Operation Fresh Toast H440 Watercooled

Thanks man. Corsair should consider some white versions of their obsidian cases. Would need a different name but they are a clever bunch and could come up with something.

definitely! I would jump on a white 900d or 750d instantly. "corsair Ivory series".
Nice work, wouldn't mind to do this myself but I am to kack handed and scared of water frying my stuff to do it, maybe one day! (Also case really isn't watercool friendly)
definitely! I would jump on a white 900d or 750d instantly. "corsair Ivory series".

I would love to see that but fear too many stupid people jumping on them thinking it is genuinely made of real ivory. Then PETA would get involved and it would all get ridiculous.
I like the choice of colour theme - looks like Lego Space Police from the late 80s :D

I assume you are talking about the old blue mobo. I am surprised how well it works with the overall look.

TBH it is not a bad motherboard - though gigabyte buggered up the firmware. I can use an old school white text on a blue background bios with proper load line calibration/vdroop control but lose fan control and deal with super slow post times. Or I can choose the opposite.

At the moment I have the old school look as when I was overclocking on the eufi bios (without llc) the vdroop was super bad. Vcore would drop by over 0.05v making me push relatively large voltages such that under load there was enough left to remain stable.
A slight update to the build.

MPower is off to OcUK HQ for replace/repair etc. Hope to get a working one back.

Also got a molex to dual sata cable from china to replace the bitfenix alchemy braided one I had before. The bitfenix one was quite bulky and due to the way the drives sit flat it was nearly impossible to get the plugs in due to wires going in the top and bottom. Not to mention that the insulation around the wires had split at the plugs.




The wire colours don't bother me as you cannot see them (especially not with the mess from the temporary motherboard)

yeah that's unacceptable!
(also Disco, just realised that you're in the lake district as well. wooooo!)
That cable is shocking I'd complain to bitfenix.

I could do but I am not sure that I would get very far as it's over a year old. Though I might put something on their forums as splitting cables is no joke and may have been what killed my HDD.
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