**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

As beta testers your all supposed to harp on to Blizzard about problems, thats the idea of getting stuff fixed, and blizz are good at fixing things, but not if they aint being informed by people who just play the beta and ramble on here about it. Everyone with problems or ideas should be forwarding the info to blizz. Don't sit back thinking "Oh someone else will be having the same issue/ideas they'll do it" If you aint informing blizz then pass your test key on to someone who will. this way we'll end up with a quicker release, and ultimately better game

thats all well and good in a perfect world but if you read the beta forums you will see the type of replies you get when reporting a bug/problem , you get told it's a beta get a life etc which does not help tbh .
hence i no longer post there , on the other hand blizz seem very slow to reply to things from what i have been reading and expect this game to be delayed till the end of the year tbh
thanks dad, I'm sure we'll all take things much more seriously from now on.

Going off your comment i'm probably old enough to be :rolleyes:

thats all well and good in a perfect world but if you read the beta forums you will see the type of replies you get when reporting a bug/problem , you get told it's a beta get a life etc which does not help tbh .
hence i no longer post there , on the other hand blizz seem very slow to reply to things from what i have been reading and expect this game to be delayed till the end of the year tbh

I don't believe blizzard says "its a beta get a life" and if its forum members saying this, then its probably best to be ignored. Blizzard will not be ignoring, they'll be going hammer and tong getting things fixed - They obviously can't reply to everyone. I still say post anyways, the more the merrier. Otherwise whats the point of a beta? If you don't want to post there anymore then your not really contributing, so maybe pass your key on to someone in here who wants to test it on their rig like i did?
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please don't turn this into a " i older than you " etc etc lol ;)

Certainly not.

If your done contributing to SC2 beta why not pass your key on to Madindehead a few posts up (post 1035). He/she seems interested to give it a try? :D
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As beta testers your all supposed to harp on to Blizzard about problems, thats the idea of getting stuff fixed, and blizz are good at fixing things, but not if they aint being informed by people who just play the beta and ramble on here about it. Everyone with problems or ideas should be forwarding the info to blizz. Don't sit back thinking "Oh someone else will be having the same issue/ideas they'll do it" If you aint informing blizz then pass your test key on to someone who will. this way we'll end up with a quicker release, and ultimately better game

Very good point here,

Unfortunatly.. or Fortunatly, i have not had many issues with the BETA at all, i've not seen any in-game bugs, and the only bnet bug i have come across are ones already spammed across the boards, so i just bump those.

There is a huge issue with profiles at the moment, and placement matches being replayed over and over. Think this will all be solved with the next patch though as it seems more bnet orientated.

the game itself is extreamly good and very close to being fully balanced imo.
what we need is a bug report page where you can just post a bug report (like they had for EVE-Online beta) with a playback reference for each match so they can see!
what we need is a bug report page where you can just post a bug report (like they had for EVE-Online beta) with a playback reference for each match so they can see!

I agree, this works best :) but thats just from our point of view, i can imagin it very difficult for them to sift through everybodys reports. but then again, if they want us to test it.... ^^
Going off your comment i'm probably old enough to be :rolleyes:

Considering this stats bug is server side there's nothing beta testers can do, no extra info about pc set up or what the player was doing at the time will help. To imagine Blizzard are not aware of this bug already is ridiculous. Therefore getting on your high horse and preaching about how to beta test is completely redundant.
Had a “Funny” game last night with Chaotic. (well I found it funny)

Map Desert Oasis
Zerg (me) vs Terran (Chaotic)

So I was in the South base and Chaotic was in the north base. I opened up with my usual opening and sent my overlord to scout out Chaotic’s base, just before it got there a wounded SCV scouted my base and attempted to harass my drones. I wasn’t sure how the SCV got wounded because I didn’t have any army units at this point, but I killed it with my drones none the less. My Overlord got to his base, and it was empty. Which caught me off guard. So I sent it to his natural, by this point I had started making zerglings so I started sending them out in pairs to all the expansions on the map. But Chaotic’s base wasn’t at any of them. At this point I suspected his base was on the top left Island, but didn’t want to float an Ovie over there because he would have turrets at the least and possibly Vikings and at this point I had no AA at all so I did not want to antagonise him I upgraded to lair and threw down a spire and expanded twice. I started building Mutas and Corruptors, just as my 6th Muta came out I saw a big red blob flying around the map. **** I thought This is the Air force coming in to get me. I selected all my Mutas and clicked on the mini-map where the red blob was, to see it was not an air force but a command centre moving towards the top left hand corner. I sent in the Mutas and checked the Mini-map again. I had visibility of all of the Mineral sites, except the top left Island and the bottom Right Island… My mutas killed off the CC just after it landed, and the lone SCV.

