**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Hi guise

Got a beta key last week and I love playing as protoss. Not winning as many as I lose, but I'm sure I'll learn. Anyhoo, as Protoss, I always have major trouble being rushed at the start. Any tips? :D
Had a good game against manlove last night. Zerg vs Zerg. The 3 miners per gas/mineral thing does work (and paid off) Not sure why manlove sent an overlord to each mineral field but didnt send anything there to expand. Bet you didnt know I used a changling to keep an eye on what you were doing :)

sending an overlord to each mineral patch means that it stops you from blind expanding, he can see where your army is moving etc... Vision in this game is everything.. the more control you have over the map, the more chance you can win.

Hi guise

Got a beta key last week and I love playing as protoss. Not winning as many as I lose, but I'm sure I'll learn. Anyhoo, as Protoss, I always have major trouble being rushed at the start. Any tips? :D

try researching some build orders.
If your generally getting rushed then it may be a good idea to scout abit earlier to spot the rush, be it early gateways, early barracks or fast pool. then adjust your build to suit the rush. if theres nto a rush, then spend more on economy or tech.
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Hi guise

Got a beta key last week and I love playing as protoss. Not winning as many as I lose, but I'm sure I'll learn. Anyhoo, as Protoss, I always have major trouble being rushed at the start. Any tips? :D

Cannons for the zerglings, 3 or 4 zealots and some stalkers eventually
sending an overlord to each mineral patch means that it stops you from blind expanding, he can see where your army is moving etc... Vision in this game is everything.. the more control you have over the map, the more chance you can win.

I understand that, but he saw me expanding and I was obviously starting to rake in resources so I could pump out units to defend. Anyway, it was pretty close, he wiped out my army a couple of times. Damned bandlings
I understand that, but he saw me expanding and I was obviously starting to rake in resources so I could pump out units to defend. Anyway, it was pretty close, he wiped out my army a couple of times. Damned bandlings

The only expo I didn't scout was your natural :o, but i expected you to expand there anyway.

I noticed the changeling when I watched the replay to review my build.

I made a few blunders. Most notably I threw down a second Roach warren when I meant to put down a hydras den.
I forgot about the tunneling function of the roaches until towards the end of the game, I had 2 roaches under your massive army when it was spawning.
I forgot to tech to Hive, which delayed by Ultras, I should have researched ventral sacs earlier when I was struggling to get my 3rd exp.
I should have put spore crawlers down on my island expos because I knew you had to fly to my base to get me, and I knew you didn't have may muta left.
I should have attacked your main rather than your expos.
I should have used burrow a few times when my roaches were under pressure.

I should have put my first 3 overlords around your base and at your expo and then fanned out to other expos after that.

I think the upgrading to hive was the most damaging in the end, as if I had got my 4 Ultras out at once I would have creamed your army. I also had to throw every unit I had at your advancing force to slow it down as much as I could to get the first utlra out in time and I didn't have time to get the next 3 out.

But the one ultra smashed your lings so hard when it did come out :D

Oh and finally I need to identify a time to build my first expo as it was too late against you and too late against Scott. Against you it was not so bad because my initial army hard countered yours, But my build order for Scott was slightly more expensive in the midgame and didn't have the resources to support it.

Other mistakes I made against Scott.
I didn't build an early Overseer, (knowing observers and DTs could potentially be running around).
I didn't move my spine crawlers up to my choke / I didn't run my units back to my spine crawlers.
I didn't scout out his main, and I left an overlord in an exposed position
I built 2 evolution chambers but forgot to tech off the second one.

Overall even though I am losing, I am reasonably happy with the new BO I'm trying. I just need to refine it a bit to become more fluid (I don't know it off by heart yet and I have not memorised the hotkeys for the buildings/tech/units) and I need to work out the best time for expanding against each race.

Once I have all of that I need to work out timing attacks, oh and improve my scouting of course..
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It does seem that scouting is a must. I never used to but now I see why its so important. I usually just used a couple of zerglings as they are cheap. Last night when I played manlove (lol!) I remembered to increase supply as i was pumping out units, usually i forget so end up getting stuck

edit - how do you attack burrowed roaches? Can burrowed roaches attack burrowed roaches?

How to terran and protoss attack them?
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Another question then, can overlords detect them? How do you do the scan thing (where a blue liney circle thing goes over your base) is this used by protoss or terran. I thought it was protoss but im sure I played 2 terran and they used it
Another question then, can overlords detect them? How do you do the scan thing (where a blue liney circle thing goes over your base) is this used by protoss or terran. I thought it was protoss but im sure I played 2 terran and they used it

No, overlords can detect in SC:BW but only Overseers can detect for Zerg in SC2. Scan is used by Terran, when they upgrade their command center to an orbital command. Terran also have Ravens which are detectors too, and missile turrets of course. Protoss only has Observers and photon cannons for detection.
Another question then, can overlords detect them? How do you do the scan thing (where a blue liney circle thing goes over your base) is this used by protoss or terran. I thought it was protoss but im sure I played 2 terran and they used it


Zerg : Overseer, spore crawler
Protoss : Observer, Cannon
Terran : Turret, Scan, Raven

Terran also have the sensor tower which shows when non-cloaked enemy units come within range (but only shows them as a red dot when in the fog or war.)
some games tonight guys? we should try and get an ocuk 2v2 going :)

should be around at like 8pm.

I keep getting d/c from Battle.net, or I'd be down for a game.

Has anyone got any tips vs Zerg as Protoss? Every single time I just get zergling rushed, they take out my drones while my Zealots try chase them about, and I'm done for. Was just about to try going quickly for Stalkers in a game I was just in, but battle.net chucked me off for some reason as I put my Gate up.. But I can't imagine it working, the Zerglings will just group on and destroy the stalkers I imagine.
I keep getting d/c from Battle.net, or I'd be down for a game.

Has anyone got any tips vs Zerg as Protoss? Every single time I just get zergling rushed, they take out my drones while my Zealots try chase them about, and I'm done for. Was just about to try going quickly for Stalkers in a game I was just in, but battle.net chucked me off for some reason as I put my Gate up.. But I can't imagine it working, the Zerglings will just group on and destroy the stalkers I imagine.

to stop zerglings you need to just block off your ramp with a few zealots. that way they cant get passed you to attack your probes, and while their trying to get in, just build up your forces and your tech.

If for whatever reason they do get into your base, then try and defend your gates, stick an extra pylon down as thats what the lings will go for.
if they go to your probes, then jsut stick your zealots in your economy line, damage done to you will be minimal.
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Generally by the time they rush I only have 2 Zealots, which isn't enough to block off the ramp. Afaik my build order is correct -

9 pylon
12 gate

Then I start putting out the Zealots, generally need another pylon by then because I've built additional drones in the time it takes the Gate to go up.
Generally by the time they rush I only have 2 Zealots, which isn't enough to block off the ramp. Afaik my build order is correct -

9 pylon
12 gate

Then I start putting out the Zealots, generally need another pylon by then because I've built additional drones in the time it takes the Gate to go up.

Crono-boost your first 2 zealots

You can also place your buildings in such a way that they provide additional choke

|=natural boundary

|/\ x /\|
|\/ x \/|

Pylons are probably not the best building but they were easy to show in text form. Use a gateway, forge or core

The above diagram shows that you can now use 1 unit to completely block off a choke point, and you can place units behind that unit to provide re-enforcements. This also prevents the zerglings from getting a surround.
You can then place stalkers sentries and cannons behind your buildings to provide additional fire power.
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Edit: Yeah, had a look about and it indeed seems keys aren't nearly as scarce as they once were. I'll just give this one away then. :)
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