Online Zombie Survival Game

I'd oblige but my man in Kinch just got zombificated.

And is it just me or are syringes a lot harder to come by these days?

Where are you Rojin?

EDIT: No he's not, he's fine and well in the Sharman building. Head 1 West of Sharman and I'll revive you as soon as I find a syringe.
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The trick to getting revived seems to be breaking into NT buildings like The Nevill Building and start attacking people.

You attack Artemic for 3 Damage they drop to 57HP

They get really upset for some reason and revive you. ;)
I am still there now.

You attack Artemic for 3 damage. They drop to 54 HP.

If you are quick you can kill me before they wake up and revive/kill me ;) .

I got Artemic down to 39hp before he ran.
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I now have 3 DNA extractors and no syringes, I hate the searches. If you're prepared to wait until this evening I'll still revive you, depends if you think you're safe where you are.
You are lying outside the Nevill Building, a tall white-stone building. The building has been quite strongly barricaded. Also here is Redneckkiller (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here.

There are 19 dead bodies here. You recognise Artemic amongst them.

Since your last turn:

* Beerlooterdude revivified you with a NecroTech syringe. (01-12 17:07 GMT)

See Rojin it works every time.

That wasn't me that killed Artemic by the way I just nibbled him a bit.
Free running allow you to stay indoors when travelling between buildings. It's the only way to get in a heavily barricaded building and is the first skill to get.
I am calling it quits with UD now. There isn't much else I can do ingame that I haven't already done. I've not played as a Zombie but it's not really much different from the Survivor side of things, find nme, kill nme, rest and repeat.
Sods law innit! I was hanging around the church for ages before! Many thanks to Duek for the reviv, now need to go and find some ammo again :)
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