He was bottom Right. And as if to confirm my suspicion up pops a Red ring around the Island (those sensor towers are a blessing and a curse).

At this point I have thrown down another spire and upgraded to Hive. So I’m now upgrading for a Greater Spire. I have also clustered a bunch of corruptors above my Exop that happened to be a stones throw from his Island. He sent out an attack which was repelled by my corruptors before I could even click on the Mini-map to bring me to the fight. I then started morphing Broodlords and was ready for the attack all my mutas corruptors and BLs went in for the kill.

What did I see on the Island? Thors, Marines a few Vikings and a bunch of Turrets. I think I managed to take out 2-3 turrets before Chaotic threw in the towel.

I did chuckle when I saw that force.

Chaotic, what was your thought process when you decided to move you CC to almost the opposite end of the map, before building anything?

If your going to go for an insane build. There is no point doing it in half measures. I’m by no means an expert (heck I’m not even good) but if I was going to try an off the wall build I’m going all in.

I’d have picked up the CC and flown it top left. I’d have move the 2 remaining SCVs down to the oppositions base and used one to scout and the other to build a bunker and barracks proxy in the base. (just outside of the zerg view). I’d have then filled the bunker with marines and maybe build another barracks and start pumping them out just as a harassment. This would have forced the Zerg player to spend more time and money on ground troops, and possibly delayed them figuring out where I was on the map, as well as delaying any expansions… In fact if I had a bit of spare cash (unlikely tbh) I might have also built bunkers at a few of the local exposes just to delay expansion a little bit longer.

Once the barracks come under attack I’d lift them off and put them down at the high yield minerals to deny them for a little time.

I’d have then built; engineering, factory, armoury, starport and build Vikings whilst building 2 more starports with techlabs (I’d have build one of the tech labs on the factory and lifted off) and then built the building that allows for the Battle curiser to be built. Whilst waiting on the battlecruiser building I’d have build a few banshees for harassment and flown the banshees and Vikings around the map, sniping overlords and harassing expansions. (at some point I would also build a second CC and try to expand somewhere either bottom right or, well anywhere on the map.) and I’d continue to make as many battle cruisers as I could. Once I had 10 or so I’d fly out and start my war, hoping to be able to take back a bit of map control and expand from north to south across the map.
I’d also ensure my Tomato gun was researched and banshee cloak was researched as the banshee harass will be used to attack the enemy base whilst I am attacking the troops with the Vikings and the Battle cruisers.

I’m not saying it would work, but I sure as hell would not have wasted any money on anything that did not either buy me time, or opportunity to attack/harass the enemy. (turrets marines on my islands or Thors) ;)

Also in honesty this tactic probably would never work on Desert Oasis, as a lot of people rush to air on that map anyway (due to the fact the bases are relatively close together but the paths to the bases is very long). It may work a bit better on Lost Temple though.
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nice essay ^^ hehe

good read, and rather funny :)

should be on tonight if anybody fancies a game? only managed to play a few games with scotty so far!
Considering this stats bug is server side there's nothing beta testers can do, no extra info about pc set up or what the player was doing at the time will help. To imagine Blizzard are not aware of this bug already is ridiculous. Therefore getting on your high horse and preaching about how to beta test is completely redundant.

I've never said anything about server side problems? I've never said anything about Blizz not knowing - what are are you rambling on about?

Theres nothing beta testers can do? Erm, there is, continue to test (not just play) to unearth other problems maybe?!? If you think theres nothing else beta testers can do, then you clearly need to look into what a beta test involves. I'm not on any high horse and i'm not 'preaching' either, and no, my point is not redundant at all. Its simple, continue to test, if you don't want to contribute - If you feel you can do no more, why not do like i did and pass your beta key on to someone in this thread who is willing to properly test it? Instead of blurting out mindless, mewling comments like "There is nothing more beta testers can do" :rolleyes:
nice essay ^^ hehe

good read, and rather funny :)

should be on tonight if anybody fancies a game? only managed to play a few games with scotty so far!

2v2s again later?

I have to do coursework, but I'll try and finish it by tonight. Gotta design a network for a company, not really sure how I'm going to do it. Might make a thread in the networking section here to ask for some help.
Beta will be continuing for a while methinks :), they still need to do a full reset and update and the beta will probably continue up until release.

