On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Well done fella, you planning on staying off it over Christmas??

Thanks :)

The plan is to not drink for the foreseeable future. I can't just have a couple and that's it, I end up straight back drinking heavily everyday. The previous times I've stopped, I've thought once I've stopped for a bit I can just have one or two, but that never happens. My mindset is different this time - my aim is to not have an alcoholic drink for as long as possible, hopefully never. I know never is a long time, but we shall see :)
I can't just have a couple and that's it, I end up straight back drinking heavily everyday

That's my problem, I can go weeks without, then one night on the pop and I'm back to everyday, usually to get rid of the previous days hangover.

On the plus side, the shops are shut Sunday to Tuesday, so it shouldn't be too hard to stay off it. :D
Ruddy hell phonemonkey, my cat knocked over all the leaflets I'd been given, I called him a knob and picked them up, just happened to glance at the top one, it was an AA schedule of where and when, read one line, it was that there is an AA meeting 15 minute walk from my house. Guess I'll have to go, see what it's all about. Do you have to pay?

Pity everything's shut over Christmas. :(
Ruddy hell phonemonkey, my cat knocked over all the leaflets I'd been given, I called him a knob and picked them up, just happened to glance at the top one, it was an AA schedule of where and when, read one line, it was that there is an AA meeting 15 minute walk from my house. Guess I'll have to go, see what it's all about. Do you have to pay?

Pity everything's shut over Christmas. :(

You don't have to pay. They put round a donation tin to cover the cost of hall rental, tea/coffee etc.

Good luck and let me know how you get on
Cheers, gunna be in the new year though, there's two groups within a mile of my house, didn't realise there were so many problem drinkers.

Saying that, I browsed the previous pages of this thread, looks like OCUK is a mecca for heavy drinking computer bods! :eek:

Oh and I'm sleeping so much better now, didn't wake up today till 11am! :D
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Productive day so far, all the empties taken down the bottle bank.

Things are going well, still off the booze, feeling normal again, might even fire up the PS3 and play some Battlefield. :D
I'm quite happily sat here watching films and drinking cups of tea. I find sobriety very easy, quite enjoy it although my new addiction seems to be bacon sandwiches. :D

In the past Christmas used to be drunk for 2 solid weeks ... I cringe at that now. :(

My problem is, as I got older, the hangovers lasted longer, usually about 3 days. What's the easiest way to get rid of a hangover, getting back on the horse, so I'd just get drunk again, not because I wanted to get drunk, just I didn't want to be hungover. Stupid really. :rolleyes:
More than likely wine, 2 bottles of spirits would kill you.

2 bottles of wine a night is 140 units a week, just a bit more than the recommended 28 units max.

A random fact = IVF clinics suggest both partners cut down to a max of 5 units of alcohol per week, no smoking and cut out caffeine. So that 28 units is still a hell of a lot! NHS states under 14 units. However that's still quite a bit...

To put that in perspective I have 90 bottles of beer under the stairs (I asked if we could get a couple of bottles in france.. the mrs & mum who don't drink went out and came back with 97 bottles).. the majority of them probably around 7.5% on average.

As the calculation is: strength (ABV) x volume (ml) ÷ 1,000 = units .. so 7.5% abs * 330ml / 1000 = 2.65 units per bottle.. the 8.5% comes out at 2.9 units!

At 14 units, that's basically a bottle a night.. not sure that's a good thing!

I don't like getting drunk, I have a natural brake that kicks in and I stop drinking. However I have been having a beer (bottle of leffe at 6.6% for example) on most week nights recently to unwind from work.. so now I have decided to reduce that to a max of two bottles a week.. then down to zero for the new year. Caffeine I'm only having one cup of coffee in the morning. I have given up alcohol for a couple of months before and also caffeine for over 6 months.

The issue I have is that I have been putting on weight due to the beer.
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You're probably right but I don't think that there's anything bad about cutting alcohol down/out more than that. Whilst excessive drinking is bad for you, even drinking a small number of units every day isn't exactly great either so reducing that is a good thing.
I worked out my unit consumption per month was over 3k, so I knocked it on the head for the most part. Still drink, but i'm down to 'normal' levels (a glass of wine with dinner most nights, and maybe 2-4 pints during the week). On the weekends I'll drink a bottle of wine over the course of the evening.
I worked out my unit consumption per month was over 3k, so I knocked it on the head for the most part. Still drink, but i'm down to 'normal' levels (a glass of wine with dinner most nights, and maybe 2-4 pints during the week). On the weekends I'll drink a bottle of wine over the course of the evening.

3k a month :eek: That's 2 x 1 litre bottles of 40% spirit and about 4 litres of 5% beer per day :eek::eek: Or 10 bottles of wine per day if you prefer wine lol

Still booze free here - 17 days and counting. All going well, although I have had a nagging headache the last couple of days :/
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ahaha hang on I worked it out wrong then! I'm not that bad.

I was drinking 2 bottles of red a day + some beers during the day (summer time...). 7 days a week.
I'm not completely knocking it on the head but I'm going for a rather fuzzy target of drastically increasing the number of days in the week I don't drink anything and also reducing the amount I drink when I do drink. So far it has gone fairly well but I'm only a week into it so..y'know.

I think the time of year plus how stressful work has been had caused me to get into a not great place, though I've often drank more than is ideal.
You don't sound like you've much of a problem if you can limit what you drink with will power alone. Once you get to the stage where you drink everything in the house, that's when the problems start.
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