Only MAJOR overclockers need apply - survey!

Originally posted by iammed
weescott still drinking?
hehe its 220 fsb and i think 2646 bitty higher than 2605 :p

Drrrrrink?????? I'm a

Errr Sunday...the day for pottering about in the potting shed....or PC room.

Where have all the A64's gone?????
Originally posted by weescott
Drrrrrink?????? I'm a

Errr Sunday...the day for pottering about in the potting shed....or PC room.

Where have all the A64's gone?????

On air, quiet cooling (Zalman 7000Cu-B and 2x120mm case fans on PSU controlled temp sensors for speed) and prime stable:

no screenies as yet.. but all you barton XP-M dudes will Pwn me anyway. Got a XP-M1600 (tbred b) at 10x240 2400mhz CAS2 11-2-2-2 @ 1.75vcore, 3.2vdimm, DFI Infinity, watercooled.

this is just a preliminary overclock, just seeing how far i can push it and this is as far as i've got so far. 38*c. (the machine is new, new AS5, new chip, not burned in yet)
I have my XP-m 2600 stable at 2750 on air, 12.5x220 @2-2-2-11 with 1.875v. Just waiting on some OCZ RAM and I reckon I will give 2800 a go.:eek:
At 2750 I do benches for v/c and find no probs looping 2k3 and playing BFv or RaceDriver2, not sure about prime stable though...cbf d/ling it to see...its Fleetwood stable. :D
Originally posted by iammed
i have good memories of heavy vodka drinking sessions in Aberdeenshire:D

I don't have any memories of my heavy drinking sessions in Aberdeenshire:p

CPU database coming soon!

how do i upload an image?

i got my XP-2500m at 2525 @ 210.5x12 @ 1.8v on air.

not stable though.

think i need a new psu or something... or maybe a northbridge cooler?

passed 8 hours prime stable @ 1.76 vcore

does 3+ ghz but i run my pc Almost Passively cooled and 44 - 47 full load is as much as it can handle, i really dont enjoy turning my fan's up over 15% as i run it 24/7 downloading next to my bed.

still it's a pretty good clock i think ? if i can ever be bothered will get cpuz screenie of 3+ ghz requires over 1.9 real vcore tho :/
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