Online Zombie Survival Game

Rojin said:
I've been trying to get revived for a week, still no joy...

Where are you?

Tollyton has just been ripped to shreds, Woodroffe Mall has gone.

A legion of approx 200 - 300 is moving through, am currently in Tollyton now I believe the legion is going to go west and then fall back and go sayeth some of the rumours...but I can vouch for Tollyton mall going thats for sure.
I've got bored now, I was in St Aidens in Kinch but I've wondered off trying to find another revive point. Currently I'm in the Cornelius Museum in Greentown, I was actually headed somewhere but can't remember where now... :o
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I am wondering about sacrficing all my human characters and trying to turn the world into a zombie hell, its possible.
Yeah ive had my two char a Doc and a hunter up at Caiger mall for past few weeks building them up.

All the other malls have fallen to Zombie hordes and our is apparently next up to be attacked.
Third Opinion said:
Like myself but ive given up and headed North. Zeds are everywhere now and far outnumber the survivors. I think the chances of a revive are slim.

its actually leveled out allot, its about 57% survivors atm, the problem being they all hide is big barricaded buildings so nothing much is happening untill the malls are attacked

I'm outside Blesley Mall atm, and its pretty dead around here :(
If you guys see Shocker123 and The shocker in Kinch, tell him he is a cheating, zerging ******* from me. He just used both alts to kill my zombie outside Urban general.
I didn't really check the southern part of Lumber very well, I thought Jiles was the only OcUKer ;)

Don't worry about the revive, they always happen less the more you want one. My zombie in Kinch got revived twice yesterday.

Come and roll with the RRF for a bit instead, as we smash Penny Heights and destroy Joachim Mall. :D
Holy cow, for all the people who are getting bored, we survivors could do with all hands on deck at Pole Mall (52,80) there's a horde of 63 zombies outside :eek:
Pff, we got twice that many outside a puny little police station.

Joachim Mall is still standing too y the way, has to be said no signs of a hoard moving this way at the moment, got a feeling they'll get here just as I go on holiday and I'll miss all the fun :(
Ian Mac said:
Bellboy, post the profile of your guy in Joachim and I will tell you all about what happened to him when you get back. :D

As the Elton John song goes:

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

Oh don't worry Bellboy, the mob were arriving yesterday. Today you should see a lot more getting killed, plus we know where your hideouts are in Fryerbank ;)

There is nobody in the mall at the moment with Ocuk in their group, I have just checked.
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Right, now I insist we get some trucks with spikes on or petrol bombs or something as these damn zombies are too organised!

Since when can zombies plan co-ordinated assaults on malls! They can barely stop their jaws falling off if I recall my Romero movies correctly.

PS I would definitely pay for a MMORPG version of this game, I love it that you can't really die so if you forget for a few days, you just shuffle off to an NT building and wait.
I've now been trying to get a revive for two weeks! Currently in the Greentown revive point along with 20 others... There just seems to be Zeds everywhere at the moment, it would seem easier to join up with them but it looks like the survivors need some help!
Rojin, seriously Kinch is a great place to get revived, there are three NT buildings and hardly any Zombies, my Kinch zombie has been revived three times in two days now.

Bellboy I would leave the mall now if you are still there. There are 40+ zombies inside now and you are all going to die.
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