If they cancelled it before then, all the pro-gamers would kick up the greatest fuss since SecuRom :p

Good luck getting back :(

I'll definitely be on tonight, have to start adding names from the thread :o

EDIT: Actually yea, last night tonight..get the games in while you can :p
Had a “Funny” game last night with Chaotic. (well I found it funny)

Map Desert Oasis
Zerg (me) vs Terran (Chaotic)

So I was in the South base and Chaotic was in the north base. I opened up with my usual opening and sent my overlord to scout out Chaotic’s base, just before it got there a wounded SCV scouted my base and attempted to harass my drones. I wasn’t sure how the SCV got wounded because I didn’t have any army units at this point, but I killed it with my drones none the less. My Overlord got to his base, and it was empty. Which caught me off guard. So I sent it to his natural, by this point I had started making zerglings so I started sending them out in pairs to all the expansions on the map. But Chaotic’s base wasn’t at any of them. At this point I suspected his base was on the top left Island, but didn’t want to float an Ovie over there because he would have turrets at the least and possibly Vikings and at this point I had no AA at all so I did not want to antagonise him I upgraded to lair and threw down a spire and expanded twice. I started building Mutas and Corruptors, just as my 6th Muta came out I saw a big red blob flying around the map. **** I thought This is the Air force coming in to get me. I selected all my Mutas and clicked on the mini-map where the red blob was, to see it was not an air force but a command centre moving towards the top left hand corner. I sent in the Mutas and checked the Mini-map again. I had visibility of all of the Mineral sites, except the top left Island and the bottom Right Island… My mutas killed off the CC just after it landed, and the lone SCV.

He was bottom Right. And as if to confirm my suspicion up pops a Red ring around the Island (those sensor towers are a blessing and a curse).

At this point I have thrown down another spire and upgraded to Hive. So I’m now upgrading for a Greater Spire. I have also clustered a bunch of corruptors above my Exop that happened to be a stones throw from his Island. He sent out an attack which was repelled by my corruptors before I could even click on the Mini-map to bring me to the fight. I then started morphing Broodlords and was ready for the attack all my mutas corruptors and BLs went in for the kill.

What did I see on the Island? Thors, Marines a few Vikings and a bunch of Turrets. I think I managed to take out 2-3 turrets before Chaotic threw in the towel.

I did chuckle when I saw that force.

Chaotic, what was your thought process when you decided to move you CC to almost the opposite end of the map, before building anything?

If your going to go for an insane build. There is no point doing it in half measures. I’m by no means an expert (heck I’m not even good) but if I was going to try an off the wall build I’m going all in.

I’d have picked up the CC and flown it top left. I’d have move the 2 remaining SCVs down to the oppositions base and used one to scout and the other to build a bunker and barracks proxy in the base. (just outside of the zerg view). I’d have then filled the bunker with marines and maybe build another barracks and start pumping them out just as a harassment. This would have forced the Zerg player to spend more time and money on ground troops, and possibly delayed them figuring out where I was on the map, as well as delaying any expansions… In fact if I had a bit of spare cash (unlikely tbh) I might have also built bunkers at a few of the local exposes just to delay expansion a little bit longer.

Once the barracks come under attack I’d lift them off and put them down at the high yield minerals to deny them for a little time.

I’d have then built; engineering, factory, armoury, starport and build Vikings whilst building 2 more starports with techlabs (I’d have build one of the tech labs on the factory and lifted off) and then built the building that allows for the Battle curiser to be built. Whilst waiting on the battlecruiser building I’d have build a few banshees for harassment and flown the banshees and Vikings around the map, sniping overlords and harassing expansions. (at some point I would also build a second CC and try to expand somewhere either bottom right or, well anywhere on the map.) and I’d continue to make as many battle cruisers as I could. Once I had 10 or so I’d fly out and start my war, hoping to be able to take back a bit of map control and expand from north to south across the map.
I’d also ensure my Tomato gun was researched and banshee cloak was researched as the banshee harass will be used to attack the enemy base whilst I am attacking the troops with the Vikings and the Battle cruisers.

I’m not saying it would work, but I sure as hell would not have wasted any money on anything that did not either buy me time, or opportunity to attack/harass the enemy. (turrets marines on my islands or Thors) ;)

Also in honesty this tactic probably would never work on Desert Oasis, as a lot of people rush to air on that map anyway (due to the fact the bases are relatively close together but the paths to the bases is very long). It may work a bit better on Lost Temple though.

i was bored lol

EDIT: Actually yea, last night tonight..get the games in while you can :p

what do you mean ? , what have i missed ?
Any keys going under any reasonable circumstances?

Been playing through sc1 and broodwar and as fun as it still is would love to get stuck into the beta and enjoy the updated loveliness!
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