it tastes wrong they just add stuff to adjust it but that's what the market wants. No one is bothered if the 3.99 or 3 for a tenner wines are a good year or bad year
Did you talk to her in the end?

Saw your comment a few days after you posted, but didnt really feel like replying at the time

I didn't, no.

Though I did actually had a heart to heart with her a few months before that. I explained I felt my drinking was spiralling out of control etc. I said I would quit drinking for a month (went 35 days as I was ill with a cold at the end). My drinking has got better since then, but I'm aware I have to kind of force it not to be crazy.

She comments every now and then abut how I barely drink anymore, and I juts think shes deluded, because I still drink more than most people. Meh, shes a keeper, I defiantly need to make sure I don't loose her over this.

As things stand now. I'm in a good place. I drink maybe twice a week. I dont buy more alcohol than I want to consume at one time, and I try and sip my drinks lol. I generally drink a 4 pack of stella, sometimes supplemented by and extra 500ml bottle of ale. I think this is the kind of drunk most people aim for? I dont know, it feels OK though I guess, and nothing crazy happens when I drink that much which is real nice.

maybe once a month or so things in my head will get a bit crazy with stress and what have you, and I'll drink fairly hard. I try and keep it to say 8 cans absolute max.

I've not been blackout drunk since my last post though, I've always remembered my last drink and going to bed etc.

I'm aware eventually I'll have to stop for good, but ATM, I'm doing a good job of "keeping it under control" (not letting it control me too much) so I'm not really feeling the negatives so not really feeling the need to quit.

Sorry you guys have to listen to my ramblings lol. But whatever, I'm spilling my heart out.

Oh, and Brenn Come on man! you really need to see what help is available to you and take full advantage of it, because otherwise its going to kill you man :( And none of us want that to happen...

The **** you have been through and still that isnt enough to stop you? what will it take?
You partly inspired me to stop after you shared why you stopped drinking.For anyone that has read this thread and is thinking about it don't hesitate give it ago.

My only regret is not giving up drinking earlier.
Not completely off the wagon, but after splitting up with my girlfriend at the end of September I can count on one hand the nights I've had a drink (one of these included my birthday)

Was probably drinking easily 5 nights a week, and that would be anything from a few bottles of beer to a couple of bottles of wine & spirits. Feel so much better for it, and am now at the point where I actually don't look forward to going out drinking. Haven't had a drop in the house and can only stomach about 3 or 4 pints if I go out.

Will probably knock it on the head totally at some point but I'm happy in myself that I can have the choice.

Dropped from 14.5 stone to 11 stone dead during this time so it's been huge motivation! Good luck to all who are doing this!
No disrespect but that wasn't your rock bottom, or you'd have done something about it. Instead you're doing the same thing again - which is doing nothing and hoping you've finally scared yourself into sobriety. It didn't work the last few times you tried, why will it work this time? Madness is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

Alcoholism is a bus which will take you to death if you let it. The only choice you have is when you get off the bus. If you really want to stop drinking then get done help. I recommend AA, its worked for me, but there will be plenty of other alcohol support outlets available locally if you don't want to go down the AA route.

Good luck.

Pretty much the nail on the head, luckily I'm doing well at the moment, quite like going to bed and reading my kindle rather than passing out on the sofa.

Staying away from the AA, not too keen on the God side of it as I'm an Atheist.
Pretty much the nail on the head, luckily I'm doing well at the moment, quite like going to bed and reading my kindle rather than passing out on the sofa.

Staying away from the AA, not too keen on the God side of it as I'm an Atheist.

I'm not religious either, you don't have to be. If you'd like to discuss it furtherthen my e-mail is in trust. Believe me when i say it was the only thing that worked for me. And I tried EVERYTHING to not have to go to AA.

Good luck, I wish you every success
Pretty much the nail on the head, luckily I'm doing well at the moment, quite like going to bed and reading my kindle rather than passing out on the sofa.

Staying away from the AA, not too keen on the God side of it as I'm an Atheist.

I'm not religious either, you don't have to be. If you'd like to discuss it furtherthen my e-mail is in trust. Believe me when i say it was the only thing that worked for me. And I tried EVERYTHING to not have to go to AA.

Good luck, I wish you every success

More sound advice for you Brenn47 hopefully you take up the offer :)
Well im no longer on the wagon, had 4 pints on my birthday, felt fine and could have easily drank more, but did not. Hopefully I will grasp the art of making a pint last. Not had one since either and don't feel the need to have any at home.

Real test is my local re-opens tomorrow and I do want to go. As long as I am sensible this time around I will be content with myself. The idea of hangovers at the moment repulses me anyway, can get a lot more done on a weekend when you aren't writing off a day feeling sorry for yourself.

I am still aiming to lose at least another 1/2 stone which should help keep me grounded as the weight loss was a component of my motivation originally.
Not far off the recommendations of 21 units a week for a man.

I will always say it depends on quality as well. Three bottles of organic good quality red is very different to three bottles of 3.99 corner shop special screw top white.

Its 14 units a week now mate for men & women. Organic ethanol is as toxic to the body as non organic ethanol and is proven to cause mouth, tongue, throat, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic and liver cancer. It probably causes more.
Was doing really well, did over 3 weeks sober, celebrated by falling off the wagon big time, resulted in me tripping over the cat at the top of the stairs and going down the stairs head first into a wall knocking myself out for a few hours, not sure how many hours, just woke up at 3am. Not my finest moment, covered in bruises and also put my back out so bad I could barely stand up, ended up in bed all week.

Not impressed with myself, luckily got a meeting with the Alcohol support group next Friday to discuss the way forward.
Was doing really well, did over 3 weeks sober, celebrated by falling off the wagon big time, resulted in me tripping over the cat at the top of the stairs and going down the stairs head first into a wall knocking myself out for a few hours, not sure how many hours, just woke up at 3am. Not my finest moment, covered in bruises and also put my back out so bad I could barely stand up, ended up in bed all week.

Not impressed with myself, luckily got a meeting with the Alcohol support group next Friday to discuss the way forward.

Oh dear. I'm glad you weren't more seriously hurt. This time at any rate. Don't be angry with yourself, its happened now. What matters is where you choose to go from here.

Trust me when I say that if you are an alcoholic, that this is as good as its ever going to get. I hope your alcohol support group gives you what ever you need to achieve what you can't manage yourself - sobriety.
I hadn't had a drink for around 6 months before last night. If you're planning on indulging over Christmas, then don't! I almost forgot how pointless getting drunk was. It's not as if it even tastes nice. I'd been living healthily over the last few months and I really noticed it when I put some poison back into my body.

I think i'll leave it another 6 months. At least.
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