Online Zombie Survival Game

Currently restoring my action points in the Urban General Hospital in Kinch Heights.

Edit: No I'm not, I'm outside nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Someone's going to eat my brains!!!!
Oh dear, was working my way towards you lot and ran out of AP because the fire dept and police dept were too heavily barricaded :confused:

Not looking good.
Using the map I have made my way to Galbraith Hills, closed the doors and hope to be alive in the morning. I'm now out of points so who knows, I do have a book though lol

What a curious game.

Managed to get one of my characters over to 'Milverton Police Dept' which is directly below you guys, unfortunately I couldn't get in the hospital because it's heavily barricaded :(
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So how exactly do you get in if its barricaded...? Does someone have to let you in...?

Went to the hospital, nobody there, a few people in milverton place police dept.

OcUKSm0kin's the name.
Signed up yesterday and started in kinch heights as well. "Despatcher" is holed up in the Sharman Building which is a little south west of you guys.

Managed to shoot my bolt gunning down a zombie on my first day - found a gps tracker and mobile phone but no more ammo... Will have to wait for another full 50 action points before i can do anything else :)

Good luck guys - theres a few big zombie hordes about.
OcUK Manveru is at Miltown outside the Heward Arms. The building's very heavily barricaded and I can't get in - presumably there's survivors inside otherwise it wouldn't be barricaded but how do I get them to let me in?
manveruppd said:
OcUK Manveru is at Miltown outside the Heward Arms. The building's very heavily barricaded and I can't get in - presumably there's survivors inside otherwise it wouldn't be barricaded but how do I get them to let me in?

You need free running to get into heavily barricaded buildings.
I've just started as a medic and I'm currently in the Style Building in Yagoton with about 30 others. Got myself a DNA extractor but not sure what it's for. Now waiting for some more action points before some more exploring :).
Cactus22 said "Hah, holy crap, a guy from OcUK, i'm on there too


Velocity, where do you fancy going ? My main guy survived out in the open last night! :eek: He now has enough AP to get into the suburb.

I've now got 2 of my guys into Milverton Police Dept - unfortunately although I survived the night i've been infected so obviously someone had a cheeky nibble, i'm just hopeing one of the many people holed up here will do me a favour and remove it :(

**Edit - Doesn't matter, i've just noticed that the Hospital is now only at 'strongly' barricaded. I'm there :)
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Damn it it's going to take me ages to restore my action points *cries* has anyone seen my dead body?
I can't knock out the Zombie in Meare Towers - I'm a Nano-Scientist so can only punch......Help. Wish I'd picked a different character now, the scientist is a bit lame.
O.K. Theres now five OcUk'ers located in the Urban Hospital at Kinch Heights. What shall we do now? I currently have 33ap along with a flare gun and a pistol with 3 clips.
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