OnePlus One.

Ordering the Ultimate Shield Premium Tempered Glass Screen Protector for OnePlus One from rainforest site. £9.99 delivered and it 0.3mm.
I have been added to the list twice, if you can remove the "anthony101" entry and add "White" under "Antony101" that could save some confusion.

So the difference to 100% is around 100 minutes. Doesn't make a difference to me. Could charge to 50% and get 3 hrs+hrs screen on time from an hours charge. To be honest I'm a heavy user and I'm yet to be in a situation where I need the charger before I'm home or need it
I must agree that the battery is excellent. I'm trying a different tactic to previously where I would let the battery run down completely. With this phone I'm trying partial charges in an attempt to keep the battery healthier.

It's also nice to be able to make a call without the phone feeling like its working overtime and heating up like my N4 did.
Can you remove my name from the list please. I've no idea when I'll have money for a new phone. I think I'll just wait for the N6 anyway.
Ordering the Ultimate Shield Premium Tempered Glass Screen Protector for OnePlus One from rainforest site. £9.99 delivered and it 0.3mm.

I bought the following one and seems really good.

Orzly® - OnePlus ONE Premium Tempered Glass 0.24mm Protective Screen Protector for the Original Premier Launch Model of SmartPhone called 'ONE' by ONE PLUS ...
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