OnePlus One.

Hogan, they have a spreadsheet you can be added to, don't expect a quick turnaround though, seems to be loads of delays in people getting the phone. Great thread though
If the nexus Is better or around the same price I'll just RMA and get a refund for the Nexus. But there's nothing wrong with this phone apart from the yellow band which varies between devices and the ghost swiping which I notice often and I'm hoping for a fix. I'm very happy with this phone but I'm always looking for the best bang for buck :)
Nexus 6 looks interesting but i dont think it will blow the OPO out the water at all, i think it will be more expensive and probably the 805 snapdragon edge over it.. If it has no SD card and less than 64GB memory its a deal breaker in its self. If it did blow the OPO out of the water i'd sell up and get one in an instant, good phones like Nexus, OPO and OPPO are all good for us consumers :)
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