I have noticed a lot more MutaLingBling players since the patch. I still see a few Ling/Infestor players that seriously think I'm not going to walk across the map with my mech army and stomp them.
I find making 2 Ravens after your first 1/2 banshees instead of cloak works very well. Having 2/3 seeker missiles works wonders, I've had some rage inducing moments with them, I hit this guys BLs morphing all on one spot and I've stopped a maxed Roach drop in my main with seeker missiles XD
Had a great game trolling this Zerg yesterday on daybreak, he was maxing on UltraLingBling and I was dropping mules all around his idling army making him waste Banelings XD
Nice trick well at least zerg is being a bit more interesting again