Online Football Manager

Macca said:
I have about 21million as i've sold a lot of players, but still that isn't even enough to buy top players from the scout lol :(

Wish I had 21million to spend on players...have around 5million at the moment, no one wants my players :(
It's a great laugh, i was skeptical at first of what it would be like, possibly a bit boring. But it's good fun especially when you do with people like this :)

Also, do you think i'd be allowed to post in PC Games aswell, and have two threads going as not everyone visits this section, or just keep it here?
I would get the thread moved over there, personally. Theres a lot more people there that enjoy ocuk tournaments :)
I played 3-5-2 passing game. Can't believe I lost with all the possesion I had. Gonna go with a 4-5-1 vs Spurs tonight (away). Counter-attack and shoot on sight!
You're tactics make a BIG difference. This is all you're first time, so just get used to the game and work out how it works :)

Bring on season 2 :p
Macca said:
You're tactics make a BIG difference. This is all you're first time, so just get used to the game and work out how it works :)

Bring on season 2 :p

I gather that, I take it spying on opponents and working against their tactics is very worthwhile? The only way you will learn is experience I suppose!
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