Once in a lifetime gift but unfortunately not for everyone

Sadly I smoked from about 15 to 26, maybe longer i dont remember exactly but it was over ten years, i was overweight for many years, did not exercise properly and so on. I just generally did not look after myself
I think you should be ok tbh. You stopped still at a young age so I don't think it would have had a huge impact and your lungs will recover.
Happy Birthday! I enjoy your posts in Home & Garden. I did laugh the other day I was googling about triple glazing and a thread came up on here, you were posting about it, I think it was 10 years ago. And you said: “I don’t think triple glazing is worth it at my age”. I think you might have been wrong :) but for the best possible reason.

Many happy returns.
Today the wife gave me a gift of a life time - I feel gratefull for it and hope many of you fellow OCUK members recieve one to.


I feel like I am in my 50's but that is in the head only.
I have high blood pressure but it is well under control.
My right eye is broken - can only see round the edges .
I am going grey on the head and growing a forest down below so not sure if todger is still there.
Nearly forgot I have hearing aids and off to Specsavers tomorrow for routine hearing test and aids updated.

My body though feels 80 - knees going but not bad enough for replacements -Back aches as does my neck - My hands and arms are weak but they have held up today moving and fitting two new water butts.
The wife says I have spindle shanks - another words rather thin and scrawney.

Other than all that don't feel to bad.

I hope all of you get your card but also in good physical condition.

Waw! ,80! Congrats...

I am 60 this year and falling apart...lol
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