opinions please - 1st draft of website

I detect a Dreamweaver design view user. :(

Is this a one off website project? Or are you planning on doing it regularly?

If you are doing this on a regular basis, and being paid for it, you should stop using Dreamweaver in design view, investigate web standards and learn to hand code.
cor look at all that totally unnecessary markup, and not even a page title, you might as well continue with this if the standards fine for what you want, the design is not death defyingly bad but it seems a bit squashed up in the 'upleft' corner, lol *pimp*. :)
There is no page title because its only there to show you guys. Is the design that bad?? :(

I can centre align the page so its not so sqashed.
Don't know anything about the coding/scripting side of things.

But visually ;

Header : The words "MotoPlus " look like they have been " cut " ( poorly ) from somewhere else.

As a former Kawasaki ZX600 Ninja owner , the picture to the left of the header looks like a "praying mantis" , not a good example of there wonderful machines.

Sidebar : annoying dots appear around the nav buttons

Dont like the 2 black and grey crosses ( brighten the up a bit )

Use a bigger higher res. shot of the showroom

Its very small, only takes up about 1/3 of my 1280 x 1024 screen.

Viewed in FireFox.

Just my opinion ( constructive criticism ) . ;)

Good Luck.
On the font front the have been cut poorply from a letterhead, the compnay that designed the logo will not give out a digital version, nor will the say what the font is :(
busman said:
Whats wrong with using design view?
Using design view creates bloated and over complicated code, this can make pages a lot bigger than they need to be, bandwidth costs money. It also uses tables for layout, which is not what they are intended for. Tables should be used for tabular data not layout.

Along with that you have used images and JavaScript for navigation. There are two main drawbacks with this;

  • If images are disabled in a users browser there will be no navigation.
  • If JavaScript is disabled in a users browser then the navigation won't behave as intended.
The pages structure (HTML) and style (CSS) is also interleaved in one page. It is much better to seperate these two so that you have better control over the website.

You should also be aiming to have all of the pages of the website validate. If I validate your page there are a number of errors, mainly due to Dreamweaver. You'll make a much better website, and pick up new skills, if you stop using design view and learn to hand code yourself.
busman said:
+ what do you think of the overall design?
It's not bad, but it could be a lot better if you went back to basics and learnt to create well structured and presented websites.
busman said:
Now onto the second draft :o

I think this is an improvement on my 1st design, ive taken on the idvice about the buttons and so on.


Although for the life of me I cannot change the page title to MOTOPLUS?

Thanks in advance.
Dude that is much better, although the nav links don't work for me..

To change the page title, find the line "<title>Untitled Document</title>" near the top of your page and change to something like "<title>MOTOPLUS</title>" :)
Cheers M8

The links are not in yet as im awaiting approval to go ahead with filling the site content.

Just got the page title sorted :)
riddlermarc said:
Dude that is much better, although the nav links don't work for me..

Agree, so much better :)

I'm still not sure on the showroom pic.

Maybe centre it, and make it a bit larger ?
Last edited:
showroom pic was ripped of another site just to give the guys an idea of how it will look. If they OK the design then I will go to the shop with a digital camera and do it all right.

Thanks for the comments so far :)
Concorde Rules said:
What in gods name is wrong with frames?

Personally, if I wasn't using e107 I would use frames because then you don't have to load the nav again :confused:

You might want to learn a little about web development and design.

1) As above, unless you have a decent robots.txt file you'll end up with non-framed pages spidered in search engines.

2) It hard for people to bookmark targeted pages in frames

3) It won't work properly for screen readers (for blind people)

4) It makes it difficult to optimise your site for SEO

5) Frames are for n00bs who can't be bothered to learn how to use CSS or includes.
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