What is your manager name? Or have you still to sign up? I reccomend joining the league now before it converts to season 2 that way you're in already, plus i know your namecheets64 said:Can I be Wigan

What is your manager name? Or have you still to sign up? I reccomend joining the league now before it converts to season 2 that way you're in already, plus i know your namecheets64 said:Can I be Wigan
It will be updated for season 2, as our season was last seasons playersdandoubleo said:Ooo and its complete with a strike that now has only one leg!
Dan can you pick a team from here, as Portsmouth is taken already for season 2.Macca said:VACANT TEAMS:
Aston Villa
Charlton Athletic
Sheffield United
Wigan Athletic - I think it's taken, need to get manager name.
You don't. Wait til it restarts tonight then you pick teams again. Put Villa in your profile as preffered team and it will be offered tonight.dandoubleo said:Ok ill go for villa, how do i change?
dandoubleo said:Ok done done and done, iv very much enjoyed my time at portsmouth thhough.
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Leave the league and apply again, give me your login name and i'll accept.cheets64 said:Its doing the same, when I click on Wigan, same message
dandoubleo said:You have now joined the Overclockers UK and all the clubs have been notified of your availability. You can now choose to accept one of the job offers below.
Sorry, but no club in this league is interested in your services at this time.
Please wait 1 day before you can apply for a manager job again.
I think that cheets64 asked for Wigan so wait to see if he is definately playing if so i'm afraid you will need to resign. I could reccomend, making a new account so you don't have to wait two days. But don't use both as you'll get banned.[ASSE]Hinchy said:OK I think I've made an error. Looking at the list the Villa job has been taken by someone and I just accepted it
I'm thinking I should be resigning? Am I right?
Of the remaining teams I'd like to take Wigan if they are still available?
Apologies if I've messed up here.