Also, I'm wondering how many people on here use the grid hotkey layout? I do, and I find it quite a bit easier than standard, but there have been a few niggles. I decided yesterday to sit down and try and figure out a way of optimising it, so here is what I came up with:
Q-T, A-G and Z-B as the main grid
spacebar = base camera (same as backspace, for injects)
` = idle worker (instead of F1)
F1 -> F8 stored camera locations. Easier than the default setup of using shift for some of them
TAB = jump to last event (what space bar used to be)
CAPS = cycle through selection (what TAB used to be)
NUMPAD 0 = w
My control groups are:
1 = builder SCV/s
2 = barracks, factories and starports
3 = CCs, OCs, PFs, engineering bays and armouries. Once I have ~65 SCVs I remove PFs from this, so I don't have to tab past them to get my upgrades
4 = initial scouting SCV, then later main army (anything stimmable, plus thors)
5 = casters (or siege tanks if i'm going marine tank)
6->0 extra army slots, drops etc etc.
Basically, my hand switches between 3 positions depending on what I'm doing. For macroing, I have my pinky resting on Left Shift, my thumb on spacebar and my 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers resting on Q, W and E. The numbers 2 and 3 are easily reachable to check production, and to tab through I just move my pinky up one key to CAPS. For controlling my army, I move my pinky to Z, my middle finger to 4 and my 1st finger to T. This lets me stim and attack move easily, as well as select my casters on 5 with my middle finger too. If I need to press X (for EMP for example) my pinky does that. The 3rd had position is pretty rarely used and completely optional, but it involves the arrow keys for when I'm microing hard (marine splitting or banshee micro). This is why NUMPAD 0 is mapped to W, so that I can right click to move the banshee and press NUMPAD 0 to stop, so it'll turn round and shoot whatever I'm kiting.
Just thought I'd share my layout because I put quite a lot of thought into it and it seems to be the best possible layout, with very minimal hand movement and everything within easy reach in each of the 3 positions. It also translates between races very well. My control groups for zerg are:
1 = scout broverlord, later on reassign to creeping queen
2 = all hatchs
3 = all queens which are on inject duties
4->0 army
To inject I just press 3 with my middle finger, then space, x, click, space, x, click etc, then w in case a queen died and another has started moving to a distant hatchery. For protoss;
1 = scouting observers/spare/unused slot.
2 = warp gates, robos and stargates
3 = nexuses
4->0 army
The F1 - F8 stored camera locations are ridiculously useful and underused. They let you cycle through all your bases very rapidly, so you can quickly check your saturation. Also, to maynard SCVs from my main to my natural I just have to press F1, box a few, F2, right click mineral line. They also come in handy for responding to drops, as well as returning your camera to your main to quickly throw down some more production facilities.