Once Human - Open Beta right now, very good Open World MMO/RPG crafting survival game.

30 Apr 2003
Collier Row, Essex
I started downloading this as I've been watching it on and off since it was announced, found out they will be wiping progress every 6 weeks and immediatly uninstalled it, sod that.
13 Mar 2007
South Yorkshire
I started downloading this as I've been watching it on and off since it was announced, found out they will be wiping progress every 6 weeks and immediatly uninstalled it, sod that.

If true not sure I'll be sticking with this then, no one apart from the Rust crowd have got time for that.
18 Oct 2002
Meh, just seen advert for this on Faceache, came here to see if there was discussion about it, then see it wipes progress, they cant be sticking to that surely, or, do we think if you play it for free it wipes, and if you pay then you get to keep stuff?

I probably don't play often enough for it to make that much odds for me as I'd be pretty much starting from scratch everytime...
6 Oct 2004
Southampton, UK
Personally I think the wipes are fine. Also once you get to a certain part of the game you can play in a realm that is permanent.

I’m guessing the wipes are for seasonal content as it will change up over time and wiping will put everyone on a level field.

I’m enjoying the game at the moment and only gotten to the third zone. I have restarted like 3 times but on a pvp server.
8 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
This game is absolutely brilliant, just gets better and better once you understand all the mechanics. Been having so muvch fun doing the dungeons, bosses, clearing areas whilst obviously crafting, building, modding weapons. The world is drop dead gorgeous at times too, some of the lighting is so well done, especially in foggy areas with the sun peaking through the clouds.

A word of warning too. Anyone that now wants to get involved, the open Beta is no longer downloadable to play right away. The game is growing in popularity very quickly, understandably so, so to control the load on the servers, they are now going to a registration system where you sign up to the Beta and then every Friday 3000 tickets will be drawn at random which will allow the lucky ones to gain access to the Beta. Anyone that signed up prior won't be affected obviously.
This absolutely reads like an undisclosed ad.:D
30 Aug 2006
I'm really enjoying this as well. Plenty to do and its fast paced. As to what will happen in 6 weeks when the end of season wipe happens, I don't know. Everyone is too busy ranting I cant work out what is actually going to happen. I have quite a bit of this dust stuff that is suppose to help preserve your equipment. Hacking through the jungle of people loosing the plot; the information I'm readings does seem to suggest that you wont have to reset for a new season and can carry on as you are. But who really knows, time will tell. I'm certainly going to continue to enjoy playing the game over the next 6 weeks.
19 Apr 2013
Put some hours into it over the last couple days and enjoyed it.

It plays quite well although some of the system instructions don't seem very clear as there's a lot going on with the ui. The build system seemed detailed but very footery for alignment. With the current seasons and reset I've no real interest in putting time into it. The feedback seems reasonably consistent from the Western audience and the Devs have said they're taking it on board, have spoken with a lot of people etc. Will be interesting to see where the game is in a year once they've had time to adjust to feedback.
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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Playing it pve only as a time killer.
It's been years since I've played a proper mmo but this style of game is scratching some itches.
The gfx engine in janky with a lot of latency occasionally....
It's obviously not really meant for pve mode but it's actually pretty good fun.
It's incredibly easy and extremely simplistic to pick up.
The base building is great fun if you are into it, if not just flip it and live on a wooden foundation:p
The 6 week reset will be the end of it. I have zero idea why you would wanna do the same **** again in. Non persistent game.. each to their own.

It's fun the first time for sure.
Absolutely zero microtransactionz nessacary all skins.
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1 Jan 2007
yea im enjoying it too, bit annoyed that the server I'm on says its low population but when a friend tries to join its says full, so for us to play on the same server i have to restart from the beginning again, then with the reset having to start again, it could get a bit tedious.
12 Jul 2008
Have the same problem - joined US16 to play with my US mates on launch and now late-joiners can't roll on that server as it's LOW pop but FULL :(

It seems that they capped the number of people who could roll on a server and a lot of those played for an hour and haven't been back, as witnessed by the basic bases in the starter area.

Can't face the idea of starting again on a new server and the same thing would only happen again when someone else decided to play and tried to join us.

Still, I've really enjoyed it but truly don't know what I'll do when the season ends... just playing the same 6 weeks over and over is not very appealing.
19 Apr 2013
I've been enjoying this a lot, it's been very easy to lose track of time. The wipes do annoy me where you only really keep the currencies and blueprints over wipes. All you're stuff goes into Eternallands which is the out of season, permanent build area. You can then use a limited currency to get some of the items carried over into the new season.

Blueprints, mods, story progression and the special currency are all permanent post wipes currently.

The short seasons and time gating is a pain though. I can easily see myself sticking around for one season. And then waiting to see where they go with the game once they've had time to dev the feedback they're getting.

A transcript of PirateSoftware (Thor - twitch streamer) had with the devs.

The Devs response:

Once Human

Thank you so much for taking the time to discuss with us and provide such detailed feedback about Once Human's gameplay. We understand Metas' concerns about the mandatory seasonal resets and how they can affect your sense of progression and attachment to your character. We also recognize that cosmetics being tied to individual characters can be frustrating. We plan to make all purchased cosmetics accessible across multiple characters within the same account by August. If you have already purchased the same cosmetic on different characters within the same account, we will refund the consumed Crystgin or other in-game currency for the additional purchases once the cosmetics are account-wide.To all Metas, not just Pirate Software, if you have any comments or feedback about Once Human, please leave a message in the comments section or on our official Discord. We will carefully review every piece of feedback. As we mentioned in the Dev Stream, if Metas have any concerns, confusions or uncertainties, we will promptly respond. Once again, thank you for your support and love for Once Human. We look forward to making Once Human better with your company!
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